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Dealing with Project Evaluation and Broader Impacts An Interactive, Web-Based Workshop Russell Pimmel and Ning Fang Di

Most of the information presented in this workshop represents the presenter's opinion and not an official NSF positionLocal facilitators will provide the link to the workshop slides at the completions of the webinar.Participants may ask questions by

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Dealing with Project Evaluation and Broader Impacts An Interactive, Web-Based Workshop Russell Pimmel and Ning Fang Di

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    1. 1 Dealing with Project Evaluation and Broader Impacts (An Interactive, Web-Based Workshop) Russell Pimmel and Ning Fang Division of Undergraduate Education National Science Foundation April, 15 and 15 201

    2. Most of the information presented in this workshop represents the presenter’s opinion and not an official NSF position Local facilitators will provide the link to the workshop slides at the completions of the webinar. Participants may ask questions by “raising their hand” during a question session. We will call on selected site and enable their microphone so that the question can be asked. Responses will be collected from a few sites at the end of each exercise. At the start of the exercise, we will identify these sites and then call on them one at a time to provide their responses. 2 Important Notes

    3. Learning must build on prior knowledge Some knowledge correct Some knowledge incorrect – Misconceptions Learning is Connecting new knowledge to prior knowledge Correcting misconception Learning requires engagement Actively recalling prior knowledge Sharing new knowledge Forming a new understanding Framework for the Session

    4. Effective learning activities Recall prior knowledge -- actively, explicitly Connect new concepts to existing ones Challenge and alter misconceptions Active & collaborative processes Think individually Share with partner Report to local and virtual groups Learn from program directors’ responses 4 Preliminary Comments Active & Collaborative Learning

    5. Coordinate the local activities Watch the time Allow for think, share, and report phases Reconvene on time -- 1 min warning slide Ensure the individual think phase is devoted to thinking and not talking Coordinate the asking of questions by local participants 5 Facilitator’s Duties

    6. Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Short Exercise ------ 5 min Think individually --------- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Individual Exercise ----------- 2 min Questions ----------- 5 min 6 Participant Activities

    7. The session will enable you to collaborate more effectively with evaluation experts in preparing effective project evaluation plans It will not make you an evaluation expert Goal for Project Evaluation Session

    8. After the session, participants should be able to: Discuss the importance of goals, outcomes, and questions in evaluation process Cognitive and affective outcomes Describe several types of evaluation tools Advantages, limitations, and appropriateness Discuss data interpretation issues Variability, alternate explanations Develop an evaluation plan with an evaluator Outline a first draft of an evaluation plan Session Outcomes

    9. Evaluation and assessment have many meanings One definition Assessment is gathering evidence Evaluation is interpreting data and making value judgments Examples of evaluations and assessment Individual’s performance (grading) Program’s effectiveness (ABET and regional accreditation) Project’s progress and success (monitoring and validating) Session addresses project evaluation May involve evaluating individual and group performance – but in the context of the project Project evaluation Formative – monitoring progress to improve approach Summative – characterizing final accomplishments Evaluation and Assessment

    10. Project Goals, Expected Outcomes, and Evaluation Questions

    11. Effective evaluation starts with carefully defined project goals and expected outcomes Goals and expected outcomes related to: Project management Initiating or completing an activity Finishing a “product” Student behavior Modifying a learning outcome Modifying an attitude or a perception Evaluation and Project Goals/Outcomes

    12. Goals provide overarching statements of project intention What is your overall ambition? What do you hope to achieve? Expected outcomes identify specific observable results for each goal How will achieving your “intention” reflect changes in student behavior? How will it change their learning and their attitudes? Learning Goals and Outcomes

    13. Goals --> Expected outcomes Expected outcomes --> Evaluation questions Questions form the basis of the evaluation process Evaluation process collects and interprets data to answer evaluation questions Goals, Expected Outcomes, and Evaluation Questions

    14. Read the abstract -- Goal statement removed Suggest two plausible goals One on student learning Cognitive behavior One on some other aspect of student behavior Affective behavior Focus on what will happen to the students Do not focus on what the instructor will do Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 7 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group Exercise: Identification of Goals/Outcomes

    15. The goal of the project is …… The project is developing computer-based instructional modules for statics and mechanics of materials. The project uses 3D rendering and animation software, in which the user manipulates virtual 3D objects in much the same manner as they would physical objects. Tools being developed enable instructors to realistically include external forces and internal reactions on 3D objects as topics are being explained during lectures. Exercises are being developed for students to be able to communicate with peers and instructors through real-time voice and text interactions. The project is being evaluated by … The project is being disseminated through … The broader impacts of the project are … Non engineers should substitute: “Organic chemistry” for “statics and mechanics of materials” “Interactions” for “external forces and internal reactions” Abstract

    17. GOAL: To improve conceptual understanding and processing skills In the context of course Draw free-body diagrams for textbook problems Solve 3-D textbook problems Describe the effect of external forces on a solid object orally In a broader context Solve out-of-context problems Visualize 3-D problems Communicate technical problems orally Critical thinking skills Intellectual development PD’s Response: Goals on Cognitive Behavior

    18. GOAL: To improve Self- confidence Attitude about engineering as a career PD’s Response: Goals on Affective Behavior

    19. Exercise: Transforming Goals into Outcomes Write one expected measurable outcome for each of the following goals: Improve the students’ understanding of the concepts in statics Improve the students’ attitude about engineering as a career Individual exercise ~ 2 minutes Individually write a response

    21. PD’s Response: Expected Outcomes Conceptual understanding Improve students conceptual understanding as measured by a standard tool (e. g., a statics concept inventory) Improve students conceptual understanding as measured by their ability to perform various steps in the solution process (e.g., drawing FBDs) when solving out-of-context problems Attitude Improve the students’ attitude about engineering as a career as measured by a standard tool (e. g., the Pittsburgh Freshman Engineering Survey ) Improve the students’ attitude about engineering as a career as measured in a structured interview

    22. Exercise: Transforming Outcomes into Questions Write a question for these expected measurable outcome Improve students conceptual understanding as measured by a statics concept inventory Improve the students’ attitude about engineering as a career as measured the Pittsburgh Freshman Engineering Survey Individual exercise ~ 2 minutes Individually write a response

    24. PD’s Response: Questions Conceptual understanding Did the statics concept inventory show a change in the students' conceptual understanding? Did the students’ conceptual understanding improve as a result of the intervention? Attitude Did the Pittsburgh Freshman Engineering Survey show an change in the students’ attitude about engineering as a career? Did the students’ attitude about engineering as a career improve as a result of the intervention?

    25. Tools for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

    26. Surveys Forced choice or open-ended responses Concept Inventories Multiple-choice questions to measure conceptual understanding Rubrics for analyzing student products Guides for scoring student reports, test, etc. Interviews Structured (fixed questions) or in-depth (free flowing) Focus groups Like interviews but with group interaction Observations Actually monitor and evaluate behavior Olds et al, JEE 94:13, 2005 NSF’s Evaluation Handbook Examples of Tools for Evaluating Learning Outcomes 

    27. Comparing Surveys and Observations Surveys Efficient Accuracy depends on subject’s honesty Difficult to develop reliable and valid survey Low response rate threatens reliability, validity, & interpretation Observations Time & labor intensive Inter-rater reliability must be established Captures behavior that subjects unlikely to report Useful for observable behavior Olds et al, JEE 94:13, 2005

    28. Example – Appropriateness of Interviews Use interviews to answer these questions: What does program look and feel like? What do stakeholders know about the project? What are stakeholders’ and participants’ expectations? What features are most salient? What changes do participants perceive in themselves? The 2002 User Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation, NSF publication REC 99-12175

    29. Originated in physics -- Force Concept Inventory (FCI) Several are being developed in engineering fields Series of multiple choice questions Questions involve single concept Formulas, calculations, or problem solving skills not required Possible answers include detractors Common errors -- misconceptions Developing CI is involved Identify misconceptions and detractors Develop, test, and refine questions Establish validity and reliability of tool Language is a major issue Tool for Measuring Conceptual Understanding – Concept Inventory

    30. Tool for Assessing Attitude Pittsburgh Freshman Engineering Survey Questions about perception Confidence in their skills in chemistry, communications, engineering, etc. Impressions about engineering as a precise science, as a lucrative profession, etc. Validated using alternate approaches: Item analysis Verbal protocol elicitation Factor analysis Compared students who stayed in engineering to those who left Besterfield-Sacre et al , JEE 86:37, 1997

    31. Tools for Characterizing Intellectual Development Levels of Intellectual Development Students see knowledge, beliefs, and authority in different ways “ Knowledge is absolute” versus “Knowledge is contextual” Tools Measure of Intellectual Development (MID) Measure of Epistemological Reflection (MER) Learning Environment Preferences (LEP) Felder et al, JEE 94:57, 2005

    32. Suppose you where considering an existing tool (e. g., a concept inventory) for use in your project’s evaluation What questions would you consider in deciding if the tool is appropriate? Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 7 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group Exercise: Considering an Existing Tool

    34. Nature of the tool Is the tool relevant to what was taught? Is the tool competency based? Is the tool conceptual or procedural? Prior validation of the tool Has the tool been tested? Is there information or reliability and validity? Has it been compared to other tools? Is it sensitive? Does it discriminate novice and expert? Experience of others with the tool Has the tool been used by others besides the developer? At other sites? With other populations? Is there normative data? PD’s Response: Evaluating a Existing Tool

    35. Questions

    36. Interpreting Evaluation Data

    37. Interpreting Evaluation Data

    38. Data suggests that the understanding of Concept #2 increased One interpretation is that the intervention caused the change List some alternative explanations Confounding factors Other factors that could explain the change Individual Exercise ---- 2 min Individually write a response Exercise: Alternate Explanation For Change

    40. Students learned concept out of class (e. g., in another course or in study groups with students not in the course) Students answered with what the instructor wanted rather than what they believed or “knew” An external event distorted pretest data Instrument was unreliable Other changes in course and not the intervention caused improvement Characteristics of groups were not similar   PD’s Response: Alternate Explanation For Change

    41. Exercise: Alternate Explanation for Lack of Change Data suggests that the understanding of the concept tested by Q1 did not improve One interpretation is that the intervention did cause a change that was masked by other factors Think about alternative explanations How would these alternative explanations (confounding factors) differ from the previous list?

    42. Evaluation Plan

    43. List the topics that need to be addressed in the evaluation plan Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 7 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group Exercise: Evaluation Plan

    45. Name & qualifications of the evaluation expert Get the evaluator involved early in the proposal development phase Goals, outcomes, and evaluation questions Instruments for evaluating each outcome Protocols defining when and how data will be collected Analysis & interpretation procedures Confounding factors & approaches for minimizing their impact Formative evaluation techniques for monitoring and improving the project as it evolves Summative evaluation techniques for characterizing the accomplishments of the completed project. PD’s Response: Evaluation Plan

    46. Workshop on Evaluation of Educational Development Projects http://www.nsf.gov/events/event_summ.jsp?cntn_id=108142&org=NSF NSF’s User Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2002/nsf02057/start.htm Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL) http://oerl.sri.com/ Field-Tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/archive/cl1/flag/default.asp Science education literature Other Sources

    47. Identify the most interesting, important, or surprising ideas you encountered in the workshop on dealing with project evaluation 47 Reflection on Project Evaluation

    48. Questions

    49. BREAK 15 min 49

    50. BREAK 1 min 50

    51. NSF’s Broader Impacts Criteria

    52. NSF proposals evaluated using two review criteria Intellectual merit Broader impacts Most proposals Intellectual merit done fairly well Broader impacts done poorly 52 NSF Review Criteria

    53. To increase the community’s ability to design projects that respond effectively to NSF’s broader impacts criterion 53 Workshop Goal

    54. At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to List categories for broader impacts List activities for each category Evaluate a proposed broader impacts plan Develop an effective broader impacts plan 54 Workshop Objective

    55. Broader Impacts Categories and Activities 55

    56. TASK: What does NSF mean by broader impacts? Individual Exercise ---- 2 min Individually write a response 56 Exercise: Broader Impacts Categories

    58. NSF Review Criteria Every NSF solicitation has a set of question that provide context for the broader impacts criteria Suggested questions are a guide for considering intellectual merit and broader impacts Suggested questions are NOT A complete list of “requirements” Applicable to every proposal An official checklist

    59. NSF Suggested Questions for Broader Impacts Will the project Advance discovery - promote teaching & learning? Broaden participation of underrepresented groups? Enhance the infrastructure? Include broad dissemination? Benefit society? NOTE: Broader impacts includes more than broadening participation

    60. Will the project Involve a significant effort to facilitate adaptation at other sites? Contribute to the understanding of STEM education? Help build and diversify the STEM education community? Have a broad impact on STEM education in an area of recognized need or opportunity? Have the potential to contribute to a paradigm shift in undergraduate STEM education? TUES Suggested Questions for Broader Impacts

    61. TASK: Identify activities that “broadly disseminate results to enhance scientific and technological understanding” Pay special attention to activities that will help transport the approach to other sites Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 7 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group 61 Exercise: Dissemination Activities

    63. Dissemination to general public Applies to research and education development proposals See handout Dissemination to peers (other instructors) Education projects should include strategies for Making other instructors aware of material and methods Enabling other instructors to use material and methods PD’s Response: Two Types of Dissemination

    64. Partner with museums, nature centers, science centers, and similar institutions to develop exhibits in science, math, and engineering. Involve the public or industry, where possible, in research and education activities. Give science and engineering presentations to the broader community (e.g., at museums and libraries, on radio shows, and in other such venues). Make data available in a timely manner by means of databases, digital libraries, or other venues such as CD-ROMs 64 General Dissemination -- NSF’s Representative Activities I

    65. Publish in diverse media (e.g., non-technical literature, and websites, CD-ROMs, press kits) to reach broad audiences. Present research and education results in formats useful to policy-makers, members of Congress, industry, and broad audiences. Participate in multi- and interdisciplinary conferences, workshops, and research activities. Integrate research with education activities in order to communicate in a broader context. 65 General Dissemination -- NSF’s Representative Activities II

    66. Standard approaches Post material on website Present papers at conferences Publish journal articles Consider other approaches NSDL Specialty websites and list servers (e. g. Connexions) Targeting and involving a specific sub-population Commercialization of products Beta test sites Focus on active rather than passive approaches 66 PD’s Response: Peer Dissemination Strategy

    67. Questions

    68. Reviewing a Project’s Broader Impacts 68

    69. Review the Project Summary & the excerpts from the Project Description Assume the proposal is a TUES Type 1 with a $200K budget and a 3-years duration and that the technical merit considered meritorious Write broader impacts section of a review Identify strengths and weaknesses Use a bullet format (Extra) Long Exercise ---- 9 min Think individually -------- ~4min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 9 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group 69 Exercise: Reviewing a Sample Proposal

    71. Scope of activities Overall-very inclusive and good Well done but “standard things" Did not address the issue of quality No clear-cut plan Activities not justified by research base  Dissemination Limited to standard channels Perfunctory 71 Program Officers’ Views – Review Comments

    72. Industrial advisory committee a strength Collaboration with other higher ed institutions Institutions appear to be quite diverse but use of diversity not explicit Interactions not clearly explained Sends mixed message – raises questions about partnership effectiveness High school outreach Real commitment not evident Passive -- not proactive High school counselors and teachers not involved 72 Program Officers’ Views – Review Comments (cont)

    73. Modules are versatile Broader (societal) benefits Need for materials not well described Value of the product not explained Not clear who will benefit and how much Assessment of broader impacts not addressed 73 Program Officers’ Views – Review Comments (cont)

    74. TASK: Identify desirable features of a broader impacts plan or strategy General aspects or characteristics Long Exercise ---- 7 min Think individually -------- ~2 min Share with a partner ----- ~2 min Report in local group ---- ~2 min Watch time and reconvene after 7 min Use THINK time to think – no discussion Selected local facilitators report to virtual group 74 Exercise: Characteristics of Broader Impacts Plans

    76. Include strategy to achieve impact Have a well-defined set of expected outcome Make results meaningful and valuable Make consistent with technical project tasks Have detailed plan for activities Provide rational to justify activities Include evaluation of impacts Have a well stated relationship to the audience or audiences 76 PD’s Response: Characteristics of Broader Impacts Plan

    77. WRAP-UP 77

    78. Use and build on NSF suggestions List of categories in solicitations Representative activities on website Not a comprehensive checklist Expand on these -- be creative Develop activities to show impact Integrate and align with other project activities 78 Summary-Broader Impacts

    79. Help reviewers (and NSF program officers) Provide sufficient detail Include objectives, strategy, evaluation Make broader impacts obvious Easy to find Easy to relate to NSF criterion 79 Summary-Broader Impacts (cont)

    80. Make broader impacts credible Realistic and believable Include appropriate funds in budget Consistent with Project’s scope and objectives Institution's mission and culture PI’s interest and experience Assure agreement between Project Summary and Project Description 80 Summary-Broader Impacts (cont)

    81. Identify the most interesting, important, or surprising ideas you encountered in the workshop on dealing with broader impacts 81 Reflection on Broader Impacts

    82. Grant Proposal Guide GPG http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg Broader Impacts Activities http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/gpg/broaderimpacts.pdf 82 REFERENCES

    83. Questions

    84. To download a copy of the presentation- go to: http://step.eng.lsu.edu/nsf/facilitators/ Please complete the assessment survey-go to: http://www.step.eng.lsu.edu/nsf/participants/ Thanks for your participation!

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