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p-X correlations at RHIC. Michal Šumbera Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Řež /Prague. ALICE Physics week, Erice 5 th - 9 th December, 2005. Phys.Rev.Lett.91:262302,2003J.Phys.G30:S1059-S1064,2004 A. Kisiel, PhD thesis. G. Renault, hep-ex/0406066 G. Renault, PhD thesis.
p-Xcorrelations at RHIC Michal Šumbera Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Řež/Prague ALICE Physics week, Erice 5th-9th December, 2005 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Phys.Rev.Lett.91:262302,2003J.Phys.G30:S1059-S1064,2004 A. Kisiel, PhD thesis G. Renault, hep-ex/0406066 G. Renault, PhD thesis RHIC femtoscopy matrix P. Chaloupka, nucl-ex/0510064 Nucl.Phys.A749:283-286,2005 prelim or final result available Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
If space-time ordering, select between two configurations One particle catching up Particles moving away from each other Final state interactions yield different correlations for these two configuration A) faster particle flying away • Interaction time isshorter • Weaker correlation B) faster particle catching up R.Lednický, V. Lyuboshitz, Sov.J. Nucl.Phys. 20(1982)770. R.Lednický, V. Lyuboshitz, B. Erazmus, D. Nouais, Phys.Lett. B 373(1996)30. • Interaction time islonger • Stronger correlation S. Voloshin, R.Lednický, S. Panitkin, Nu Xu, Phys.Rev.Lett.79(1997)4766. Measuring production offset by kinematic selection Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Emission points from Blast-wave βT = 0.73 for all species Rside Rout Proton pT = 1. GeV/c Pion pT= 0.15 GeV/c Ω- pT = 1.8 GeV/c Ξ- pT = 1.4 GeV/c Effects of transverse flow • Correlation between momentum and emission point • Effective reduction of source size and shift in average emission point • Effect increases with mT R(p) R(p) R(X) R() Non-identical correlations can test flow by measuring sizes and shifts of the sources
0.13 X-production@RHIC: radial flow Most Central Collisions • Temperature Tfo is higher for baryons with higher strange quark content for Blast-wave fits. • Spectral shapes are different. T=100 MeV Tfo=132 MeV Temperature Tfo (GeV) • p,K, p <T> at 200 GeV > 62 GeV Tfo at 200 GeV =62 GeV • X, W <T> at 200 GeV = 62 GeV Tfo at 200 GeV >62 GeV Tfo from a Blast-Wave is not same as the Temperature from a Hydro Model. Sevil Salur QM’05 nucl-ex/0509036 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
What the hydro tell us about multistrange baryons at RHIC Heavy hadrons, which are particularly sensitive to radial flow effects, require the additional collective “push” created by resonant (quasi)elastic interactions during the fairly long-lived hadronic rescattering stage between TcrandTd U. Heinz, J. Phys. G31,S717, 2005 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 052302 1 0 2 STAR Preliminary pT/n (GeV/c) Au+Au √sNN=62 GeV X-production@RHIC: elliptic flow Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV Sevil Salur QM’05 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Resonant states in p-X system Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Life time [fm/c] : (1020) = 47 L(1520) = 13 S(1385) = 5 K(892) = 4 (1530) = 22 Relevant Cross Sections: L*{Kp} K*{Kp} S*{Lp} D{pp} X*{Xp} p p D p p p D L* K Chemical freeze-out p p r p p p r K* K K f K Resonances: rescattering and recombinantion • σpK< σpp <σpp • rescattering of K* (+K) in the medium should be higher than that of L*(K+p). • t(K*) < t(L*) • enhanced the rescattering probability of K*. • Non-zerolifetime between chemical and thermal freeze-out regeneration σ(K*) >σ(L*) Npart Sevil Salur QM’05, nucl-ex/0509036 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Why p-X correlations? • X(as well as other multi strange baryons) mayhave thermal freeze-out behaviour differing from the other hadrons: e.g. early decoupling? • Why is Xelliptic flow comparable to other hadrons? Is that all suggesting early partonic collectivity? • What is the production mechanism of X (1520)resonance? Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
X-p-+L p-+p p: y = (-0.5 , 0.5) pT= (0.15 , 0.8) GeV/c DcaXiToPrimVertex < 0.55cm DcaV0ToPrimVertex > 0.1cm DcaBachelorToPrimVertex > 1.5cm X: pT= (1 , 3) GeV/c Topological reconstruction ofX Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
200GeV AuAu 62GeV AuAu 200GeV dAu Y2+Y4: 57M events 12.7M events 10M events Centrality bins: Minimum bias: Centrality bins: 0-10% ~ 39k 10-40% ~ 110k 40-80% ~ 40k ~ 18k 0-10% ~ 460k 10-40% ~ 410k 40-80% ~ 150k Analyzed data Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
States in unlike-sign p-X system *(1530) 200 GeV dAu MinBias STAR preliminary 200 GeV pp R. Witt SQM’04 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
States in unlike-sign p-X system *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV dAu MinBias 62 GeV AuAu 0-80% Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
States in unlike-sign p-X system *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV AuAu: Y2+Y4 62 GeV AuAu Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
States in unlike-sign p-X system *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV AuAu 0-10%: Y2+Y4 200 GeV AuAu 10-40%: Y2+Y4 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
States in unlike-sign p-X system *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV AuAu 40-80%: Y2+Y4 200 GeV AuAu 10-40%: Y2+Y4 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
* From m to C(k*) *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV dAu MinBias Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
* From m to C(k*) *(1530) STAR preliminary 200 GeV AuAu 0-80% STAR preliminary Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
p-Xsystematics: experiment • Strong • system dependence • No significant energy dependence Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
like-signvs unlike-sign centralvs peripheral - correlations in Au+Au @ 200 GeV • ++ & -- • consistent • Coulomb-dominated • +- & -+ • consistent • Coulomb + strong • Expected centralitydependence • “*”sensitive! * P. Chaloupka, QM’05 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Spherical harmonics decomposition of non-identical particle correlations Z. Chajecki , T.D. Gutierrez , M.A. Lisa and M. López-Noriega,nucl-ex/0505009 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Spherical harmonics decomposition of non-identical particle correlations • DifferentAlmcorrespond to different symmetries of the source • A00- monopole size • A11- dipole shift in out-direction • A2m– quadrupole shape • ..... Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Accessing asymmetry • A11≠0 in correlation regions Asymmetry in the average emission point betweenpandX • Correct ordering(A110) , i.e. in the “right” direction (cf BW) P. Chaloupka, WPCF’05 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Difference between measured and calculated CF in the *region is under investigation Observed shift agrees qualitatively with flow scenario. Model comparison l FSI:S.Pratt & S.Petricioni, Phys.Rev. C68,054901(2003) Emission points from: • BW constrained by pp CF data • RQMD Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Model comparison: RQMD without FSI Petr Chaloupka and Fabrice Retière: NSD LBNL Annual Report 2004 http://www.lbl.gov/nsd/resources/annualreportcontributionsall/chaloupka.pdf Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
fake Xs Remaining technical challenges • Non-flat baseline issue • Wide k* structure in CF possible source: flow, detector effects are currently being investigated • Using fake Xsto construct correlation function with similar baseline behaviour for corrections Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Summary • First high statistics measurements of p-Xcorrelations were presented. • Coulomb and strong FSI were observed. • Very good sensitivity to source size in X* peak was found. Theoretical input needed. • New spherical harmonics representation of data allowed us to observe clear shift between average emission points of p and X sources in qualitative agreement with transversally expanding source. • Prospect for the same type measurement at LHC seems good!! Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
STAR The STAR Collaboration U.S. Labs: Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, and Brookhaven National Labs U.S. Universities: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Creighton, Indiana, Kent State, MIT, MSU, CCNY, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue, Rice, Texas A&M, UT Austin, Washington, Wayne State, Valparaiso, Yale Brazil: Universidade de Sao Paolo China: IHEP - Beijing, IPP - Wuhan, USTC, Tsinghua, SINAP, IMP Lanzhou Croatia: Zagreb University Czech Republic: Nuclear Physics Institute England: University of Birmingham France: Institut de Recherches Subatomiques Strasbourg, SUBATECH - Nantes Germany: Max Planck Institute – Munich University of Frankfurt India: Bhubaneswar, Jammu, IIT-Mumbai, Panjab, Rajasthan, VECC Netherlands: NIKHEF/Utrecht Poland: Warsaw University of Technology Russia: MEPHI – Moscow, LPP/LHE JINR – Dubna, IHEP – Protvino South Korea: Pusan National University Switzerland: University of Bern Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Back up slides Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Early freeze-out ? • Is this due to early freeze-out? (Could we tell?) • Competing changes – small overall effect • Assumed early freeze-out scenario – small effect on CF Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
*(1530) 200 GeV AuAu 40-80% * From m to C(k*) STAR preliminary Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
200 GeV AuAu 10-40% * From m to C(k*) *(1530) STAR preliminary Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
*(1530) 200 GeV AuAu 0-10% * From m to C(k*) STAR preliminary Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
pion Looking at different particles Distribution of emission points at a given emission momentum. Particles are correlated when their velocities are similar. Keep velocity constant: - Left:vx = 0.73c, vy = 0 - Right:vx = 0.91c, vy = 0 Dashed lines: average emission radius. Rx(p) Rx(K) Rx(p) px = 0.3 GeV/c px = 0.15 GeV/c Kaon px = 0.53 GeV/c px = 1.07 GeV/c proton px = 1.01 GeV/c px = 2.02 GeV/c Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Entropy drives the strangeness yield dNch/dη instead of Npart Correlated to the entropy of the system! Sevil Salur QM’05 nucl-ex/0509036 J.Stachel: X-(1530)/X-(1321) = 0.56 0.025 for 0-10% AuAu @ 200GeV Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Entropy drives the pion emission radii • Final geometry - particle density (entropy)- drives the radii, not the initial geometry!! • Breaks down s < 5 GeV LPSW: nucl-ex/0505014 Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05
Distribution of relative positions of particles with identical velocities and total momentum P Two particle wave funcion (QS+FSI) : Space-time emission function of particle i Two-particle correlation function N.B. prime means in the pair CMS frame Michal Šumbera, NPI ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic 1st ALICE Physics week, Erice 9/12/05