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Horticulture – 9/1/11

Horticulture – 9/1/11. Write your first and last name on the front of the card. On the back, answer these questions. One sentence each: LIKE - What do you like about horticulture? STRUGGLE - What do you struggle with in science?

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Horticulture – 9/1/11

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  1. Horticulture – 9/1/11 • Write your first and last name on the front of the card. • On the back, answer these questions. One sentence each: • LIKE - What do you like about horticulture? • STRUGGLE - What do you struggle with in science? • LEARNER - Do you think you are a visual, verbal, or kinesthetic (learning by doing) type of learner? • GRADE - What grade do you hope to get?

  2. Rules Role Play • Example or Non-example • Must be school appropriate and short (2-3 minutes) • I can play myself, or you can be teacher. • Brainstorm, notes, design, rehearse – TIME. • Each group will present.

  3. Rules Role Play • Example or Non-example • Must be school appropriate and short (2-3 minutes) • I can play myself, or you can be teacher. • Brainstorm, notes, design, rehearse – TIME. • Each group will present.

  4. Horticulture – 9/2/11 On your Entry Task Answer Sheet, under “FRIDAY” • What other ideas will add to this class besides science stuff? • List 3 topics, from the tree, you know the least about. • Describe Oakville’s RESPECT policy. Who does it affect? • When finished, wait for Ms. Maring to get your paper. • Look at the words on your class tree. Choose TWO things you are curious about.

  5. Grow your learning goals… • On your leaf/acorn, write your name. • Write one topic you are interested in learning on the front. • When you have reached that learning goal, you will “harvest” these and answer 5 questions (worth 5 points) • Repeat process on another leaf/acorn. • When finished, hold up both leaves/acorns.

  6. Community… • “Say Something Nice” • Write 3 things about yourself other people may not know but you would not mind sharing… • Stand up, share your 3 things with someone you do not know very well. • Listen to theirs. • Move on to the next person. • When I say, “STOP,” you will share something you learned about someone else.

  7. Design your T-shirt • Include drawings or cut-out photos which describe “Who you are.” • These can be favorite things to do, family, music, sports, books, pets, etc. • Your T-shirt will be displayed – make it nice! • RESPECT PROPERTY – lids on markers, conserve glue, pick up scraps, share supplies.

  8. Horticulture – 9/6/11 • Fill out top of Entry Task Sheet – • week 9/6-9/9 • Keep until Friday in binder. • TUESDAY –Complete your T-shirt. For 3 of the images or words on your T-shirt, explain how this shows who you are. Be ready to share out at the end of 5 minutes. • When finished, get out materials for this class – notebook, folder or binder, good attitude.

  9. Being a Leader • Watch FISH! Philosophy • On the back of your entry task sheet, list all the positive attributes of the team players in the video. What are they doing which helps their work? • Communication and following directions activity – no talking or helping your neighbor. • Try again – you are allowed to ask questions and help your neighbor. • When were you most successful? Why?

  10. Horticulture 9/7/11 • Entry Task – WEDNESDAY • List 3 attitudes of a good leader. For each, explain why you think it is important. • List 3 attitudes of a team player. Were any the same as a good leader? • Can you be a leader without the team? Explain.

  11. Set up notebooks • Notebook – name and grade inside front cover. • Number pages front and back. • Page 1 – fold hotdog. Top – TABLE OF CONTENTS. Number down column on left. Number down column on right. • Page 2 – classroom matrix • Page 3 – Top – Tools. Number 1-14.

  12. Leadership • Be a leader, at all times, all settings = RESPECT • In the hallways… • In the classroom… • In the greenhouse… • In the community… (let me share a little story). • How do you feel when you are around a good leader? How do you feel when you are around someone being disrespectful?

  13. Safety in Horticulture • Tools and settings scavenger hunt – search with a partner (remember to be a leader wherever you are…) • Start in the classroom with #1-5. • Write down each item in your notebook on PAGE 3. • We will go as a group to the next location.

  14. Horticulture 9/8/11 • Entry Task – THURSDAY • What are two tools you found in the scavenger hunt? • What are they used for? • What are the safety issues with those tools? • When finished, be sure all your neighbors have the answers. Help someone…be a leader

  15. Your cubby • First, check your notebook to be sure it is numbered pages 1-55 and has a table of contents. • Bring notebook to show Ms. Maring and choose a cubby. • Sit back down and paste “Controlling the Hazards” to page 4. • Read “Controlling the Hazards.”

  16. Your glove size • Pass the clipboard with instructions and the measuring tape. • Record your name and glove size at the bottom. • Review answers to the scavenger hunt while you are waiting.

  17. On page 4… • Fill in definitions. • First choice - Remove the hazard - • Next choice - Improve work policies/procedures - • Last choice - Use protective clothing/equipment - • Fill in chart for each scenario and how to control the hazards. Always start with “remove the hazard” as top priority! • Work with your table group to finish the chart.

  18. Horticulture 9/9/11 • Entry Task – FRIDAY • Fill in any entry task answers you are missing from the week. Help each other • List the 3 ways to control hazards—in order of first to last priority. • Define “remove the hazard” in your own words. • When finished, be sure all your neighbors have the answers. Help someone…be a leader • TURN IN YOUR SYLLABUS!!!

  19. On page 4… • Fill in definitions. • First choice - Remove the hazard - • Next choice - Improve work policies/procedures - • Last choice - Use protective clothing/equipment - • Fill in chart for each scenario and how to control the hazards. Always start with “remove the hazard” as top priority! • Work with your table group to finish the chart.

  20. Horticulture 9/12/11 • Entry Task – MONDAY (keep the sheet all week) • Describe how you would “improve work policies” if your employees were leaving messes at the end of the day. (2 sentences = 2 points) • What 3 things do you think makes someone most hirable? • When finished, guess the plant Ms. Maring passes around.

  21. On page 5… • With your table group, make up a scenario in which someone gets hurt in a horticulture situation. • Trade with a table near you and have them fill in: • First choice - Remove the hazard - • Next choice - Improve work policies/procedures - • Last choice - Use protective clothing/equipment -

  22. Guess this plant… • Video. Which plant is it? What product is made from it?

  23. Guess this plant… • A tree whose bark is ground up and used for snickerdoodle cookies! • Heart medicine…

  24. Horticulture 9/13/11 • Entry Task – TUESDAY • For 3 points, demonstrate safe lifting procedure for a partner or Ms. Maring (Write down who you demonstrated lifting for). • Proper Lifting Technique • Prepare for safe lifting. • Stand with feet shoulder width apart. • Bend with the knees, keeping the natural curves of your back in alignment. • Grip the object, pulling it in close to your body. • Tighten your stomach muscles. • Keeping your back in alignment, lift with the legs in a slow, smooth motion while exhaling. • While carrying a load, keep it close to your body, and do not twist or bend at the waist. • Put the object down the same way in which you picked it up. • Rest in between lifting tasks.

  25. On page 6 • Brainstorm steps or tasks for clean-up in the greenhouse. Each person should have at least 5 – we will compile a class list. • Return to COMPUTER LAB • Take survey while computers warm up.

  26. Jobs… • Take the “would you hire yourself survey.” • If you answered “always” or “usually” on all of them, you are probably a good student and would make a good employee. • Review the “how to get and keep a job page.” • Bottom of page 6 - all the jobs you can think of which might involve horticulture.

  27. Horticulture 9/14/11 • Entry Task – Wednesday • Look at the “would you hire yourself” and “how to get and keep a job.” • Circle the 3 you think are MOST important. • On your entry task sheet, explain WHY you think those are the most important. • When finished, BRAINSTORM at the Bottom of page 6 - all the jobs you can think of which might involve horticulture.

  28. Résumés • You will enter the example onto page 7. • Your Résumé will be a work in progress this year. • For today, I would like you to enter some information in each category. • Put your information in the “header” section. • Start modifying format so it looks nice. • Save to my USB flashdrive!! Save as FIRST LAST NAME - Résumé

  29. Horticulture 9/15/11 • Entry Task – Thursday • Is your homework finished? • Share and write down horticulture job ideas. • What might you use a résumé for? • When finished, glue the résumé example page onto page 7. • Have your greenhouse clean-up list (page 6) available.

  30. Horticulture Jobs – bottom page 6 • Gardener • Logging • Hort Teacher • Hybridizing • Farmer • Landscaper • Ecosystem Manager • Fish and Wildlife • Nursery Production Manager • Garden Center Manager • Head Grower/Manager • Tree Specialist • Botanical Gardens • Floriculture

  31. Greenhouse Clean-up – class list page 8 • Remove the weeds.(sidneyCole,dakota,jordan bird) • Take plants to greenhouse.(zach ,krista) • Put equipment away.(zach) • Level gravel.(krista) • Stack bales of soil – in potting shed.(, sidney sanders) • Coil hose (cheyenne) • Re-plastic • Organize tools(geraldine) • Sweep the tables off(cheyenne, sidney sanders)

  32. Pick your job… • Let’s go get busy Be on task and helping!!

  33. Horticulture 9/16/11 • Entry Task – Friday • Please fill in any items you are missing from the week. Help each other • List the job you chose for your greenhouse clean-up effort.

  34. Horticulture 9/19/11 • Entry Task – Monday • CHOOSE ONE of the following issues, use your knowledge of controlling hazards and write down what should change. • Soil bales are too heavy even for two people to lift. We would like them moved to the potting shed. • Unsafe chemicals are in the area. The chemicals, for example rubber cement, appear unrelated to greenhouse work. • Piles of wood may cause a tripping hazard. • Tools left with tines facing the walkway. • When finished, we will refine our clean-up list on page 8.

  35. Greenhouse Clean-up – continue class list on page 8. • Reorganize the pots and flats by size under the benches in potting shed. Hang the size signs. Two people - • Move soil bales with hand truck – place under benches in potting shed. Two people - • Pump up wheelbarrow tire. One person - • Connect hoses to water line. One person - • Remove weeds from behind benches. Bag weeds for Ms. M to take to Olympia composting. Two people - • Set up heating mats and test if functioning. One person - • Sweep floors and walkways. One person - • Place garbage can in potting shed. Pick up any garbage in entire area. One person – • Level gravel – two people (when weeding is complete) • Reorganize benches – outdoor benches? Measure!

  36. Horticulture 9/20/11 • Entry Task – Tuesday • Write a name for each of the 6 kinds of containers on the lab stations. • How well did you work on your assigned task yesterday? • What will you improve on today? • When finished, open notebooks to page 8.

  37. Horticulture 9/20/11 • Reorganize the pots and flats by size under the benches in potting shed. Hang the size signs. 4 people – • Remove weeds from behind benches. Bag weeds for Ms. M to take to Olympia composting. 4 people – • Pick up any garbage in entire area. 2 people • Level gravel – (when weeding is complete). 2 people • Reorganize benches – outdoor benches? Measure! 2 people • HOMEWORK – find out GPA, list any work experience or special skills.

  38. Horticulture 9/21/11 • Entry Task – Wednesday • What does dependability look like when “on the job”? List 3 qualities of a dependable worker and explain. • Should you be “dependable” in horticulture class? What would that look like? • When finished, read through the example résumés. Could you model one of these for yours?

  39. High School Résumé Examples • HS – no work experience • Teen seeking PT work or internship • Teen seeking retail job • Choose best example to model and work on your own résumé. Save to one of Ms. M’s flash drives AND hard drive.

  40. Horticulture 9/22/11 • Entry Task – Thursday • Organize your notebook: • Page 1 table of contents – add items • Page 2 – Matrix • Page 3 – Scavenger hunt answers • Page 4 – “Controlling Hazards” • Page 5 – a safety scenario you made up. • Page 6 - your 5 steps for the greenhouse and jobs brainstorm • Page 7 – example resume • Page 8 – our class list of greenhouse clean-up. • When finished, paste your favorite resume example to page 9.

  41. Propagation – Increasing your Stock • Read pages 237-240 together. • Circle unfamiliar words. • Take notes on each of the types of propagation: layering, (skip offsets), plantlets, stem cuttings, leaf cuttings, (skip cane cuttings), division, (skip air layering), and seed sowing, (skip spore sowing). • Please set up your notes like a T-chart.

  42. Horticulture 9/26/11 • Entry Task – Monday • What is propagation? • Of the plants you carried from my car, which one had plantlets? • Which of the plants might be good for layering? Why? • When finished, please put your name on your houseplant packet and finish reading.

  43. Gloves… • I purchased the correct sizes for the class. • You may use the gloves this year. Leave them in good condition for next year’s students. • Assign gloves with numbers (sharpie). • Please leave your gloves in your horticulture cubby.

  44. On page 10…Propagation Techniques • How is layering done? • How do you propagate plantlets? • Climbers or trailers – pick a vigorous stem, pin it down in compost in a small pot (nick the stem first). After rooting, cut the stem. • Take the miniature plants and press it down into moist soil. After rooting, cut the stem.

  45. Propagation, continued • How are stem cuttings taken? • What about leaf cuttings? • How are divisions completed? • Choose a non-flowering shoot and cut it 3-6” long. Take leaves off bottom half. Slice bottom with razor blade. Dip in rooting hormone. Put in hole in soil and firm. • Similar to stem cuttings but use a leaf stem instead. • Knock plant gently out of container. Pull apart sections of the plant, leaving each with plenty of root.

  46. Horticulture 9/27/11 • Entry Task – Tuesday • Please look at your grade sheet. List any assignments your are missing. • What was your goal for a grade on Day 1? • Are you meeting your goal? If not, what could you change to improve? • TOUR of Ms. M’s Website • When finished, take out your gloves. Remember, your gloves should be with you EVERDAY. If that is a problem, leave them with Ms. M or in cubbies.

  47. Continue on page 10 or 11…(last Q/A!) • What do I need to know about seed sowing? • Timing to germination. • Depth • Temperature for germination. • Light or dark • Pre-treatment – example: chilling or soaking

  48. Today’s Goals – Stay at station to completion!! Be dependable • Station 1 – bag weeds – FINISH GREENHOUSE • Station 2 – Organize containers FINISH POTTING SHED • Station 3 – Harvest Cabbages and set up hoses WATCH DEMO! • If you finish your project, join another team!! • 5 people • 4 people • 2 people • If we finish early, we will set up 4” flats for plantlet propagation

  49. Horticulture 9/28/11 • Entry Task – Wednesday • Consider this bumper sticker quote: • “Get involved. The world is run by those who show up.” • Do you think it is completely true? Explain. 2 sentences minimum. • When finished, get your gloves out.

  50. Today’s Goals – Stay at station to completion!! Be dependable • Station 1 – MOVE TABLES and bag weeds – FINISH GREENHOUSE • Station 2 – Organize containers - FINISH POTTING SHED. Make 5 flats with 16 square 4” pots each. • Station 3 – Harvest Cabbages and set up hoses WATCH DEMO! • If you finish your project, join another team!! • 5 people • 4 people • 2 people • If we finish early, we will set up 4” flats for plantlet propagation

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