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Region 3 IEIC. Interagency Early Intervention Committee. Outcome for today…. Challenges in serving young children. Additional challenges. For parents and caregivers. Aitkin Carlton Cook Itasca Koochiching Lake St. Louis.
Region 3 IEIC Interagency Early Intervention Committee
Additional challenges For parents and caregivers
AitkinCarltonCookItascaKoochichingLakeSt. Louis Geographically planned to include 7 counties and over 44 school districts
Why do we have Regional IEICs and Why does it matter? • In the 2000, the state of Minnesota had approximately 98 local IEICs • In February of 2011, the Office of Special Education Programing (OSEP) recommended restructuring • We are responsible for developing a public awareness systems designed to inform potential recipient families, especially parents with premature infants, or infants with other physical risk factors associated with learning or development complications, of available programs and services • We are responsible for developing and maintaining a system of coordinated, comprehensive, accessibleservices for children with disabilities and their families. • We help children achieve their maximum potential by enhancingfamily understanding and participation in their child’s development. • MN Statues 125A. 30
Who is responsible? In Minnesota Education is the Lead Agency 125A.027. Committees must include representatives of local health, education, and county human service agencies, county boards, school boards, early childhood family education programs, Head Start, parents of young children with disabilities under age 12, child care resource and referral agencies, school readiness programs, current service providers, and may also include representatives from other private or public agencies and school nurses.
The IEIC develops and implements interagency policies and procedures concerning the following ongoing duties: • IEIC= Pre-Referral • Develop public awareness systems • Reduce families’ need for future services • Implement interagency child find systems • Local Districts= Post referral • Evaluate the identification, referral, child and family assessment • Develop an IFSP for all eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities • Coordinate services • Develop a transition plan • Identify current service within the community and funding
Region 3 Ieic ongoing Duties in FY13 Subcommittee work Child Find Public Awareness • Child Find • Intake and Referral Source • Public Awareness • Regional and State Campaign
Minnesota Parents Know http://parentsknow.state.mn.us
Future Plans for FY 14 • Communication between the Regional IEIC with the Local level • Child Find and Public Awareness efforts targeting children and families experiencing risk factors including homelessness • Regional system for tracking referrals and referral sources