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Aesop SPREADSHEET LOADING via STATE SOFTWARE. AESOP and USPS Working Together To Save Data Entry T ime. Tired of working your fingers to the bone?? . AESOP Extract two CSV spreadsheets that are pre-formatted to import directly into USPS via USPIMPORT
AESOP and USPS Working Together To Save Data Entry Time. Tired of working your fingers to the bone?? • AESOP Extract two CSV spreadsheets that are pre-formatted to import directly into USPS via USPIMPORT • You also can create your own customized spreadsheet in Aesop. • Ability to post Employee pay automatically into UPDCAL_FUT • Export Absence and/or Attendance Transactions from AESOP and Import into the ATDSCN. • Pay subs easily through spreadsheet load • Easily post subs and employee attendance • Multiple spreadsheets can be loaded • If multiple employees are loading you can use the SUB Cat field in ATDSCN to identify the employee loading. Unique codes from the district will need to be created.
Spreadsheet LayoutColumns A through G Building IRN Optional Required Must be formatted in TEXT to keep leading zero's Date of Absence or Attendance Required Must be in YYYYMMDD format Transaction Type Required AT for Attendance AB for Absence Transaction Category Required AT or SB for Attendance SI,VA,PL,PR, etc. for Absence Required Must be AA Job Number Required IMPORTANT NOTE: The spreadsheet design is column formatted. The spreadsheet MUST be in the exact format containing ALL the columns even if no data required. Do not delete any columns. It will ignore headers and load via columns.
Spreadsheet LayoutColumns H through N Unit Type Required H - Hourly D - Daily Unit Amount Optional Enter is rate is different from JOBSCN Appointment Type Optional 1 – certified 2 - classified Employee ID for absent employee Optional May be used to charge absent employee’s pay account through USPIMPORT option Sub Category Optional 2-digit User Defined Field Account Code Optional Use if charging to different account from PAYSCN. Can use XREF code. Enter entire account code with no spaces. Work Length Required
Spreadsheet LayoutColumns O through U Optional Must enter is using MIS pay type Optional Used for check stub description. Enter if you want something other than standard check description. Must be in a TEXT format. Optional Y or N Do you want to post information from columns F, G and H to ATDSCN or JUST post to UPDCAL_FUT or _CUR? Blank = Y Optional Enter if pay type other than REG is used Optional Y= post N= do not post To UPDCAL_FUT or UPDCAL_CUR Blank = Y Optional Enter if different from JOBSCN Retire Hours or Hours per Day
Spreadsheet LayoutNew Optional Fields Optional The Board Distribution and Leave Projection columns may be used. Is this account to be used for board distributions or leave (Y,N)? Answer will override PAYSCN value. Optional Effective Date – UPDCAL_FUT has an effective date field if you want to post a future transaction/payroll. This is in CCYYMMDD format. Please note: effective date must be within the range of payroll period begin and end dates in which the payment needs to be made.
Transfer FileReflection Select File then Transfer OR Flying Paper icon above Select location of file below. Then select the csv file to transfer above. Select Transfer Type of ASCII and Click on Right Transfer Button.
Transfer FileFTP Client Locate file on left side Select Tools, then Transfer Method, then ASCII OR click on ASCII icon (ABC) Drag csv file from left side and drop on right side to transfer.
What is “Comma Delimited” Comma Delimited - is when your spreadsheet is separated by comma’s for each column on your spreadsheet. Below is an example of how your .csv should look (inside Reflections) AFTER you transfer the spreadsheet/csvfile into your system. You may view the ‘VIEW’ option to verify prior to using USPIMPORT.
IMPORT to USPSUSPIMPORT Program Recommend you load to UPDCAL_FUT
IMPORT to USPSUSPIMPORT Program Name of file transferred Default error report name Option to use Building IRN to determine job number to post
IMPORT to USPSUSPIMPORT Program Option to post AT transactions to UPDCAL Option to combine AT transactions in UPDCAL with the same pay type and account code. Do you want to allow AB entries to go negative? D = Pay account from PAYSCN will be used A = Use ‘Sub for SSN” pay account If Pay account to charge is ‘A’, enter object code to use, must be 1xx
Watch Screen Import Totals You can instantly see your loading results
ATTERR.TXT(ALWAYS review your error report) NOTE: You will always have this error. It is your header Your warnings and fatal messages that need reviewing Shows your total imports and rejected records
USPIMPORT ResultsATDSCN (NOTE: Columns A – I on the spreadsheet post to the ATDSCN)
USPIMPORT ResultsUPDCAL_FUT (NOTE: Columns J-X on the spreadsheet post to UPDCAL_FUT)
What Do I Do Next? What if…. • You have employees who did not load and are listed on the ATTERR report.IMPORTANT: DO NOT load the spreadsheet twice. IF you do those employees that loaded without error will duplicate. Then you have to manual clean-up your files. • You have the option toeither manually add the employees in UPDCAL_FUTand/or ATDSCN if they created a fatal and did not load via USPIMPORT. • Or you can edit/remove employees on the spreadsheet that loaded error free from your original load in UPDCAL_FUT. Then do a final load for only those employees that did not originally load into UPDCAL_FUT.
*BALANCING* What reports are available to verify the loaded data?? • FUTPAY - This report will list all the employees with future pay amounts. Keep in mind to select the pay group on screen 2 along with date ranges…this will help in balancing. • ABSRPT – The ABS101 and ABS103 are two of the most common reports to verify the attendance uploads. Again you can select the date range and pay groups to assist in balancing.
FUTPAY Report Generate the future pay report to assist in balancing
Loading Completed…now what? • INICAL can be generated to start your payroll. • CALCPAY can also be generated to verify data at this point. If you find you have missed a pay group for loading…just load into UPDCAL_FUT and rerun INICAL to include the missed pay group. • ???QUESTIONS??? • OR…tips from others • currently loading!!