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Modesty. Dress and Demeanor. 1 John 2:15-17. We cannot be indifferent about immodesty!. What is the Bible pattern for modesty?. Does one exist? If so, are we following it? Phil 3:17 Does it even matter?
Modesty Dress and Demeanor
1 John 2:15-17 We cannot be indifferent about immodesty!
What is the Bible pattern for modesty? • Does one exist? • If so, are we following it? Phil 3:17 • Does it even matter? • If you find you are not following the Bible pattern will you change your clothing and conduct to conform to God’s will?
Modest (kosmios) • “Well arranged”, orderly, becoming; “akin to kosmos, in its primary sense as ‘harmonious arrangement, adornment’” (Vine) • Used by 1st century writers in contrast to revealing clothes • New Testament: • Behavior, 1 Tim 3:2 • Dress and demeanor, 1 Pet 3:3-4
Modest (kosmios) “It is the character of the inner life that forms and is expressed in conversation, demeanor, and clothing preferences.” Jim Harmon “Modesty: Virtue Ignored” (Contending for modesty in the church)
The Character of Modesty • The inner character of modesty: Holiness of mind, 1 Pet 1:13-16 • The well-ordering is not of dress and demeanor only, but of the inner life, uttering indeed and expressing itself in the outward conversation.” (Trench, Syn., Sec. xcii)
The Character of Modesty • Shamefastness(aidos): • A sense of shame, modesty (Vine);“bashfulness” (Thayer) • “That modesty which is ‘fast’ rooted in the character” • Used for opposite of promiscuous • The ability to blush (Jer 8:12)
The Character of Modesty • Sobriety(sophrosune): • “Soundness of mind…judgment” • “It is that habitual inner self-government, with its constant rein on all the passions and desires, which would hinder the temptation to these from arising...” (Vine) • Free from the intoxicants of worldly values and lusts (1 Pet 4:2-4)
Outward Expression of Modesty • Restrained conduct, not ostentatious (showy), 1 Tim 2:9 • Clothing that is consistent with your profession of godliness, 1 Tim 2:10 • “Modesty is an element of Christian character, and our dress should make the same ‘profession’ that we do.” (Jeff Pollard, Christian Modesty: The Public Undressing of America, 3) • Until the heart is modest, one’s demeanor and dress will not be modest!
Modesty Behavior (1 Tim 3:2) • Elder is to be modest in behavior • His life is well-behaved, orderly, moderate and dignified (Titus 2:2) • In the home: Leader, 1 Tim 3:4-5 • In the community: Blameless, 1 Tim 3:2 • In the church: Steadfast and faithful, Heb 13:7
Modesty Behavior (1 Tim 3:2) • Every Christian is to be modest in behavior, 1 Pet 2:11-12 • Decently, not revelry and carousing, Rom 13:13 (1 Pet 4:3) • In the home (Col 3:18-21) • In the community (Col 4:5) • In the congregation (Eph 4:16)
MODESTCLOTHING (1 Timothy 2:9) Apparel (katastole) “A lowering, letting down” “a garment let down” (Thayer)
Modest Clothing • God considers exposing the thigh to be nakedness, Exo 28:42-43 • Even though the worldly do not! Rom 1:31 • Priests wore trousers that covered both the waist and the thigh to cover their nakedness, Exo 11:4-5; 18:13-14 • Shame of nakedness is seen when the thigh is exposed, Isa 47:2-3 • Covering and clothing are different! Gen 3:7-10, 21
Modest Clothing • Our clothing must be orderly – Arranged by shamefastness and sobriety • Some object, saying there is no “dress code” in the Bible. But… • Bible demands modest clothing (conceals rather than reveals), 1 Tim 2:9 • Bible forbids nakedness (exposure of thigh, less than full compliment of clothing), Gen 3:21 • Bible commands shamefastness and sobriety as proper, 1 Tim 2:9-10
By definition, some clothing is clearly immodest • Revealing (see through and skin tight) • Less than a full complement of clothing, thus exposing your nakedness (including the thigh) • Swimsuits, bikinis, shirtless, short shorts... • Provocative, sensual and sexually alluring (backless, strapless, cleavage…) • Showy, ostentatious and extravagant
How are you dressing your children? • “Parents who are indifferent to their preteen’s or teen’s (boys and girls) desire to dress in many of today’s fashions are putting their children at risk for social and spiritual problems later.”(Jim Harmon) • Do we have the sobriety to be wise about our modesty? Eph 5:17