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Centre of Excellence in Energy Resources and Development Under FAST, MHRD New Delhi. Centre of Excellence in Energy Resources and Development Proposal Under FAST, MHRD New Delhi. Solar Radiation. Infrared+ Far Infrared. Solar Cell Optimized for Red and Near Infrared.
Centre of Excellence in Energy Resources and Development Under FAST, MHRD New Delhi Centre of Excellence in Energy Resources and Development Proposal Under FAST, MHRD New Delhi Solar Radiation Infrared+ Far Infrared Solar Cell Optimized for Red and Near Infrared Solar Cell Optimized for Green and Blue S.K.Shukla, Skshukla.mec@iitbhu.ac.in Coordinator, CERD INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (BHU) VARANASI, INDIA
Out lines of talk 1. Introduction Vision Mission Proposed Activities 2. Objectives Initiative Technological development Sustainability 3. Renewable Energy Lab Equipments and their Utilizations 4. R&D Projects Running under Renewable Energy Lab 5. Details about research publications, awards, honours and prizes to faculty members involved and Collaborations in the proposed Centre
VISION •To carry out research and development in niche area of alternative and renewable energy technologies and contribute to the energy self-sufficiency. MISSION •Develop human resource to pursue cutting-edge and futuristic research in energy technologies. •Develop trained human resource to cater the needs of existing and emerging renewable energy industries. •To become the nodal centre to deliver consultancy and offer expertise to industries, governmental organization and entrepreneurs. •To emerge as hub for technology development, incubation and validation.
Proposed Activities • To advance fundamental understanding of how green technologies can be useful for applications across a wide spectrum of higher educational needs. • •Building nationally/ internationally recognized “expertise” in the research, development and deployment of clean energy technologies through post-graduate education, training and research activities. • •Developing human resources necessary for building new generation of Green energy technologists and scientists. • •Helping companies gain access to research expertise through the Clean Energy Center with the intent of commercializing the results and ultimately retaining and creating new jobs. • •Furthering the development of Clean Energy technologies and public policies in the country.
Objectives of the Proposed Centre • The primary objectives of the proposed project are given below: • To carryout and promote research activities for the exploitation of solar based energy systems- active and passive collectors, PV Cells, solar dryers, biomass based devices (biogas, biomass combustors, biomass gasifiers), Wind Energy Harvesting and Alternate Fuels for I.C.Engines etc. • To promote the development and use of energy efficient equipment, construction of energy efficient and eco-friendly buildings. • Dissemination of the results of ongoing research activities at IIT (BHU) and BHU in the area of renewable energy. • To carry out an energy audit and run awareness programs for creating mass awareness about energy conservation, energy efficiency and energy substitution. • To carryout and promote research activities on future energy technologies-Fuel cells, Hydrogen, Energy from Agro and Urban Waste.
Initiatives • Following initiatives will be undertaken by the project for this purpose: • Development of baseline data on energy emissions, and emission factors. • Exploring the opportunities for energy projects under the clean development and Energy Conservation Mechanism. • Assistance to SMEs and other Industries of the region through technical advice/consultancy on energy matters.
Technological development for energy conservation and its evaluation • (I) Renewable energy program • Technological development to increase the use of renewable energy systems, including passive solar, sky lights, PV, solar hot water and Natural Power including Wind Power. • (II) Energy audit • Development of an up-to-date breakdown of energy consumption by the various components of a facility (including process, heating, cooling, lighting, etc.) for all major energy sources (electricity, gas, petrol, diesel, renewable energy, etc.) • (III) Energy management policy • Development of an energy management policy and dissemination of this policy to all energy engineers and public. • Establishment of alternate technology to rural people for cooking, water heating drinking water based on renewable energy. • Increased awareness for installation and utilization of equipment based on non-conventional energy technologies especially solar powered irrigation systems for Indian farmers. Identification of Work Elements
Contd. • Technological development for Photovoltaic Solar Cells Materials and Manufacturing • Developments of efficient materials and manufacturing for solar cells for photovoltaic panels • Testing facility for the materials • Training programs for the manufacturers • Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies
Towards Sustainability • Many new energy technologies will be produced by the University researchers. • The Energy Sector Hubs will provide the opportunities for these to be better exploited. • The Energy Sector Hubs will provide a platform for the applied research/innovation at IIT (BHU) to be focused to national energy targets/ambitions and will provide a mechanism for working with other funding organizations and industry.
Contd. • The Energy Sector Hubs will insure that fundamental research will not be compromised at the expense of application • Training and capacity building will be an important element of the Energy Sector Hubs and future activities should link the Energy DTC and the newly created CDTs to industrial collaborators.
Contd. • The Energy Sector Hubs will be more effective at engaging with the wider energy research community at IIT (BHU) and Networking will be integral to any new activity. • The funding for the Energy Sector Hubs will provide enough flexibility to enable wider engagement, or for the rapid pursuit of new research directions.
Solar Cooker - Parabolic Concentrating Type Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: The equipment is utilized to determine optical loss and thermal efficiency of parabolic concentrating collectors Justification: The student will be able to perform the experiments on heating and cooling curves of concentrating solar cookers
Solar Cooker – Box Type Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: The equipment is utilized to The device is utilized for finding out F1 and F2 Justification: The experiments on F1 and F2 will give exposure to students on optical efficiency and thermal capacity ofbox type solar cooker
Solar Desalination Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: Solar desalination unit is utilized to determine the thermal performance of single basin solar still Justification: The students can estimate the daily water collected from the solar desalination unit and make a comparison of daily water collection and itsrelation with design aspects
Solar Air Heater - Natural & ForcedConvection Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: Utilized for evaluating the thermal performance of natural and forced convection solar air heaterbased on different mass flow rates. Justification: Students are able to evaluate the performance of solar air heater under natural and forced convection mode. In forced convection air flow, the thermal efficiency of solar air heaters could be determined with various mass flow rates
Digital Weighing Balance Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: To weigh the samples in related with solar thermal experiments Justification: Weighing balance is used to estimate the mass of the products dried and to determine the amount of moisture removed from the product to be dried in frequent intervals of time in a solar drier
Digital Temperature Indicator with PT Sensor Purpose : For B.Tech. and M.Tech students practical experiment Utilization: Utilized to measure the temperature at different points of the devices used in the solar thermal energy laboratory Justification: Temperature indicator is used to measure the temperature at different points of the devices used,for example, to measure inlet and outlet water and airtemperature, absorber plate and ambient temperatures, etc.required to determine the efficiency of the devices used
Condenser Solar shield Reflector Glass Basin 3 Brackish water (basin1) 4x distillate collection channel Basin2 PCM Fin Fin Phase Change Material Storage
Diffractive Control of Solar Energy By Holographic Elements • WHAT HOLOGRAPHY CAN OFFER ? • Concentration, Spectral Splitting and Tracking simultaneously • Hologram records the interference of light scattered by an object with a reference beam. • To reconstruct a hologram, illuminate a copy of reference beam on the recording (classical holography) or numerically propagate the scattered light backwards (digital holography)
I. Low efficiency can be increased by concentrating and tracking the incoming radiation from the sun. It increases the efficiency by 10% for an over all efficiency of 20-25%.II. Further splitting the spectrum into its components (wavelengths) can add an additional increase of 10% for a total of efficiency 30-35%.
Proposed Collaborations National Tata Solar Power Ltd. International Professor Mohamed Pourkashanian (LEAD) Head of The Energy Technology & Innovation ,Faculty of Engineering, Energy Building, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Brief Profiles of Faculty Members • Dr.S.K.Shukla Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), FIE, ACS (M) • VISITING FACULTY / PRIZES/AWARDS/HONOURS • Visiting faculty in Energy field of study at School of Environment and Resources Development at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok from 18.08.2009 -30.12.2009. (MHRD-Indian Secondment Sanction). • Award as Invited Speaker in International Workshop on Energy Security Concepts and Indicators for Asia, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy NUS Singapore, November 14-16, 2009 Singapore • IV UGC-TEC consortium Agreement Award 2010 for visiting faculty at University of Technology, Mauritius for 8 weeks from 01 August 2011. • The 2011 IT-BHU Alumni Publication Award is presented to Dr. Shailendra Kumar Shukla (Associate Professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) for demonstrating Publications record among the IT-BHU faculty in the academic year 2009-10. He receives publication award under 1st Prize category for the faculty.
Selected/Recent research publications with impact factors S.K.Shukla and V.P.S.Sorayan, (2005) Thermal Modelling of Solar Stills: An Experimental validation “Renewable Energy”. Vol. 30 (5), 683-699. Impact Factor:3.456S.K.Shukla., V.P.S.Sorayan and S.K.Gupta (2004) Parametric Studies of Passive/Active Solar Stills by using Modified Convective Mass transfer relations, “Ambient Energy” Vol.25 (3), 212-232.Impact Factor: 1.284 S.K.Shukla. D.C.Saraswat and T.Raj, (2008), Evaluation of Convective Heat and Mass Transfer in Open Sun and Green House Drying, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy,Vol.6(5/6), 543-553. Impact Factor:1.002S.K.Shukla and A.K.Rai (2008) Analytical Thermal Modelling of Double Slope Solar Still by Using Inner Glass Cover temperature, Thermal Science, Vol.12(3),139-152. Impact Factor:1.21
J.V.Tirkey, H.N.Gupta and S.K.Shukla, (2009), Integrated Gas Dynamic and Thermodynamic Computational Modeling of Multicylinder 4-stroke Spark Ignition engine using Gasoline as a fuel, Thermal Science. Vol. 13(3),113-130. Impact Factor:1.21 • S.K.Shukla, (2009) Comparison of Energy and Exergy Efficiencies of Community and Domestic Solar Cookers, International Journal of Green Energy, Vol.6 (5), 437-449. Impact Factor:2.069 • J.V.Tirkey, H.N.Gupta and S.K.Shukla, (2009), Integrated Gas Dynamic and Thermodynamic Computational Modeling of Multicylinder 4-stroke Spark Ignition engine using CNG as a fuel, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol.29(2), 59-75. Impact Factor:1.098 • S.K.Shukla and A.K.Sharma (2010) Design and Performance Evaluation of a Solar Assisted Drying of System Int. Journal Materials Engineering Innovation Vol.1, Nos.3/4, 338-349. • Impact Factor:1.098
S.K.Gupta, V.P.Singh and S.K.Shukla, Discussion of Iterative formula and estimation formula for computing normal depth of horseshoe cross section tunnel J. Irrig. Drain Eng., 138(8), 786–787. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000370. Impact Factor:2.889 • S.K.Shukla and S.K.Singh (2011) Analysis of PCM storage unit for night coolness storage in summer season, International Journal of Sustainable Energy. Vol.30(2),S121-S141, • Impact Factor:1.098 • S.K.Shukla and S.K.Singh, (2013) Effect of Roughness Geometry on Characteristics of Phase Change Material Storage Unit for Night Coolness Storage in Summer Season, Thermal Science, Vol.17 (2), 365-375. • Impact Factor:1.21 • S Arjun, SK Shukla and A.K.Rai (2011) Finite time thermodynamic analysis and optimization of solar-dish Stirling heat engine with regenerative losses Thermal Science Vol.15(4)995-1009. • Impact Factor: 1.21
Pradeep Patanwar and S.K.Shukla,(2012) Mathematical Modelling and Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Desiccant Cooling System accepted for publication in International Journal of Sustainable Energy. • Impact Factor:1.098 • Ali A. F. Al-Hamadani and S. K. Shukla (2013) Performance of Single Slope Solar still with Solar Protected Condenser accepted for publication in International Journal of Distributed and Alternative Energy, Vol.28(1), 6-27. Impact Factor:0.789 • Prachi Rai and S.K.Shukla, (2013) Performance Evaluation of a Desiccant Dehumidifier using Different Desiccants, International Journal of Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy, Vol.28(3), 53-73. • Impact Factor:0.789
BOOKS (Authors, Title, Publisher, Year, ISBN no.) I. Author(s): S.K.Shukla, . Dwivedi, and Ali Abdulruda Farhan Title: Passive building designs & cfd Applications Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany Publication Year: 2013, ISBN: 978-3-659-32692-9 II. Author(s): S.K.Shukla and Prachi Rai Title: Desiccant Cooling System-Performance Studies and Applications, Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, Publication Year: 2013 ISBN: 978-3-659-41002-4 III. Editor(s): S.K.Shukla and J.V.Tirkey Title: Energy Conversion and Management Publisher: Narosa Publications, New Delhi Publication Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-81-8487-078-7
BOOKS (Authors, Title, Publisher, Year, ISBN no.) IV. Editor: Dr.S.K.Shukla Title: Advances in Energy Engineering Publisher: Excel Publications, New Delhi Publication Year: 2013, ISBN: 978-93-82880-44-8 BOOK CHAPTER Book Name: Modern Mechanical Engineering (In Press) Chapter Name: Applications of Solar Distillation and Solar Drying Technologies with Phase Change Material Storage. Editor Name: Prof. J. Paulo Davim, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro Campus Santiago, 3810-193 AVEIRO, PORTUGAL Publisher: Springer
Research projects undertaken • Design and Development of Commercial Solar Dryer for Aonla Drying- AICTE Funded, Sanctioned Grant: 8 Lacs, (2008-2010) Project Duration: Two Year, Final Completion Report Submitted. • Design and Development of a vacuum fryer for the production of 100 kg carrot, Institution of Engineers Funding for M.Tech. Student’s project, Duration: One Year (2009) • Development of Improved Wood Cook Stoves for Rural Areas and Some Quantifications of Carbon Savings-U.G.C., New Delhi Funded, Sanctioned Grant: 8.5 Lacs, Project Duration: Two Year(2010-2012) • Development and Dissemination of Low Carbon Technologies for Rural and Urban Areas. Council of Science and Technology, U.P., Sanctioned Grant: 6.8 lacs, Duration; 2013-2015 • Transfer of technology: ReportSubmitted to UGC for transfer of technology • Research guidance • Number of Ph.D. students guided (Both completed, ongoing): • Completed: 03, Ongoing: 03 • Number of M.Tech. students guided (Both completed, ongoing): • Completed: 15, Ongoing: 03
EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBER • Member in Editorial Advisory Board of International Journal of Energy and Environment. • Member in Editorial Advisory Board of "Journal of SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING & RENEWABLE ENERGY-JSM&RE " • Editorial Board Member of Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (JMPE) ; ISSN(Print):2278-3512 ; ISSN(Online): 2278-3520 • [http://www.tjprc.org/journals.php?jtype=1&id=58&details=editors] • Member in Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development[http://www.tjprc.org/journals.php?jtype=2&id=67&details=editors] • Member in Editorial Advisory Board of International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) • Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Energy Engineering [http://www.sapub.org/journal/editorialdetails.aspx?JournalID=1005&PersonID=12689] • Member in Editorial Advisory Board Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels (JPTAF) [http://www.academicjournals.org/jptaf/Editorial%20Team.htm] • Editorial Board Member of International Journal Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (TEPE), World Academic Publishing. • Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Applied Engineering Research and Development (IJAERD) ; ISSN(Print):2250-1584; ISSN(Online) • Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Advance Renewable Energy Research, USA.
REVIEWER OF JOURNALS • Reviewer of Energy Policy, an International Journal Under www.sciencedirect.com, Elsevier Publication. • Reviewer of Energy, an International Journal Under www.sciencedirect.com, Elsevier Publication. • Reviewer of Energy Conversion and Management, an International Journal Under www.sciencedirect.com, Elsevier Publication. • Reviewer of International Journal of Energy Engineering, Springer Publications. • Reviewer of International Journal “Environment Progress”, Wliey & Sons Publications. • Reviewer of African Journals for Agriculture and Food Processing. • Reviewer of International Journal of Thermal Science. • Reviewer of ASME-ES2008, ASME-ES2009 and Session Chairman of IMECE-ASME 2009 Conferences. • Session Organizer of Energy Systems: Analysis, Thermodynamics and Sustainability session at ASME-IMECE2009 conference to be held during 13-19 November 2009 at Florida • Major achievements • Appointed as Session organisers and chairman at ASME 2009 and 2010 Energy Sustainabilty conferences. Visited North Electric China University Beijing during Oct.20-22, 2008.
Brief Profiles of Faculty Members DR.JEEWAN VACHAN TIRKEY Field of Research : 1. Computer simulation of Spark ignition engine (SIE) and Compression ignition Engine(CIE) 2. Internal combustion engine – advanced engine design and use of alternate fuels 3. Renewable Energy sources -Bio-Ethanol RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 4 year PhD(in 2009)+ 3 M.Tech. Thesis Supervision : 12+ 3 ongoing Research Papers published / accepted in International & national conferences: 10
Brief Profiles of Faculty MembersDR. ARNAB SARKAR Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU), VaranasiArea of Research: Wind Climatology and Wind EnergyTitle: Study on Wind Climatology on Slender Structures Using Weibull and Generalized Extreme Value DistributionFunding Agency: BRNS, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of IndiaM.Tech. Thesis Supervision : 05+02 ongoingTotal Research Papers : 05