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3S Aw a r ds 201 4. S o u rc i n g t h a t E M PO W ER S Spons o r sh i p O pp o r tun iti e s www.gs c 3saw a r ds . c om www.gs council.org. “ It takes a village of lik e - m inded individuals to create profit with purpose .”. -- D r . W a nd a L opu c h
3S Awards2014 SourcingthatEMPOWERS Sponsorship Opportunities www.gsc3sawards.comwww.gscouncil.org
“It takes a villageof like-minded individuals to create profit with purpose.” -- Dr.WandaLopuch Chair of the Board, GlobalSourcingCouncil Bea part of thismilestoneevent promoting Sustainable&Socially ResponsibleSourcing (3S)!Takethisopportunityto promote your sociallyresponsible business and showyour dedication towardsglobal sustainability. Bea global leader, the3S way. SponsorshipOpportunities: AwardsHost Sponsor $50KPlatinumSponsor $30K Gold Sponsor $20KSilver Sponsor $10K BronzeSponsor $5K GSCWebMeeting Sponsor $1K Customized packagesavailableupon request.
3SAwardsHost Sponsor $50K • All Platinum privilegesPLUS: • Promotional Station atthe welcoming desk during the Annual GSC 3S Awards Gala • VIP frontseating plusspecial thanksfromGSCleadership • Full-pageadvertisement in the GSC 3S Awards Gala Program • PlatinumSponsor $30K • Special recognition on all GSC promotional platforms • Company logo listed on all major 3SAwards& GSC publications, promotionalmaterials,and websites(www.gscouncil.org, www.gsc3sawards.com), aswellas on GSCsocial media platforms • Highlighted recognition inside the GSC 3S Awards program; logo displayed on screens during GSC 3S Awards Ceremony • Four complimentary GSC 3S Awards Gala tickets • Three articles/mentions in the monthly GSC Newsletter • Feature on GSC Ask-the-Experts • Opportunity to be a panelist in one GSC Webinar • Half-page advertisement in the GSC 3S Awards Gala Program • A seat on the 3S Awards 2014 Advisory Board
Gold Sponsor $20K • Special recognition on all GSC promotional platforms • Company logo listedon all major 3SAwards&GSC publications, promotional materialsandwebsites(www.gscouncil.org, www.gsc3sawards.com), aswell as on GSC social media platforms • Highlighted recognition inside the GSC 3S Awards Program; logo displayed on screens during GSC 3S Awards Ceremony • Threecomplimentary GSC 3SAwardsGalatickets • One article/mention of the sponsor in themonthly GSC Newsletter • Feature on GSC Ask-the-Experts • Half-pageadvertisement in the GSC 3S Awards Gala Program • A seat on the3SAwards2014 Advisory Board • Silver Sponsor $10K • Special recognition on all GSC promotional platforms • Company logo listedon all major 3SAwards&GSC publications, promotional materialsandwebsites(www.gscouncil.org, www.gsc3sawards.com), aswell as on GSC social media platforms • Highlighted recognition inside the GSC 3S Awards Program; logo displayed on screens during GSC 3S Awards Ceremony • Twocomplimentary 3SAwardsGala tickets • Feature on GSC Ask-the-Experts • Half-pageadvertisement in theGSC 3S Awards GalaProgram
BronzeSponsor $5K • Special recognition on all GSC promotional platforms • Company logo listedon all major 3S Awards& GSC publications, promotional materialsand websites • (www.gscouncil.org , www.gsc3sawards.com), aswell associal media platforms • Highlighted insidethe GSC 3SAwards GalaProgram; logo displayed on screensduring gala; • Twocomplimentary GSC 3SAwardsGala tickets • Half-pagead on theGSC 3S Awards Gala Program • In-Kind Donation Support • Sponsorsinterested in joining asa BronzeSponsor can support the3SAwards program financially or with valuablein-kind support includingbut not limited to:food/beverage, graphic design, printing,marketing and other information technologyopportunities. • Thisisa wonderful way to promoteyour socially responsible business anddedication toglobal sustainability.
Supporting Organization • Qualifying global sourcing trade associations, nonprofit organizations, andother entitiescan bedesignateda Supporting Organization through anexchangeof promotional servicesand/or volunteer services. • Media Partner • Work with the 3SAwardsplanning committeeto promoteand advertisetheconferenceand we will provide special recognition and cross-promotional opportunities. SPONSORSHIP CONTACT INFORMATION For more information about our sponsorshipopportunitiesor to register asa sponsor or partner, pleasecontact: Wanda Lopuch, Chair of the Board, Global Sourcing Council wanda@lopuch.com or visit our website: www.gsc3sawards.com| www.gscouncil.org
GSCPromotional Platform • TheGSC websites(www.gscouncil.org; www.gsc3sawards.com) jointly attract a global audienceof approx. 20,000-30,000 international professionalsfrom theprivate sector as well asthenon-profit and government sector and theacademia. TheGSC operatesseveral additional platforms, includinga monthly newsletter circulatedtoan audienceof over 10,000 businessexecutives and global thought leaders, a monthly webinar attractingup to200 C-level professionalsa month, and multiple social media platforms. • GSC and 3SAwards Websites • www.gscouncil.org| www.gsc3sawards.com • Ask-the-Experts Program (http://gscouncil.org/ask-the-experts/): In thisseries, theGlobal Sourcing Council is bringing toyou decision-makersand thought leaders from acrossindustriesand acrosssectors: from corporatetonon-profit and government. You get toask our featuredexpert a question relatedto social responsibility and sustainability in global supply chain management and other typesof sourcing. • News &Articles: TheGSCpublishesoriginal articlesfrom sustainability experts acrosssectorsandeditsa monthly Newsletter (http://gscouncil.org/news/monthly-newsletter/). Thenewsletter isdistributed toan audienceof over 10,000 industry leaders.
Social Media: • TheGSC boastsclose to2,500 Facebook followers, 1,500 Twitter followers and7,000+ LinkedIn memberstowhich theGSC sendsthe monthly Newsletter • TheGSCactively participatesin a number of LinkedIn forums, sharingour ideas with an audienceof over500,000 global leadersin ethical businesspractices and sourcing • Follow us: • Facebook: http://on.fb.me/ZLoYPM| http://on.fb.me/10Qv2dr • Twitter: @GlobalSourcing| @3SAwards YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/3SAwards • LinkedIn: • http://gscouncil.org/discussion-forums/global-sourcing-council-forum/ • Events: • GSC Web Meetingsare regular webinar sessionsfeaturing an array of professionalsfrom the sourcing and CSRsectorsand hosted by theGlobal SourcingCouncil online. Themeetingsfeaturea presentation on oneof themost current topicsin theindustry and attract 100+ viewersper session, whilethe recordingsare availableonline after each event. (http://gscouncil.org/events/gsc-web- meetings/) • 3SAwards Galahttp://gsc3sawards.com/2013-awards/2013-awards-ceremony