The brain differs from other biophysical systems it is inherently complex, dynamic and plastic… and it can not average effects like in other systemsOne cannot ignore complexity of brain with human social environment…. The complexity of individuals enriches the dynamics of the society of neurons… Societies of neurons enable the group to learn to successfully function in unpredictable environments and to create new behaviors under changing circumstances. 51369 Week 2
Attention and perception before and after relativity: • Representational Order to Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism and Pure Plastic Art • Simultaneous points of view • Anti-hierarchical • Experientia. HON 224 2016 Neural Networks and Perception
William James, What is Emotion, 1884 “Disembodied emotion is a physical non-entity.” Our emotional experience occurs before and after one has had the opportunity of cognition. Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow, 2012 The experiencing self and the remembering self. The life of 600,000,000 3-second experiences or with each saccade of attention lasting 20-200 ms…. We must be able to unconsciously preferentially select what will be remembered. The recall of our memory associates the context surrounding the recall of the memory, the relative nature of expectations and memory. 51369 Week 4
Diversity in Emotional (Social) Intelligence Diversity in Personality Traits Salovey, P, and John D Mayer. 1990. “Emotional Intelligence.” Imagination, Cognition and Personality 9 (3): 189–211. Karim, J., and R. Weisz. 2010. “Cross-Cultural Research on the Reliability and Validity of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT).” Cross-Cultural Research 44 (4) (August 2): 374–404. 51369 Week 4
Growth and neural networks 51369 Week 4
Goh, KI, ME Cusick, David Valle, and Albert-LászlóBarabási. 2007. “The Human Disease Network.” Proceedings of the … 104 (21): 8685–8690. 51369 Week 4
A brief history of brain Imaging . American Association for the Advancement of Science et al. Science 2014;343:600-610 51369 Week 4 Published by AAAS
Held, R, and a Hein. 1963. “Movement-Produced Stimulation in the Development of Visually Guided Behavior.” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 56 (5) (October). Relativity 1.Measurements of various quantities are relative to the velocities of observers. 2. Space and time should be considered together and in relation to each other. 3. The speed of light is the same for all observers. 51369 Week 4
Neural mappingBarrel cortex in the rat, showing identical pattern of neurons to whisker location on face. 51369 Week 4
Connectome Seung Lab MIT Eye Wire on-line game http://blog.eyewire.org/ . 51369 Week 4
Allen Institute for Brain Science Allen Brain Atlas Brain Explorer 2 open source software. 51369 Week 4
CLARITY methodChung, Kwanghun, Jenelle Wallace, Sung-Yon Kim, SandhiyaKalyanasundaram, Aaron S. Andalman, Thomas J. Davidson, Julie J. Mirzabekov, et al. 2013. “Structural and Molecular Interrogation of Intact Biological Systems.” Nature (April 10) nature12107. 51369 Week 4
The democratic neuronChen, Xiaowei, Ulrich Leischner, Nathalie L Rochefort, Israel Nelken, and Arthur Konnerth. 2011. “Functional Mapping of Single Spines in Cortical Neurons in Vivo.” Nature 475 (7357) (July 28) 51369 Week 4
McGilvray, Annabel. “Restoration Project.” Nature 531.3 March (2016): S4–5. 51369 Week 4
Domnisoru, Cristina, Amina a Kinkhabwala, and David W Tank. 2013. “Membrane Potential Dynamics of Grid Cells.” Nature 495 (7440) (March 14). 51369 Week 4
Aging neural networks 51369 Week 4
The immediacy of facial recognitionChen, Xiaowei, Ulrich Leischner, Nathalie L Rochefort, Israel Nelken, and Arthur Konnerth. 2011. “Functional Mapping of Single Spines in Cortical Neurons in Vivo.” Nature 475 (7357) (July 28) Hoehl, Stefanie, Christine Michel, Vincent M Reid, Eugenio Parise, and Tricia Striano. 2014. “Eye Contact during Live Social Interaction Modulates Infants’ Oscillatory Brain Activity.” Social Neuroscience 00 (00) (February 7 51369 Week 4
How far have we come to understanding the brain?“Are understanding of the brain is akin to hitting a television when a signal is lost. It may have an effect but we do not know why. We do not know the process. The task for this generation is develop conceptual /theoretical tools for low-level computations to global functions.”Cristina Domnisoru, 02.22.14 Jacobus Fellowship acceptance speech, Princeton UniversityVery tight interactions between theory modeling and experiments will provide missing breakthrough in our understanding of the brain. 51369 Week 4