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WarmUp #2. 1. Using the text on pgs. 24, 25 & 32, analyze the map, read the paragraph relating to the map & answer the respective questions. 2. Begin reading pg. 33: “Mesopotamia & Sumer”. The Ancient Middle East. Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia means “the land between the rivers” in Greek
WarmUp #2 • 1. Using the text on pgs. 24, 25 & 32, analyze the map, read the paragraph relating to the map & answer the respective questions. • 2. Begin reading pg. 33: “Mesopotamia & Sumer”
Mesopotamia • Mesopotamia means “the land between the rivers” in Greek • valley between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers • Fertile Crescent: fertile land between Mediterranean Sea & the Persian Gulf • silt: deposited by two rivers each year when the rivers flooded; helped farming • farmers learned to control the flooding & civilization started to flourish in Mesopotamia The Cradle of Civilization
The Fertile Crescent:“Crossroads of the World” -connected Europe, Asia & Africa -flooding was unpredictable: miserable outlook on life
First Civilization~ The Sumerians~ • about 4500 BC: present day Iraq • began building city-states: cities & surrounding countryside that worked together for mutual defense & had their own government • early city-states: • Ur, Erech & Kish
Religion in Sumerian city-states • polytheism: belief in many gods • nature was controlled by gods (floods, harvests etc) • prevailing thought that gods were like people: • ate, drank, fell in love, married, fought, etc. • made offerings to them through priests/priestesses • each city-state worshipped their own gods • ziggurat: pyramid on top of temple
theocracy: a government ruled by divine authority The ruler’s/government’s job was to maintain city walls, irrigation systems, lead army, enforce laws, collect taxes & keep records. Kings were the gods’ representatives on Earth. Government
Writing • Sumer: developed the first writing system • cuneiform: wedge shaped writing done with a stylus • Used for business purposes, to record religious rites, tax records • clay tablets & clay envelopes • scribes: writers • Epic of Gilgamesh:Sumerian literature about a legendary king
The Epic of Gilgamesh • Read the excerpt on pg. 38 & answer the 2 questions. • Create a visual cartoon, with a different box for each step of his journey… • i.e. a graphic novel
first to invent the wheel sails for boats war chariots irrigation systems plow arches, columns, ramps & inclined walks sewers buildings made of mud 12-month calendar bricks made of sun baked clay math based on 60 second minute 360-degrees Sumerian Technology
Fertile Crescent: Map Analysis • Analyze the maps on “Conquering the Fertile Crescent” on pg. 40-41 & answer the 2 questions.
Invaders • Sumerian city-states were on flat plains, easily invaded by warrior societies • ceased to exist about 1750 BC-constant warfare-invaded & taken over • Sargon: leader of the Akkadians from the North, invades & sets up the world’s first empire
The Akkadians: First Empire • empire: consists of many nations & people • easy to build; hard to maintain • 2330 BC: Sargon founds the first empire! • borrows many things from Sumeria because of cultural diffusion • lasts for 140 years before falling to eastern tribes • 1792 BC: Hammurabi sets up empire in Babylon & gains control of Sumer & Akkad
Babylonians • Code of Hammurabi: • 282 laws carved in stone • public display • very harsh as punishment fit the crime • “eye for an eye” ----first written set of LAWS Laws- based on social status Society: -patriarchal = men controlled -women had few rights -arranged marriages -Sumerian culture/language/cuneiform: still being taught Invaded: 1600 BC: Babylon fell to the Hittites -iron stronger than bronze
Indo-Europeans • group of people who speak a language from one mother tongue • Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Persian, Germanic languages • Hittites:group of Indo-Europeans • used iron weapons • brought them to Mesopotamia • destroyed ~1200 BC by sea peoples
Assyrians • militaristic: tortured, beheaded (skinned?) prisoners • deported troublesome people to outer edges of region • built capital at Nineveh: 1st library • King Assurbanipal builds the world’s first library with 22,000 clay tablets • used iron weapons: empire by 700 BC • very efficient communications • very ruthless people:no mercy on captured peoples • practiced forced assimilation: forcing people to give up their identity and become like the conquerors • finally overthrown by Medes (Iran) & Chaldeans
The Chaldeans (a short-lived Empire) • 612BC: people deported by Assyrians attacked & destroyed Nineveh • Chaldeans • Babylon becomes capital AGAIN • math & astronomy to use for astrology • King Nebuchadnezzar • rebuilt Babylon • Hanging Gardens for wife • fights Egyptians & Jews • captures Jerusalem • deports & enslaves Jews to Babylon • King Solomon’s Temple destroyed Persians conquered Babylon from the east!
Phoenicia present-day Lebanon traders not fighters major ports controlled by several empires carriers of civilization alphabet: 22 letters first to use coined $$$ barter system scraped both had to have something the other wanted coins could be stored & saved: livestock & food could not Phoenicia LYDIA
In-Class Assessment Answer the following ?s in complete sentences. • 1. Who created the first empire? • Name the empire. • 2. Who created the first set of laws? • Give the name of the laws. • 3. What do we call a society ruled & dominated by men? • 4. Explain assimilation.
Israel • Abraham • migrated from Mesopotamia (Ur) to Jordan River Valley of Palestine • founder of the Jews/Hebrews/Israelites (2000 BC) • 2nd, but favored son Isaac & grandson Jacob (Israel): patriarchs • Jacob had 12 sons: each established a tribe • “12 Tribes of Israel” About 400 years later, the Israelites left Palestine for Egypt because of a drought/famine. Egyptians enslaved the Jews -after a few hundred years, the Jews gained their freedom & left under Moses (the Exodus)
Israel(ctnd) • Kingdom divided in half: • Israel: north • Judah: south • by 722 BC: Israel conquered by the Assyrians & the people were forcibly assimilated • by 586 BC: Judah conquered by Babylonians/Chaldeans & sent into exile • King Solomon’s Temple destroyed • Jewish Diaspora:scattering of Jews outside Judah • Eventually some Jews in exile returned to Palestine when Cyrus & Persians overthrew the Babylonians • rebuilt temple: the “second temple”
JewishBeliefs • only 1 God, called YHWY (monotheism) • YHWY is good & just • expects His people to be the same • YHWY made a covenant (contract) with Abraham • God would give the people a promised land (Israel/Palestine) if they followed His commands • When Jews left Egypt, God gave the Law to Moses including The 10 Commandments
Jewish Beliefs (ctnd) • Jews set apart from other peoples because of their Mosaic laws (i.e. keeping “kosher”) • prophets warned Israel when they werent following God or taking care of justice • also showed them the future • the Abrahamic covenant + the Mosaic Law + the prophets = the 3 parts of the religion: JUDAISM • Judeo-Christian beliefs & traditions • Christianity builds onto Judaism • the first 5 books of the Jewish holy book were written by Moses: the Torah (the Hebrew Bible) • Talmud: finished AD 500 by Jewish scholars • explains & interprets behaviors, other writings & how to live daily life
1. Saul first to unite tribes 2. David defeated the Philistines formed a dynasty 3. Solomon made Jerusalem a great capital through building the temple height of power lots of building = lots of taxes one of his 700+ wives was the daughter of Pharaoh (Egypt) Kings of Israel http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=97912286-037D-4D70-AA94-763A21B996EB&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
Judaism • http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=FB47D28C-EAD8-43AB-BFEC-3EEA945DBFE3&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US • Fiddler On The Roof • famous musical about a Jewish family living in Russia in the late 1800’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRdfX7ut8gw
Persian Empire • modern Iran
Persians • Cyrus • treats conquered people with respect • lets them continue to self govern & keep their religions • mercy & multiculturalism • allowed exiled peoples to return home, including Jews • RELIGION: Zoroastrianism 600BC • Zoroaster/Zarathustra: founder • Avesta: sacred text • monotheistic • Ahura Mazda: creator god • Ahriman: evil spirit • good & evil forces (dualism) • Day of Judgment: rewarded or punished
Persian Empire cont’d. • Cyrus’ successor (Darius the Great) extended empire by invading Greece • divides the empire into satrapies • military very powerful • king’s guards called Ten Thousand Immortals b/c number of soldiers never under 10,000 men • Eventually kings cared more about intrigue & power than ruling well & the Empire fell • Conquered by Alexander the Great & the GREEKS
Compare Judaism & Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism Judaism In common • Create a Venn Diagram (Double Bubble Map) on the religions of the Persians and the Israelites using pgs. 49 & 53.