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Non-Photonic Electron-Hadron Correlations at RHIC. Gang Wang ( University of California, Los Angeles ). Outline. Motivation Analysis procedure Near-side contribution in p+p collisions Away-side broadness in A+A collisions Outlook. Motivations.
Non-Photonic Electron-Hadron Correlations at RHIC Gang Wang (University of California, Los Angeles) Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Outline • Motivation • Analysis procedure • Near-side contribution in p+p collisions • Away-side broadness in A+A collisions • Outlook Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Motivations The away-side correlation structure in Au+Au is different than p+p or d+Au. Conical Pattern in 2-Particle Correlations in Au+Au Collisions pTtrig= 2.5-4.0 GeV/c; pTasso = 1.0-2.5 GeV/c Mark Horner (for STAR Collaboration): J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) S995 PHENIX, PRC 78 (2008) 014901 Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Further support by 3-particle correlations Motivations Conical Pattern in 2-Particle Correlations in Au+Au Collisions pTtrig= 2.5-4.0 GeV/c; pTasso = 1.0-2.5 GeV/c Conical Pattern Mark Horner (for STAR Collaboration): J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) S995 See STAR paper on 3-particle correlations at arXiv:0805.0622v2 (accepted by PRL) Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Near Side: what’s the contribution of B/D decay to the non-photonic electrons? trigger Motivations Conical Pattern in 2-Particle Correlations in Au+Au Collisions pTtrig= 2.5-4.0 GeV/c; pTasso = 1.0-2.5 GeV/c What if we trigger on non-photonic electrons? Mark Horner (for STAR Collaboration): J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) S995 Away Side in medium: How does B/D lose energy? Via conical emission? Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Study of heavy flavor via non-photonic electrons PYTHIA • D mesons have their directions well represented by the daughter electrons, above 1.5 GeV/c. • Electrons from B decays can represent the B meson momentum direction well if pT > 3 GeV/c. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Electron ID in STAR PuritydAu, CuCu, AuAu: above 98% for 3 < pT < 6 GeV/cp+p collisions: above 98% for 3 < pT < 6 GeV/c; 80% for 9 GeV/c. Data Sample: At sNN = 200 GeV, p+p collisions in run5/6 (2006), d+Au collisions in run8 (2008),Cu+Cu collisions in run5 (2005), Au+Au collisions in run7 (2007). • Time Projection Chamber (TPC) • Barrel Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (BEMC) • Barrel Shower Maximum Detector (BSMD) Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Decay photon conversions p0 → g g, g→ e+ e- in material Main background Dalitz decays p0 → ge+ e- Direct photon conversions Small but could be significant at high pT Heavy flavor electrons D/B → e± + X Weak Kaon decays Ke3: K± → p0e±e < 3% contribution in pT > 1 GeV/c Vector Meson Decays w, , fJ, → e+e- < 2-3% contribution in all pT Electron signal and background Non-photonic electron Photonic electron Gang Wang, WWND 2009
e+ (global track) (assigned as primary track) e- e- (primary track) dca Photonic Background • The invariant masses of the OS and SS e-pairs have different distributions. • Reconstructed photonic electron is the subtraction. • Photonic electron is thereconstructed-photonic/ ε • ε is the background reconstruction efficiency calculated from simulations. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Procedure to Extract the Signal of e-h Correlations In case of low purity… – Δφhadron Semi-inclusive electron Δφnon-pho = Δφsemi-incl + ΔφSameSign – (1/eff -1)*(ΔφOppSign – ΔφSameSign) Each item has its own corresponding Δφ histogram. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Near-Side contribution in p+p Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Non-photonic e-h correlations in p+p 200GeV • Clear azim. correlation is observed around near and away side. • Fitting measured dn/dφ distribution from B and D decays, we can estimate B decay contribution to non-photonic electron. B D Gang Wang, WWND 2009
B contribution to non-photonic e in p+p 200GeV Almost half-half B and D contributions to non-photonic e’s at 5.5 < pT < 9 GeV/c, and FONLL prediction is consistent with our data within errors. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Large bottom energy loss? RAA for non-photonic electron is consistent with hadron’s. This Indicate large energy loss not only charm quark but also bottom quark. non-γ e hadron With the measurements of r @ pp and RAA, we can derive a relationship between RAAec and RAAeb. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
RAAec & RAAeb correlation • RAAec & RAAeb correlation • together with models • Dominant uncertainty is • normalization in RAA analysis • RAAeb < 1; B meson is also suppressed • prefer Dissociate and • resonance model • (large b energy loss) pT > 5 GeV/c STAR preliminary I: Djordjevic,Gyulassy, Vogt and Wicks,Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 81; dNg/dy = 1000 II: Adil and Vitev, Phys. Lett. B 649 (2007) 139 III: Hees, Mannarelli, Greco and Rapp,Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (2008) 192301 Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Non-photonic e-h correlations have been measured in p+p collisions to retrieve B and D contributions to non-photonic electrons up to pT~9 GeV/c. • Comparable B and D contributions for electron pT 5.5~9 GeV/c. • FONLL prediction and the eB/(eB+eD) results are consistent with each other within errors. • The measured B/D ratio would imply considerable b quark energy loss in medium based on RAA measurement from central Au+Au collisions. One more measurement is needed: RAAeb, RAAec or r@A+A. Summary I Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Away-side broadness in A+A d+Au collisions serve as a reference of the cold nuclear matter… Gang Wang, WWND 2009
3 < pTtrig< 6 GeV/c & 0.15 < pTasso< 0.5 GeV/c Non-photonic e-h correlations in d+Au 200 GeV STAR Preliminary Non-photonic e-h azimuthal correlation is measured in one π range, and open markers are reflections.The away-side correlation can be well described by PYTHIA calculations for p+p. No medium effectsseen here. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
about 40% non-flow or fluctuation (Gang Wang, Nucl. Phys. A 774 (2006) 515.) 0 – 20%: 3 < pTtrig< 6 GeV/c & 0.15 < pTasso< 0.5 GeV/c Non-photonic e-h correlations in Cu+Cu 200 GeV Upper limits of v2 used are 60% of hadron v2 values measured with the v2{EP} method (equivalent to v2{2}). On the away side, there’s a broad structure or a possible double-hump feature, even before v2 subtraction. PYTHIA fit has a big χ2. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
3 < pTtrig < 6 GeV/c & 0.15 < pTasso < 0.5 GeV/c Possible interpretations The away side in e-h is similar to what has been observed in h-h correlations, and consistent with Mach Cone calculations etc. The charm jet deflection provides an alternative interpretation. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
0 – 20%: 3 < pTtrig< 6 GeV/c & 0.15 < pTasso< 0.5 GeV/c Non-photonic e-h correlations in Au+Au 200 GeV STAR Preliminary Upper limits of v2 used are 80% of hadronv2 values measured with the v2{EP} method. Non-photonic e-h correlation is broadened on the away side. PYTHIA fit has a big χ2. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Non-photonic e-h correlations in PHENIX More statistics needed … Anne Sickles, DNP08 talk. Also see the talk after mine ... Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Using the d+Au collision as a reference, the shape of non-photonic e-h azimuthal correlation function is found to be modified in central Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions due to the presence of the dense medium created in these collisions. • Away-side: Hint of a broad structure, similar shape to that from h-h correlations. • Induced by heavy quark interaction with the dense medium? • Quantitative measure and investigation of the nature of the possible conical emission pattern will require more statistics! DAQ1000 will help us there! Should try 3-particle correlations! Here demonstrated is the feasibility of the analysis on the jet-medium interaction tagged by a heavy quark. Summary II Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Large associated particle yields on the near side leave open questions: collective medium excitation by heavy quarks? Outlook Momentum kick model, Cheuk-Yin Wong Gang Wang, WWND 2009
Back up slides Gang Wang, WWND 2009
HQ Production Mechanism flavor creation • Due to large mass, HQ productions are considered as point-like pQCD processes • HQ is produced at the initial via leading gluon fusion, and sensitive to the gluon PDF • NLO pQCD diagrams show that Q-Qbar could be not back-to-back in transverse plane • We need to study this smearing effect with models 0 gluon splitting Gang Wang, WWND 2009
PYTHIA simulations B Each pt bin is weighted with their relative yields, and then they are summed up. For each pt bin, the non-photonic e-h correlations B_corr and D_corr are combined according to B’s and D’s relative contributions to the non-photonic electrons: (eB*B_corr + eD*D_corr) / (eB+eD) D Gang Wang, WWND 2009
PuritydAu, CuCu, AuAu: above 98% for 3 < pT < 6 GeV/cp+p collisions: above 98% for 3 < pT < 6 GeV/c; 80% for 9 GeV/c. Electron ID in STAR calibrated Log(dE/dx) With BEMC and BSMD, the electron peak is enhanced in the energy loss distribution, and we obtain a very pure electron sample. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
3 < pTtrig < 6 GeV/c & 0.15 < pTasso < 0.5 GeV/c PYTHIA simulations weighted with CuCu yields B D Here we assume the B/D contribution in CuCu is similar to that in p+p. Even if they are not similar, we don’t expect the double-hump without a medium. Gang Wang, WWND 2009
PHENIX central arm coverage: • || < 0.35 • = 2 x π/2 • p > 0.2 GeV/c • typical vertex selection: |zvtx| < 20 cm • charged particle tracking analysis using DC and PC1 • electron identification based on • Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) • Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (EMC) Electron ID in PHENIX Also see the talk after mine ... Gang Wang, WWND 2009