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Park Avenue at Santa Fe Traditional Neighborhood Development(TND). Preliminary Development Plan – Continuation of August 28, 2012 BoCC Hearing Board of County Commissioners. Description. 300 residential units 30,000 sf non-residential
Park Avenue at Santa Fe Traditional Neighborhood Development(TND) Preliminary Development Plan – Continuation of August 28, 2012 BoCC Hearing Board of County Commissioners
Description • 300 residential units • 30,000 sf non-residential • Location: SE corner of NW 83rd Street and NW 39th Avenue • Zoning District: R-2 • Future Land Use: Medium Density Residential
Site Photos The Crossings from Summit Oaks
Site Photos Buffer on east side of proposed project (from NW 77th Terrace)
Site Photos Summit Oaks from Crossings
Site Photos From 3rd Floor of Crossings
Open Space Plan with spot elevations 164 160 141 125
Board Hearing August 28 BoCC Hearing – Surrounding neighbors had several objections to the proposed development including: buffers, building setback and height, and pedestrian cross access. The Board directed applicant to work with neighborhood and continued the hearing to September 18.
Neighborhood Meetings September 6 – at Santa Fe College. Attended by applicant’s representatives, County staff, and approximately 30 residents. Residents presented concerns for consideration. September 12 – at Santa Fe College. Attended by applicant’s representatives, County staff, and approximately 30 residents. Applicant and County staff responded to concerns and provided proposed conditions.
Issues The main issues raised at the neighborhood meetings: 1. Buffer – screening was issue raised at neighborhood meeting more so than heightof proposed buildings. 2. Pedestrian access – residents do not want walking trails through the proposed buffer nor a pedestrian access to their neighborhood. 3. Phasing – residents would like the western part of subject property developed first
Petition Issues • A citizen petition was provided with the following concerns: • Building height • Buffer width and setbacks • Requesting 8-foot-high masonry wall • Concerns with walking trail location • Access points on NW 39thAvenue • Opposed to pedestrian cross-access
Buffers • Applicant is proposing the 50- foot medium density buffer as shown on the site plan. The multi-use path will be removed. • A 6-foot-high masonry wall will be required to be field located to avoid trees. • Additional landscaping will be required to fill in any gaps in the existing vegetation – to be evaluated with Final Development Planand all buffers will be required to meet medium density buffer standard per the ULDC.
Buffers/Setbacks In addition to landscaped buffer, applicant is proposing to limit height of buildings within 100 feet of property line to 2 stories in Blocks 2B and 3, and limiting buildings within 100 feet of property line to 3 stories in Block 2A.
Pedestrian Access • The path through the buffer is not a code requirement and staff supports removing the path. • Staff does recommend providing a pedestrian stub to the east to NW 77thTerrace per Comprehensive Plan requirements (FLU Policy 1.6.7,; Transportation Mobility Policy 1.1.8)
Transportation Network Right out only Right in/right out Right in/right out
Staff Recommendation • Preliminary Development Plan for Park Avenue at Santa Fe TND is consistent with: • Comprehensive Plan • Unified Land Development Code • Staff recommends approval with conditions of the Preliminary Development Plan for Park Avenue at Santa Fe.
Staff Recommendation August 28 Proposed Conditions: • 1. Portions of structures within 100 feet of the property boundary of a single family residence shall be limited to three stories; the rest of the development shall be limited to four stories. • 2. Where the subject property directly abuts the property line of a single family residence, a six foot tall masonry wall shall be constructed and shall be located to avoid impact to significant existing trees. Staff revised conditions: • 1. Provide pedestrian cross access to the residential subdivision to the east.
Staff Recommendation Applicant proposed conditions on next slides refer to this picture:
Staff Recommendation Applicant proposed conditions: • A 50 foot medium density buffer shall be maintained along boundaries A, B & C with existing vegetation retained consistent with the requirements of Section 407.43 of the ULDC and Condition 5 below. • A 60 foot building setback shall apply on property boundaries A, B & C. • A 2 story height limitation shall apply within 100 feet of boundaries B and C. • A 3 story height limitation shall apply within 100 feet of boundary A beginning 100 feet north of boundary B. • A masonry wall, 6 feet in height shall be constructed along the entire length of boundaries A, B and C and shall be installed consistent with the requirements of ULDC Section 407.43 (b)3 and shall be meandered to minimize loss of existing regulated trees to the greatest extent practicable. • Three access connections to NW 39th Avenue is allowed (subject to approval by FDOT) with the eastern most connection limited to a right-in only turn movement and said connection shall be designed to prevent exiting onto NW 39th Ave
Staff Recommendation Applicant proposed conditions continued: 7. The final development plan shall provide sound buffering for the existing adjacent single-family residential lots in Summit Oaks by providing one or more buildings between any such outdoor active recreational uses and such lot or lots. 8. Outdoor basketball courts shall be prohibited within the site. 9. If development occurs in multiple phases, such development phases shall begin furthest from the Summit Oaks neighborhood. Temporary chain link fencing shall be installed and maintained, separating any such initial phase or phases from the Summit Oaks neighborhood and no clearing or grubbing shall be permitted in any area before final development approval is granted for such area or areas. Subsequent phases, if any, shall occur in increments moving from west to east. 10. Residential units containing 4 or more bedrooms shall be prohibited. 11. No pedestrian connection to the Summit Oaks subdivision shall be required. 12. No multi-use path or trail shall be required within the 60 foot setback area provided along boundaries A, B and C.