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European Imperialism. European effects on First Nations.
European effects on First Nations • The Europeans had many negative effects on First Nations peoples. These effects included European diseases such as small pox. Furthermore the Europeans considered the First Nations inferior in all ways leading to the enslaving and slaughtering of many tribes. Finally the Europeans occupied First Nations land and took advantage of them using them to farm the land as slaves.
Results of the Fur Trade • The Fur Trade made remarkable damage to the First Nations peoples. First of all the trade inflamed contentions between tribes causing the loss of entire tribes. Second the traders introduced alcohol and drugs to the First Nations which led to the deaths of many First Nations people and the addictions of many others, this caused them to hunt the buffalo to near extinction to trade. Last the trade allowed First Nations to get a hold of muskets leading to bloodier battles and the fading of their culture.
Canadian Culture • Canada has an extremely unique culture. During the European wars in America the British conquered all of the French held territory, however the settlers here were reluctant to leave so Britain allowed them to stay under conditions. The French weren’t the end though, many First Nations people became British citizens and so were also added to the mix. In future years Canadians would have some of almost all nations mixed in to our culture. If it were not for that I doubt that I would be who I am.
How Does it Continue to Effect the World
U.S. / First Nations War • In the U.S. many First Nations people no longer exist. This is due to the U.S. desire to assimilate them. When the First Nations demanded their land rights the U.S. refused, this led to war. During the coarse of the war the U.S. Lost many men, the First Nations inside the U.S. were almost destroyed. As a result the U.S. lost parts of a cultural gem. In the end the U.S. either deported or assimilated the remaining first nations people.
Canada / First Nations Land Disputes • In Canada we are not on perfect terms with the First Nations either. We are constantly having First Nations complaints about the amount of land they have. Throughout the years First Nations have even gone so far as to form armed rebellions against the Government until their demands are met. They also ask for money from the Government with which to support themselves.
British Colonies in areas like the East Indies • Until close to the end of world war two Britain still exploited India and other nations. However at the end of world war two Britain was becoming too weak and so gave independence to many of its colonies. Even so Britain remains in control of fourteen territories, and another sixteen nations all share their head of state which is Queen Elizabeth the second.
Resources • Britain, Canada and a few other nations owe much of their wealth to colonies they have or had. If we were to stop colonization and stop being protectorates then much of our resources would disappear. Without these resources life would become more expensive and harder.
Enemies or Allies • If we stopped being protectorates and stopped colonizing then the people who now have a new freedom could prove as a thorn or an assistance. In future years these people could declare war on us and cause more death. Or they could become allies and aid us if we are ever at war.
Global Advantages • Finally if we release all these peoples the whole world could benefit from it. With the potential of all those millions of people being worked towards many new technologies and advancements could be gained, especially in medicine. However releasing these colonies would leave us no where to immigrate to and so war would eventually break out due to overpopulation.
Bibliography • http://www.helium.com/items/481424-Colonial-Early-American • http://www.essortment.com/all/nativeamerican_ragq.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_the_United_States • http://flagspot.net/flags/gb-colon.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Empire • http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/al/hts/tgu/mps/htoc-eng.pdf • Grade Ten Globalization Text Book • http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=91554&rendTypeId=4 • http://iconicphotos.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/cpt206-jpg-419x620-jpg.jpeg