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Concluding remarks 2003/12/11,12研究会  T.Kifune(shinshu)

Concluding remarks 2003/12/11,12研究会  T.Kifune(shinshu). 「物理学の 多様性 と 普遍性 の探求」   多くの天体の観測による   TeVガンマ線源から抽出される            多様な現象                  法則性? TeVガンマ線天文学の役割? 現象の発見に徹するか、解釈に重点を置くか. TeV γ. TeV γ. Concluding remarks 2003/12/11,12研究会  T.Kifune(shinshu). CANGAROO望遠鏡による   ガンマ線天文学の 新展開

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Concluding remarks 2003/12/11,12研究会  T.Kifune(shinshu)

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  1. Concluding remarks2003/12/11,12研究会 T.Kifune(shinshu) • 「物理学の多様性と普遍性の探求」   多くの天体の観測による  TeVガンマ線源から抽出される           多様な現象                 法則性? TeVガンマ線天文学の役割? 現象の発見に徹するか、解釈に重点を置くか TeVγ TeVγ

  2. Concluding remarks2003/12/11,12研究会 T.Kifune(shinshu) • CANGAROO望遠鏡による   ガンマ線天文学の新展開 研究内容・成果にどのような質的変化が      起きたのか?起きようとしているのか?

  3. 目次/内容 • TeVγ-ray astronomy の現状    観測結果 Implication 観測手段: IACT(Imaging Air Cerenkov Telescope) • TeVγ-ray astronomy の意義・目的 • 諸外国の現状 • Ultimate IACT

  4. 筑波ICRC HESS Heidelberg MAGIC A telescope at sunset. Once a telescope is equipped with mirrors, it has to be stowed facing south during daytime, since sunlight focused by the large mirror will generate enormous heat at the focus. Only after sunset the telescopes can be pointed safely towards the sky.

  5. TeV γ-ray sources 18 sources (8 egrets;8A+5B+5C) according to TCW

  6. 多様性 so far obtained & some inferred 普遍性are summarized as : • six blazars • How peculiar/standard they are? • in comparison with GeV blazars • three SNRs (+ PSRs) : against 100 ≈ 104~5yrs/50yrs • How peculiar/standard they are? • Eacc up to 1015eV? • two galaxies • How peculiar/standard the Galactic CRs are? • Disk emission? • Normal galaxies by deeper observation • γ-ray observation extends CR physics to extragalactic space • other types: unID, x-ray binary?, GC, …

  7. Nearby molecular clouds, EGRET source and so on…… 0.8o Dq=0o.24 O.Reimer & M.Pohl A&A, 390, L43, 2002 M.Butt et al., Nature 418, 489, 2002 Discussions a lot

  8. Morphology, stereo • Chandra X-ray image Galactic disk • TeV γ-ray image? radiation acceleration

  9. I heard from Trevor, Trümper said “The total energy of all the X-ray photons so far observed by ROSAT corresponds to one TeV photon”. To be energetic is something valuable…. “erg/Joule is a jewel !”

  10. Thoughts coming up, about the value of being energetic? • TeV γ-rays are, as a fact, very energetic events. • X-ray photons are numerous: Statistics of TeV γ-rays is poor. • 1012 eV = 109 X 103 eV similarly, • 1020 eV = 108 X 1012 eV • Do we have to collect 108 photons at TeV to keep up with 1020eV cosmic rays?

  11. Radio, x-rays --------------------- NS, BH, 2.7K…… Energetic. enigmatic phenomena thatγ- ray observation looked forare not successful in retrospect • No γ-rays from matter-antimatter annihilation • No microsec burst γ-rays from primordial black holes • GRB: but not yet in TeV region, and no essencial contribution beyond GeV • Cyg X-3 (anomalous interaction?) dissapeared…… • Origin of cosmic rays ? • Dark matter ? • vacuum modification due to quantum gravity ?? • Top down scenerio of 1020eV cosmic rays ??

  12. Statistics: number of photons so far detected in TeV energy • Nx≈ 109 = 105 · 104 :X-rays NTeV ≈ 104 = 103 · 10 : TeV γs • N (>E) ~ E-1 · SΩT : E2dN/dE=constant N/Nx = (Ex/E)·(104m2/1m2) = 10-9 104 = 10-5 Roughly explained Number of sources

  13. Crab nebula(unpulsed) is the standard source for calibration,but not the standard to represent the other TeV sources SSC Model OK! Max. acceleration energy ? ~20 TeV or >100 TeV the sole SNR/plerion : “complete” multi wavelength Spectrum With definite flux in any band.

  14. Consideration in a broad band 106 sources 1012 1000km Statistics, number of sources Area S (m2) Scientific Impact?? Not to be optimistic! ~1 sources 108 10km 109photons IACT 104 100m 103 Glast 1 photons 100 Rosat keV MeV GeV TeV PeV EeV ZeV

  15. “temporal conclusion” with a claim for “jewel of enigma” E2dN/dE Our counter part TeV sources X-ray sources Eacc, collision with IR photons To collect more samples of known sources, to improve accuracy/resolution, and to discover new kinds of objects   103eV 1012eV 1020eV

  16. 感度が上がれば違ったものが見えてくる豊かな想像力が隠されたものを見せてくれる(サンテグジュペリ:”星の王子さま”)感度が上がれば違ったものが見えてくる豊かな想像力が隠されたものを見せてくれる(サンテグジュペリ:”星の王子さま”) What we see?

  17. Detection area , energy and dish size 109 S = 1m2• (E / 1keV) Wider FOV (3km)2 107 Ω: 1 msr to 1 sr detection area S (m2) (300m)2 =105 m2 IACT (100m)2 =104 m2 104 larger dish energyE 10GeV 1TeV 100TeV GLAST

  18. directions that HE and VHE γ-ray astronomy will take in future Variety of possibilities, corresponding to various kinds of TeV sources and depending on their phenomena in interest. It seems natural to go to lower energy region with larger dishes Sub 100GeV ~ 1 TeV region 10~100 sources for systematic study of SNRs, blazars ,…. discovery of more, new types of γray sources • However, the current efforts satisfying?---stereo & big dish: • Let us not give up 10TeV ~ 100TeV region origin of cosmic rays : maximum acceleration energy? blazars : absorption by IR background radiation

  19. direction (1) towards sub-100 GeV ? • more (weak) sources: Nγ increases with decreasing energy with a constant detection area S = 104m2, providing a good sensitivity. For further drastic improvement,Ω! (like GLAST) or multiple telescopes > 10 ? • comparison with GeV phenomena(Glast)? --- for sharp difference, electrons? (proton spectrum is featureless) anti-counter and “MAGIC technique”

  20. direction (2) towards 10-100 TeV ? • SNRs, blazars: to find SNRs with Eacc ≈knee energy 1015eV distant blazars, “pair halos”, “extreme blazars” of acceleration energy beyond TeV etc. • Unkown sources? not very likely • Regeneration of absorbed gamma rays • S = const. = 104m2 is small and fatal. Interesting possibilities but like a bet.

  21. Byproduct of larger A: S = 1km2 to (10km)2 possible for 100 TeV γ-rays aperture 100m Fluorescence lights 30 m 10 m 3 m Čerenkovlights energy 10GeV 1TeV 100TeV

  22. Good telescope is generally very expensive, and would be too unrealistic, ……, however, Euro Yen Dollar Scientific outcome Not care ? Gedanken experiment is free, and “ultimate case” of “complete calorimeter” is useful to get a broad vision. e,.g. collection area = detection area (20m)2X 30 = (100m)2 : not ridiculous

  23. Ultimate extension of MAGIC concept: “complete IACT” of A2=S FOV A to S

  24. summary Expected are 3 views for 3 energy regions, which are not separated but quite interrelated. • Going down to Eth ≤ 100 GeV isthe “first way” to take ; with additional efforts for increasing solid angle Ω of FOV • Dish size A > 20m for 1 TeV (though no justification presented) (Or packed multiple telescope) • Even larger dish size, will pave the way towards10~100TeV, where a big “jewel” might be hidden.

  25. Bigger dish ! E2dN/dE Larger FOV Toward ~100TeV ? ?? X-ray sources 1TeV region with good accuracy More sources at lower energies   103eV 1012eV 1020eV

  26. CONCLUDING QUESTIONS • 「宇宙線のSNR起源パラダイム」の改訂・精密化? • 「Extreme BL Lac」: 暗い、近い; nevertheless,…………? • To detect GRBs by TeVγ-rays? • TeVγ-rays and Evolution of Universe? Dark Matter produces TeVγ-rays? Structure formation and TeVγ-rays? Ultimate IACT to improve sensitivity?

  27. Final REMARKs • 多波長; 近接分野; 理論のサポート・協力   はCANGAROOにとって重要・不可欠:感謝 • 願わくはdeeper commitment: for 情報収集と選択・解釈 • 「国際社会の一員として、、、、」: 国際協力と競争

  28. Concluding remarks • Wide variety of phenomena discussed pulsar; blazar; molecular cloud; diffuse gamma rays (disc emission); shock acc. in SNR; Rel.shock in blazar/GRBs gamma rays from structure formation dark matter standard shock acceleration for origin of cosmic rays ?? raison d’etre of TeV gamma ray astronomy? (e.g. vs X-rays or highest energy cosmic rays ) • What else? ----- and my personal likings micro-quasar/x-ray binaries IR background radiation; quantum gravity; exotics and enigma • Views and prospects • ultimate IACT and stereo techniques ?

  29. A decade of years,since TeV window was opened. Υray astronomy proposed By Hayakawa, Morrison.. TeV attempt Chudakov, Porter,。。。 Break through by imaging

  30. Cosmological gamma-ray horizon 10GeV Cutoff due to  + CMB e+ +e- zmax CMB at z=100 Fazio & Stecker 1970 Nature 226, 135 10 GeV gamma-rays can explore the Universe up to z=100!

  31. MAGIC concept : big dish: a role of the key • (1) Lower threshold energy (2) good accuracy • MAGIC : 17m H.E.S.S. & VERITAS 12m CANGAROO :10m • A2 is about 10-2 of detection area S. • (5m)2 X 10 = (16m)2(7m)2 X 10 = (22m)2 How big the dish size, A, will be?

  32. MAGIC inauguration October 10, 2003, La Palma A vision of the future of HE, VHE Gamma Ray Astronomy tadashi kifune (shinshu/cangaroo) • Congratulations for the inauguration of the MAGIC telescope ! • fun and pleasure to dream about a magical world. • “Vision” needs to be presented in a logical way based on : the present status, instrumentation and science in the future

  33. VHEγ線天文学、Next Generation IACTs, and CANGAROO 天の時、地の利、人の和 • Tide and 態度 • What we CAN DO and 感度 2 X 17m; 25m; 7 x 12m;……………

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