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Univariate analysis: Analysis of a the properties of a X and Y Bivariate analysis: Analysis of the relationship between X and Y. Definition of time series: a series of succesive observation over time; e.g. daily, monthly, yearly Output series: Y t Input series: X t
Univariate analysis: Analysis of a the properties of a X and Y Bivariate analysis: Analysis of the relationship between X and Y
Definition of time series: a series of succesive observation over time; e.g. daily, monthly, yearly Output series: Yt Input series: Xt One of several methods for analysing time series data: ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) Box GEP & Jenkins GM. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. London: Holden-Day, 1976.
Stationarity Trends may cause spurious relationships: Is the series stationary, that is, trend-free? Linear trends can be removed through differencing: Yt= Yt - Yt-1 In the case of non-linear trends, logging Y first may help
Plot the series:- to assess stationarity- to detect extreme values Plot in Stata: • PLOT V1IND, V2IND, V3IND, YEAR>1958 twoway (line v1ind v2ind v3ind year) if year>1958 What is V1-V3; do they seem to be correlated?
Non-linear trend PLOT AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF DEFLATOR twoway (line deflator year) gen deflatordif= d.deflator twoway (line deflatordif year) gen deflatorln= ln(deflator) regress deflatorln year twoway (line deflatorln year) gen deflatorlndif=d.deflatorln twoway (line deflatorlndif year)
Basic time series models in ARIMA • White noise: a series of random shocks; et • Random walk (RW): cumulative sum of random shocks: Yt=Yt-1+et • Autoregressive process (AR): weighted sum of random shocks: Yt=Yt-1+et ; <1 • Moving Average process (MA): Yt=et+et-1 ; <1
White noise: a series of random shocks where the succesive observations are uncorrelated with each other. Typical feature: the series jumps up and down in an unsystematic way. The value of et cannot be predicted from et-1
White noise=building block Other series can be described as functions of white noise The residuals from a time series regression should be white noise
Random walk (RW): cumulative sum of random shocks: Yt = et +et-1 +et-2 +et-3 +…et-n ;Yt=Yt-1+et.Typical feature: long-term trends, strong inertia. Best prediction of Yt is Yt-1 .
Autoregressive process AR(1): weighted sum of random shocks: Yt = et +et-1 +2et-2 +3et-3 +…net-n;Yt=Yt-1+et ; <1. The higher the , the stronger the trends. Below: =0.9
Moving Average process MA(1): Yt=et+et-1 ; <1 Most real series can be modelled as RW, AR or MA. The residuals from a ARIMA regression of Y on X should be white noise. Exampes of RW: stock market indices, alcohol sales. Implication for prediction that Yt=Yt-1+et and thus that Yt=et
Generate white noise in Stata: gen e1=uniform() Generate a random walk in Stata: gen rw = sum(e1)
What model fits the series? Device: Autocorrelation function (ACF) The ACF for Xt is the correlation between Xt and lagged versions of Xt AC(1)=corr between Xt and Xt-1 AC(2)=corr between Xt and Xt-2 AC(3)=corr between Xt and Xt-3 … AC(n)=corr between Xt and Xt-n
Definition of partial autocorrelation (PAC) for AR(1) Expected AC(2)=AC(1)* AC(1)
Univariate model estimation Model notation: (p,d,q); p=order of autoregressive parameters, d=order of differencing, q=order of moving average parameters. ACF and PACF suggest an AR(1). Estimate the model (1,0,0), that is estimate in: Yt=Yt-1+et Diagnostic test: Check ACF of the residuals (et). Are they white noise? If not, modify the model.