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International and Interagency Sub-Committee. Major Questions:.
Major Questions: Should International cooperation in the HSF program be expanded?Which countries should be included in an expanded cooperative HSF program?What roles should / could International partners play in the HSF program?What issues need to be addressed to expand international cooperation?What views do other government agencies have on international cooperation in the HSF program?
Who the Sub-Committee Engaged: NASA-PA&ENASA-Int’l ofc.Russian Space AgencyESA [European Space Agency]CSA [Canadian Space Agency]KARI [Korean Aerospace Research Institute]DLR [German Aerospace Center]OSD / PolicyDoD National Security Space OfficeNational Security Council – staffDr. John LogsdonNational Research Council report on Civil Space
Review of Analysis: $265B Space Economy (steady growth since tracking began)50 Space AgenciesU.S. asymmetric use and dependencyGrowing use of space for terrestrial needs and services“Photon” based services largest portion of commercial activityGrowth in other areas has begun but small overallISS largely thru development phaseGrowing number of countries and entities going beyond GEO – growing implications of cis-lunar spaceLargely robotic efforts with multiple rationales behind them
Context for Strategic and Collaboration Considerations: From “America’s Future in Space” “…debates about the direction of the civil space program have too often focused on addressing near-term problems and issues without first putting those issues in the context of how a disciplined program can serve larger national imperatives.” “It is not sufficient for the United States simply to have a human spaceflight program, or to judge it success based on comparisons with the capabilities of other nations. Rather, the priorities for U.S. human spaceflight should be determined by which efforts have the greatest potential for, and likelihood of, producing transformative cultural, scientific, commercial or technical outcomes.” “The national priorities that informed the committee’s thinking include ensuring national security…and working internationally to build a safer, more sustainable world.”
Current US National Space Policy Under Review: Summary Principles: • Committed to exploration for peaceful purposes • Reject claims of sovereignty • Seek to cooperate peacefully • Space systems have right of passage • Space capabilities are vital to the national interest • Oppose any new legal regimes or other restrictions • Committed to encouraging and facilitating a growing commercial space sector Goals: • Strengthen the nation’s space leadership • Enable unhindered US operations • Implement and sustain innovative human and robotic exploration • Increase the benefits of civil exploration, scientific discovery, and environmental activities • Enable domestic commercial space • Enable a robust science and technology base • Encourage international cooperation
Human Spaceflight in a Larger Context • NASA HSF can be relevant to National needs and challenges: • Build relationships with established and emerging international partners (affect on global regime and commons?) • Make the United States a leader in the development of advanced technologies • Contribute to economic growth through the seeding of nascent commercial markets • e.g. Earth-to-LEO transportation • Maintain and grow theU.S. Technical and Industrial Base (including leveraging existing national and international capabilities) • Inspire future generations of engineers and scientists Other(?)…
Summary: There is strong, almost unanimous support for continuing and expanding international cooperation in all aspects of the U.S. Human Space Flight programs.
Key Comments: Space Exploration ..Growing political and media interest in space exploration {including ‘HSF’}..No detailed plans yet for exploration beyond ISS..International space agencies are enthusiastic about exploration ; their governments may not be – yet!..International roles in HSF should take advantage of expertise and capabilities of partner nations. ..“Political will” , and , “symbolism” are key elements needed to show U.S. Support for international cooperation in HSF.
Key Comments: ISS ..Important to international partnerships to continue ISS beyond 2015...Politicians in partner nations are now looking for return on their investments...Still see ISS as proof of the value of international cooperation – more than just technical...International partners are watching U.S. to see commitment to ISS {beyond 2015} , and commitment to “full-cooperation”...Failure of ISS partnership will jeopardize further international cooperation in other areas , and , in HSF...Willingness to accept other partners.
Key Comments: ISS Utilization ..Full utilization of the capabilities of ISS important to getting return on investments...ISS utilization can help address other national priorities...Should include “exploration” objectives in ISS-utilization.
Key Comments: Interagency ..How to enhance cooperation in space with international partners is a major policy issue. …International cooperation is an element of the ‘national space policy review’ [NSC / PSD-3] , and , the ‘space posture review’ [DoD]...Strong interest amongst national security space community to support greater international cooperation [Civil and “Mil-to-Mil”]...Cost and complexities of space programs are a concern {international participation may help}...Common issues amongst partner nations and space sectors [space debris ; space situation awareness ; space protection]...Need space exploration program that inspires the nation...Leadership commitment is required.
Key Comments: Concerns ..ITAR / ITAR / ITAR..Industrial-base issues...Need for a “national launch strategy” [last done in before exploration vision]...Human-rating EELV- DoD prefers single model for EELV {white-tail approach}- Human-rating is okay if mods are limited
Considerations for Committee: -Mandate international cooperation as a foundation / overlay for all scenarios of HSF program...Utilize ISS extension to expand partnership ; address exploration research ; consider contribution to other national priorities...Start dialogue with international partners for their consideration at next ‘ISS partnership discussions’.