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School Funding Update ADL Meetings Spring term 2014. Ken Rushton February 2014. Budgeting Guidance.
School Funding Update ADL Meetings Spring term 2014 Ken Rushton February 2014
Budgeting Guidance Financial Guidance - Budget Planning for 2014/15 (iPost ID 2918)Budget Plan 2014/15 Spreadsheet (iPost ID 2919)Finance Circular 02.2014 – Budget Plan Spreadsheet Guidance (iPost ID 2920)
Budgeting Headlines Estimated 1% pay increase for Teachers and Support StaffNew NI tables for 2014/15Teachers Superannuation remains at 14.1%Support Staff Superannuation is 18.41% (Annual) and 13.5% (Monthly), the difference equates to the pension deficit 4.91%No automatic increments for Teachers Support Staff - Grade 17, Point 4 removedDFCG – Don’t include in your School Budget Plan but do show future plans on your DFCG Monitoring Spreadsheet.
School Funding Guidance Documents to be uploaded shortly Finals 2014/15 : iPostID Guidance notes on funding formula 2014/15: iPostID Covering Letter: iPostID
Element 1 – Basic Entitlement Per pupil values: The values have reduced as the 2013/14 values were inflated by capping the schools that gained through the new funding formula, changes to the lump sum and the new sparsity factor also affect the per pupil value. • Pupil led primary £2,774.25 per pupil (£2,805) • Pupil led KS3 £3,579.60 per pupil (£3,750) • Pupil led KS4 £4,085.40 per pupil (£4,254) Lump sums: • Primary Lump Sum £90,000 per school (£95,000) • Middle Lump Sum £132,500 per school (£95,000) • Secondary Lump Sum £175,000 per school (£95,000) • All Through Lump Sum £175,000 per school (£95,000)
Element 1 – Exceptional Circumstances Split sites Rates (based on 13/14 actual cost) + changes to rateable values back dated for 2013/14 Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Rural Technology College 6th Form funding from DSG
Element 1 – Sparsity New sparsity factor based on the average distance to the second nearest school: Primary – min distance 2 miles with a NOR < 35 £2,371.43 per pupil for every pupil below 35 Middle – min distance 3 miles with a NOR < 600 £166.67 per pupil for every pupil below 600 Secondary – min distance 4 miles with a NOR < 600 £166.67 per pupil for every pupil below 600
Element 2 – Additional Needs 3 Proxy indicators used to identify AEN: FSM Ever 6 • £650 per FSM Ever 6 pupil in primary (£650) • £720 per FSM Ever 6 pupil in secondary (£720) Low Prior Attainment (LPA) • £980 per pupil with a LPA score of 78 or below at Foundation Stage in years 2-5 (£980) • £422.58 per pupil not achieving a good level of development in at Foundation Stage in year 1 (new in 2014/15) • £826.93 per pupil with a LPA score at Level 3 or below English or Maths (£1,950)
Element 2 – Additional Needs Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) • 6 bands ranging from the probability of 20% to above 60% of the likelihood of a pupil coming from a deprived household (based on Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA). • Each band has a different value ranging from £280 - £550 for Primary aged pupils and £320 - £640 for Secondary aged pupils. • Band 0 applies to pupils deemed to be from non deprived households (i.e less than 20% probability) and therefore no additional funding applies.
Notional SEN LA’s are required to identify an amount known as notional SEN, this can include elements of the per pupil funding, lump sum, along with deprivation and lower prior attainment etc. In Somerset the notional SEN includes: • £87.50 per pupil (included in the per pupil value) • The FSM Ever6 funding (excluding the FSM cost) • The IDACI deprivation funding • The Low Prior Attainment funding This is shown on the notes page of the final allocations.
Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) • Compares the per pupil funding in 2014/15 to 2013/14; if the funding per pupil is less and the difference is by more than 1.5% then MFG applies. Therefore maximum loss per pupil is 1.5% or 98.5% of the value of the previous year’s funding • The calculation for the per pupil unit value is after removing the lump sum, rates, PFI and new delegation
Cap on Gains Schools gaining from the formula changes are being capped if the gain is greater than 2.64% per pupil. The same calculation method applies as the MFG but in reverse, where any gain above 2.64% is shown as a reduction to the budget share. The DfE have changed the regulations so the level of the cap cannot exceed a sum which is greater than the cost of the MFG. This has meant that per pupil values are set at a lower level than in 2013/14, where the Forum agreed to keep the level of the cap low to reduce turbulence!
Delegated Responsibilities (de-delegation) • Insurance (per pupil) • Maternity cover and Care First (per pupil) • FSM Eligibility checking service (FSMEver6) • Licenses and subscriptions (per pupil & lump sum) Allocations for the above are included in the published values against the appropriate factors. For maintained schools the de-delegated amount is shown separately as a negative value.
Element 3 – High Needs Pupils • Continuation of an audit process where the additional funding is equal to or more than £6k • The first £6k is funded from delegated budget (notional SEN) • Additional “Top Up” funding will be paid as income • ASD2 and LLC2 categories are classed as high needs and now receive “Top Up” • Finals are based on known high needs pupils prior to the February 2014 audit. High needs top up funding follows individual pupils and will be amended each term
High Needs Safety Net • The LA has retained some funding to support individual schools or academies where (i) either the Notional SEN funding is insufficient to cover the school’s contribution towards the cost of provision below the top up funding; (ii) or where there are a disproportionate number of High Needs pupils attending an individual school or academy. • Applies where the Notional SEN divided by the number of High Needs pupils is less than £6,000 • To be calculated and paid on a termly basis (pro rata)
Pupil Premium • Based on 13/14 eligible pupils using the 2014/15 published values • Primary FSM Ever6 @ £1,300 per eligible pupil (October 2008 – October 2013) to be updated with Jan 2014 data • Secondary FSM Ever6 @ £935 per eligible pupil • Service Children @ £300 per eligible pupil (Jan 2013) to be updated with Jan 2014 and Ever 3 data (Jan 2012 and Jan 2014) – includes Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and the War Pensions Scheme (WPS) • Looked After Children @ £1,900 – known as Pupil Premium Plus, to include adopted pupils
Growth Fund (in-year adjustment) • The growth fund applies to all schools with a significant rise in NOR during the year • Those schools identified through LA school population forecasts as potentially being eligible, will be contacted individually to discuss in more detail and asked to complete a pro-forma • Schools not identified by the LA can complete a pro-forma (to be uploaded onto iPost in the Summer term) • The growth fund criteria has two parts – a school is required to prove eligibility to both sets of criteria • Growth funding will not be paid out until the NOR is confirmed in October 2014
Final Budget Allocations for 2014/15 • To include place funding (£10k per place) for specialist provision units attached to schools where applicable • To include HN Top up for current Spring term pupils – projected for the financial year. • PPG – for FSM Ever 6 and Service pupils using 2013/14 eligible numbers (to be revised when the DfE publish Jan 2014 results) • Primary PE and Sports grant for Summer term (35%)
To follow • Revised PPG FSM Ever6 and Service pupils • PPG + for CLA and adopted pupils • PE and Sports grant for AY 2014/15 (65%) • Year 7 catch up (£500 per pupil for eligible pupils) • Infants FSM grant, based on FSM actual @ £2.30 per meal • Growth fund (eligible schools only) • As Income : • Vulnerable learners (CLA, EAL, Travellers etc) • High Needs ‘Top Up’ revised for February audit and termly complex cases panel decisions and appeals • High Needs safety net
Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) • 31st March 2014 – deadline for completion of your SFVS self assessment • Approval by Full Governing Body of final SFVS report and signed by Chair of Governors • Report to include summary of remedial actions for any question where the answer is ‘No’ or ‘In Part’ • SFVS report to be submitted to LA between 1st March 2014 – 28th April 2014
Other Capital Spending – Accounting Procedures from April 2014 • Following this year’s changes to DFC, other capital spending is to be recorded as capital on both SAP and SIMS • From April 2014 you will need to provide Corporate Finance with copies of invoices relating to all capital spend, so that the Capital schemes can be updated and your costs recoded to a capital GL code - 4 new 61xx codes will be used • Details will follow shortly about how this change will be managed and what processes will be required