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. . . . . . . . . . . Ecliptic . . . . . Celestial Equator. Orion. . . . - brightest of all the constellations. . . . M42. . . . . The Heavens are Telling. 6. THE ORION NEBULA. ARRAT 16. MESSIER 42, (M42) containing “THE TRAPEZIUM CLUSTER”.
. . . . . . . . . . . Ecliptic . . . Celestial Equator Orion . . . - brightest of all the constellations . . . M42 . . . . The Heavens are Telling 6
THE ORION NEBULA ARRAT 16 MESSIER 42, (M42) containing “THE TRAPEZIUM CLUSTER” The Heavens are Telling 7
THE ORION NEBULA M42 ARRAT 16 1500 light years away in the “sword” below ORION’s BELT. The Heavens are Telling 8
. . . Pleiades . . . . . . . Aldebaron . Ecliptic in Taurus . . . Orion . . . . . . M42 . . The Heavens are Telling . 9
The PLEIADES Cluster There are nearer 1000 stars in the Cluster - so far ! Also called the “SEVEN SISTERS” The Heavens are Telling 10
The Heavens are Telling - in Taurus Pleiades Cluster There are nearer 1000 stars in the Cluster - so far ! 11
The Heavens are Telling Taygeta Pleiades Cluster Maia The “Seven Stars” or “Seven Sisters” Pleioni Alcyone Electra Atlas Merope 12
The Heavens are Telling - in Taurus PleiadesCluster From Hebrew meaning “Congregation of the Judge” Around 360 l.y. away Three light years across 13
The Heavens are Telling Pleiades Cluster Around 360 l.y. away 14
31: Canst thou bind the sweet ....influences of Pleiades, or loose …...............the bands of Orion? 32: Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth ….in his season? or canst thou guide ……….Arcturus with his sons? . 33: Knowest thou the ordinancesof…..heaven? Canst thou set the …….dominionthereof in the earth? 33: Knowest thou the ordinances of …..heaven? Canst thou set the …….dominion thereof in the earth? . God answered Job:- . . . . . . . . . ‘ordinances’ =“Events fixed, timed or appointed by order ordecree.” . . . . ‘dominion’ =“Rulership, control, jurisdiction.” . . . . . The Heaven are Telling . . Job 38 . 15
. . Aries . Pleiades . . . . . . . . Taurus . . . Orion . . . . . . . . The Heavens are Telling . 16
. Ecliptic . . Aries
The ANDROMEDA GALAXY THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY It took Hubble 20 hours to obtain this high definition image in ultra violet light ANDROMEDA NEBULA 19
The ANDROMEDA GALAXY One of only 10 galaxies visible to the naked eye And the nearest Galaxy to The Milky Way ANDROMEDA NEBULA 20
The ANDROMEDA GALAXY THE ANDROMEDA GALAXY 260 000 l.y. diameter 2.6 times larger than the Milky Way 2.5 m.l.y. distant ANDROMEDA NEBULA 21
. . O LORD our Lord, how excellent is THY NAME in all the earth ! . . . . . . . . . . . . Psalm 8:1 . . . . . . . . The Heavens are Telling 22
Who hast set THY GLORY above the Heavens. Psalm 8:1 The Heavens are Telling 23
When I consider Thy heavens, thework of Thy fingers, themoon and the stars, whichThou Hast Ordained: ‘ORDAINED’ = “an Event fixed, timed or appointed by order or by decree.” Psalm 8:3 24
Or the Son of man . What is man . Psalm 8:4 That Thou visitest Him ? That Thou art mindful of him 25
- Or the Son of man . - “For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” Psalm 8:4 Psalm 8:4-5 26
.The Son of man. Psalm 8:4-5 27
. Ecliptic . . Aries
. . Aries . Pleiades . . . . . . . . Taurus . . . Orion . . . . . . . . 29
. . . . . . . . . . “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, . . ” . . that stretchethoutthe heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth themoutas a tent to dwell in.” that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.” . . . . . . . . Isaiah 40:26 . 30
. . . . . . . . . . . “It is He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, . . ” . . that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.” That’s around 700 B.C. ! . . 350 years before ancient Greece gave us a flat earth supported by . . . . . . Atlas , standing on a turtle . . . . . Isaiah 40:26 . 31
ISAIAH 44:24-25 24 Thus saithThe LORD, thy Redeemer . . I am The LORD that makethall things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by Myself; :25 That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their knowledge foolish. Today Astronomers are not all agreed that the universe is EXPANDING. They do seem to agree that The universe had a BEGINNING. 32
ARE TELLING The Heavens are Telling THE HEAVENS “In a Beginning God created The Heaven and the Earth” The Bible has always said so: Genesis1:1 Creation: SUMMARY 1 33
. “ In a Beginning God created The Heaven and the Earth” “The Spirit of God had hovered Over the waters . . . “ . . . . . . BEFORE Genesis 1:1 DAY ONE . . . .
’ D A Y O N E Genesis 1:2 . . ON DAY ONE . .
’ AND GOD SAID L I G H T “LET THERE BE” Genesis 1:2 . . ON DAY ONE . .
The Heavens are Telling LET THERE BE L I G H T Hebrew “owr” =light, enlightenment, to illuminate, toshine, understanding Genesis 1:2 DAY ONE
The Heavens are Telling LET THERE BE L I G H T Hebrew “owr” =light, enlightenment, to illuminate, toshine, understanding Genesis 1:2 - DAY ONE
The Heavens are Telling LET THERE BE ENLIGHTENMENT Hebrew “owr” =light, enlightenment, to illuminate, to shine, understanding Genesis 1:2 - DAY ONE 39
The Heavens are Telling Hebrew “owr” =light, enlightenment, to illuminate, to shine, understanding Similarly in N.T.- Greek “phos” =light, burning enlightenment, to shine, understanding Genesis 1:2 - DAY ONE 40
’ . D A Y F O UR Genesis 1:14 . . ON DAY FOUR . .
The Heavens are Telling lightsin the heaven . . . “And God said, Let there be Hebrew(owr) Genesis 1:14 DAY FOUR
The Heavens are Telling “And God said, Let there be “And God said, Let there be ENLIGHTENMENTSin the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SEASONS, SIGNSand for ndfor DAYSandYEARS.” SIGNS, and for and for DAYS, YEARS. for Genesis 1:14 . DAY FOUR
The Heavens are Telling “Ordained by God” - New Moon & SIGNS ZODIAC ZODIAC “appointed times” - Spring Summer Autumn WinterPs.104:10FOUR SEASONS DAYS Rotations of Earth YEARS Orbits round Sun Genesis 1:14 DAY FOUR
The Heavens are Telling “ And let them be FORLIGHTSin the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. Hebrew “owr” = light, enlightenment, understanding. Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR
The Heavens are Telling The Heavens are Telling “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. Hebrew “owr” = light, enlightenment, understanding. Genesis 1:16 Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 46
The Heavens are Telling The Heavens are Telling “HE MADEthe STARS ALSO” And adding to the light and to “owr”enlightenment “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. Genesis 1:16 Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 47
The Heavens are Telling The Heavens are Telling “HE MADEthe STARS ALSO” “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. ? Was that an ‘After-thought’ Genesis 1:15 Genesis 1:16 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 48
“HE MADE The STARS also” The Heavens are Telling ‘By His spirit He hath garnished the heavens’. “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. (‘garnished’ = adorned, or decorated) JOB 26:13 Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 49
So, “HE MADE The STARS also” The Heavens are Telling seems intendedto sound like a “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. ‘throw-away statement’ because because the most important principle in God’s purpose is to instruct man in His Ways. Hence the foremost principle is stated at a beginning:- Genesis 1:2 Genesis 1:15 Genesis 1:16 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 50 50 . .
‘Let there be light/enlightenment’. The Heavens are Telling The Creator then uses the rest of “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. ScripturetoenlightenusinHis Ways and sobriefly describes His incredible works of Creation (such as the stars). The Stars are secondary to His Purpose in the REDEEMER. Genesis 1:15 Genesis 1:16 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 51
The Heavens are Telling He set the ‘lights’ in the heaven Scripture tells us all we need And ordained them to be However . . . “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. to know about His Purpose. ‘for signsandseasonsand signs seasons for daysandyears.’ years days To enlightenman in God’s ways- Genesis 1:16 CREATION: CONCLUSION Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR DAY FOUR 52
Sun, moon & stars demonstrate The Heavens are Telling The Creator’s power and wisdom, If the heavens are an ‘after-thought’, but they are finite: an after-thought “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. when compared to God’s Infinite Love and Everlasting Mercy. How Great is His Love and Mercy ! CREATION: CONCLUSION Genesis 1:15 DAY FOUR 53
But Sun, moon & stars do ‘Tell’! The Heavens are Telling “The Heavens are Telling “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. The GLORY of GOD, and The Wonder of His Works “There’s more going on than meets the eye’! Declares the Firmament” in Genesis 1:15 Psalm 19:1, R.V. DAY FOUR 54
The Heavens are Telling “The Heavens are Telling “ And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven TO GIVE LIGHT upon the earth”. The GLORY of GOD, and The Wonder of His Works “There’s more going on than meets the eye’! Declaresthe Firmament” Genesis 1:15 Psalm 19:1, R.V. DAY FOUR 55