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Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures. Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures. Cadet Orientation Flight Program. References: CAPP 52-7, Aerospace Dimensions
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Cadet Orientation Flight Program. • References: CAPP 52-7, Aerospace Dimensions • Consist of 5 front seat flights in which the cadet gets hands on flight experience. There are an unlimited number of rear seat rides possible in the program. • Cadets must be under 18 years of age • Cadet requirements for flights: Approved uniform, current CAP ID card, powered flight syllabus (CAPP 52-7), powered flight sign-off sheet (attachment 2 CAPP 52-7) and permission of unit commander.
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Summary of Powered Flight Syllabus: (CAPP-52-7) flt time • Syllabus #6 Preflight, takeoff and landing 0.7 hrs • Syllabus #7 Normal flight maneuvers 0.7 hrs • Syllabus #8 Advanced flight maneuvers 1.0 hrs • Syllabus #9 Use of flight instruments 0.7 hrs • Syllabus #10 Effects of weather on flight 0.7 hrs
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Flights are normally scheduled upon Request and Flown on Saturdays: • BCSS supports: • Kelly • Lackland • Randolph • Alamo
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Cadet and Parents: • Cadets will meet at the Stinson Tower Lobby for a preflight briefing. • Parents or unit coordinator will attend briefing and will be briefed on return times for pick up. This will depend on number of cadets flying that day. • Flights will normally return within 30 minutes of the return times that were briefed during preflight. • Flights are for orientation purposes and not flight instruction.
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Cadet Squadrons will schedule and confirm flights with an Orientation Pilot before the scheduled flight day. • The Cadets squadron commander/representative must provide the Cadets name & flight number to the Orientation pilot three days prior to the scheduled flight(s). • Squadron representative will give the Cadets the Pilot name and brief the cadets on what to expect. • Cancellations: (cadets, parents, and pilots) • Cadets will be called by their squadron commander as soon as possible if there is a change or cancellation. • Cadets will call their squadron commander as soon as possible if there are unable to attend.
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures Reminders and other useful info: • Cadets must bring the required paperwork and be in proper uniform or they will not be allowed to fly. • All flights, unless otherwise briefed, will depart and arrive form the Stinson Airport Lobby. • The Lobby Cafe is open and telephones are available from 0800-1400hrs. • Do not eat a large breakfast before your first fight. • Optional: Cadets should bring some money the telephone, drinks or lunch at the cafe. • Optional: Cadets may bring 1 bottle of water for the flight. • Optional: Cadets may bring a camera. Do not use a flash in the airplane.
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Parents: • It is important for the parent or unit flight coordinator to be present during the preflight briefing. To obtain the estimated return time. • Please be at the airport lobby at the designated times. • A small amount of time is required to complete paper work after the flights and there is a short post flight briefing. • Feel free to ask questions during the briefing.
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • CAUTION: Airport ramp areas are dangerous! NO cadet or parent may be on the airport ramp without being escorted by the Cadet Orientation Pilot. • The cadet flight program is meant to support the aerospace education program. Details for the flight and information on aircraft operations are available to cadets in your flight syllabus (CAPP-52-7) and your Aerospace Dimensions pamphlets.
Stinson Airport is 1 mi South of Se Military on Mission Rd Stinson Airport
Stinson Airport is 1 mi South of Se Military on Mission Rd Stinson Airport
Cadet Orientation Flight Procedures • Pilot requirements: • Complete Level I training • Current CAP ID • Current Form 5 • Approval by TXWG • Comply with • - TXWG Supplement 52-7 • - CAPP 52-7 • - CAPR 60-1 • Flight Release - identify all cadets • File FAA Flt plan if outside local area • Request Flight Following • Reimbursement (Submit current Forms within 5 days) • - Original Fuel receipt • - CAPF-108 • - CAPF-7