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Bulletin 21. RECORDING (live) IN ITALY.
Bulletin 21 RECORDING (live) IN ITALY... On April 20, 2008 was realized, in the city of Salerno, south of Italy, the first transcommunication congress that was called “Oltre la Vita – si puó comunicare con l’aldilá?”(“After life – Is it possible to communicate with the Other Side?”) an initiative of Paola Pagano and friends. Paola interested on the subject, when 20 years ago, received, with stunning surprise, a brief phone call from a friend, deceased priest, that identified himself and left her a message. That, practically, came to change everything in which she believed and, in a certain way, her life. Know ledged and intelligent, started to study related subjects. She visited for four times her fellow countryman and medium transcomunicator, Marcelo Bacci, in the city of Grosseto, and each time she anchored the certainty that everything was truth. Until finally, researching through internet, she took knowledge of our work and found interesting to invite us for her first intent. A trip of almost 11 hours, a time difference of 5 hours and a freezing temperature of 13°C (55°F), marked our arrival to Napoli – but the warmth of the italians made us forget everything. I had all the time the company of Paola Valitutti, Paola Pagano’s advisor, that turned out to be my translator and mainly, my friend. We took the background photo in Pompeii, destroyed in 78 AC by the Vesuviu’s eruption.
RECORDINGS STILL IN BRAZIL: In order to confirm that our friends were aware of the trip I made some recordings. Here we have a mixture of recordings in portuguese, spanish and italian, remembering that on the prioneer Jürgenson’s times, that happened wirh frequency: Since the recording was done through the telephone from Rio to São Paulo, I remained listening on the extension, and ask for Mario to make more questions: Mario: - ”Do you want me to make more?” 09- -”Figlio quer la voz!” (“Son want the voice!”) Sonia: -”Go ahead a little more…” In another recording, talking with Mr. German, I ask: Sonia: -”Do you know who’s Mario?” 10-”Eu sei!” (“I know!”) I try to talk to Mario’s father by myself: Sonia: -”Hi Mr.Mario…” 11- -”Ô Mario ascoltcha!” (“Mario listens!”) Here a beautiful mix of italian and spanish. Sonia: -”Do you want to leave a message for her? 12- -”Buon giorno! io parlo!” (“Good morning! I speak!”) Mario calls from Rio again: Mario: -”Is there any message for her?” 13 -”Vive la voz!” (“The voice lives!”) Mario asks for a message to her living mother and the answer is for her to check the recorded voice. Mario: Papa, how are you ? 14 -”Ti voglio dare notizie!”(“I wish to give you news!”) Before I say that I’m going to travel, he announces that everybody already knows: 15- -”Alór tutto sabe!” (“Everybody know!”) Sonia: -”I’m going to Italy…” He says that my language is a song: 16- -”Una cancione…” (“A song!”) Sonia: - “Can you understand me talking portuguese?” 17- -”Esperato vere!” (“Wait to see!”) 18- -”Arrivato a mia casa!”(“Arrived to mu house!”) (seems he feels back home, back as part of his family). (Listen to the recordings which appear in red) As soon as I started to record I was telling what I was doing and before saying that I was putting on the headphones to listen, Mr. German said: 01 - ”Cê fica linda!” (“You’re beautiful!”) Sonia: -”… putting on the headphones now…” I ask if any deceased italians, which their names were handled to me, could communicate: Sonia: -”Would they be able to talk now?” 02- Sr. Alemão: - “Poder gravar!” (“Can record!”) Our volunteer italian translator, Mario, that lives in Rio de Janeiro lost his father in Italy – and I try contact with him, that is also named Mario: 03 -”Voy tchamar!” (“Going to call!”) Sonia: Could you leave a message? Something curious: After I turned down the background noise, a “direct” voice appears answering me when I thank: Sonia: -”Grazie!” 04- (direct voice) -”É daqui !” (“It’s from here!”) I call the attention to the fact of having a portuguese person on the Other Side: 05- (Portugal’s accent) – “Só melhora!” (“Just gets better”!) On the following day we did a test with Mario calling from Rio to talk to his father: Mario: - Papá ti voglio tanto bene! (“Dad I love you very much!”) 06- -”Isso funciona tu tá qüi!” (“That functions you are here!”) It’s curious that they mixed portuguese and italian. In italian he asks for his son to call him: 07- “Chiame papá!” (“Call dad!”) 08- “Parla… piángere!” (Speak… crying!”)(he asks to speak and says he cries). The background photo is from objects recovered in Pompeii.
ALREADY IN ITALY... From the airport we went straight to a meeting with journalists, and from there to a TV station. That was determinant for bringing new people into the event, as we came to find out. On the following day, an engineer and friend Paolo Presi and his wife Anna, arrived from Údine, north of Italy, almost frontier with Eslovenia. Together, we went for a tour (on foot – because in the majority of streets no car can go through) to the surroundings, observing the curious architecture – practically the biggest part of the city has a medieval nature, with tight streets, houses without depthness or patio (what forces them, typically, to hang their cloth to dry on the balconies). We visited a beautiful church with over 1.000 years and, of course, practicing every while, the italian national sport: to eat. I used to joke a lot with that, because there must not exist, on the planet, another country in which people eat so much – and worst: so well. THE EVENT To the surprise even of the organizers, a public of almost 400 people appeared at the Teatro Delle Arti’s auditorium – what, considering that the fact of being in Europe is already uncommon, and more yet, because it was in Italy, which is seated in the Papa’s lap – world center of Catholicism, that in its basis, disapprove the survival after death, the reincarnation and the communication with the Other Side – central support of our work. Paola Pagano, the organizer THE LECTURERS The event was opened by the sensitive Susy Valitutti and following spoke our colleague the engineer Paolo Presi – presenting the work of Marcello Bacci. Paolo, jointly with Daniele Gullá, study and analyze paranormal voices and images. Daniele’s analysis are the heart of “IL Laboratorio” (The Laboratory) – headquarters in Bologna. It was him who analyzed and authenticated the brazilian case of the young deceased Edna, pointing 99% of similarity between the samples of the voices of the young girl when she was alive and after death. It was a notable case, studied in depth and in long 52 pages, the we will publish yet. Paolo announced that soon they will publish a book, more specifically directed to the world scientific community, where they relate, with total impartiality, analysis of voices and conclude that, mathematically, alterations are detected that effectively correspond to voices and not to “hallucinations” or mere hearing impressions. As is proper in a scientific work, they respect the necessary impartiality, limiting to certify that the voices are real and from an unknown origin – that is, by the logic of our science, they shouldn’t be there. But they are.
MARCELLO BACCI: Eng. Paolo Presi’s Theme Both in Europe and USA, people still use a recorder unlike our work that moved to computers 10 years ago. Marcello Bacci, 80, uses an old-fashioned valve’s radio. Since 20 years ago voice recordings have been made by his close friends who follow him. Now he doesn’t make a meeting all Fridays, which he did for many years mainly comforting desperate mothers. Actually he only calls a meeting once a month since his health doesn’t allow him for more than that. One can not deny the great worth of decades of devotion in behalf of those broken hearts due to great losses. Marcello, in his simplicity, changed the life of many people. But when the subject is transcommunication, one has to take advantage of the technology progress by following the evolution both from this and the other side. Marcello never changed his proceedings. Since the beginning he uses the same radio and his strong medium capacity. This is clear due to several factors: besides the voices, there are always some “apport’” cases – objects that fall down from nowhere. Generally, they fall close to those who our friends wish to offer a gift. When I was with Marcello in Grosseto in 2005, I got a rose heart which unexpectedly fell down close to my feet. Marina, Marcello’s wife saw the rose, picked it up and gave it to me and I was absolutely astonished. Other facts also show that Marcello is a medium of physical effects: his radio does not operate as a regular radio during the sessions. Once the channel is open for the “other side”, one can move the dial that nothing will interfere with the entering voices. Paolo told that he witnessed a session in which voices were communicating when a technician who was attending the session decided to remove a valve from the radio. He took it out but nothing changed and the radio continued being the vehicle. He then started taking out all the 5 valves, one by one, until removing the last one when they thought the radio would turn off. But no, the voices continued to be heard. This experience demonstrates that the radio is not used as a regular radio, that is receiving regular radio vibrations. Thus, the transcommunication exercised by this fabulous Italian is marked by his strong medium capacity, and this is why other transcommunicators in the world are not able to apply his method. At right, Eng. Paolo Presi and below, the italian pioneer, Marcello Bacci and his valves radio (scene from the film presented By the lecturer). Apport are objects that appear “from nowhere”, generally they fall from a certain height and drop. This pink glass heart fell at my feet during my visit to Marcello, in 2005.
OUR PRESENTATION In the morning, I presented our audio results. There were around 15 cases and the attendance was amazed for the quality and clearness of the voices. It was really interesting to be able to show that our technique is accessible to those who does not have the exuberant medium capacity of that gentle soul, Marcello. According to our experience, our recording method (see the “Recording Voices” Book) allows any person to record paranormal voices. After my speech, it was Rosa Langella’s turn, the Napolitan who lost two sons and the husband. For years she records using only one recorder or both a recorder and a radio producing the noise (as it is still used in almost all the countries). She presented some voices in the recorder extracted from a couple of tapes. Rosa has been supporting mothers who lost their children and thus, she is another dedicated Italian who helps to ease the pain of those that also feel her pain. After lunch time, it was a priest’s turn to talk about seeing “angels” and “devils” (!!!) at death-bed. At that moment, my brain denied to understand what he was talking about. The theme was quite strange and his catholic point of view mislead it even more. It is obvious that he did not attend the other presentations as he run the risk of being confronted by the attendance that although having a catholic graduation do argue about some of the church’s “dogmas’. By the end of his speech, someone asked him about the origin of the “angels” – if they were children who died and/or from where they came. He then relied upon the dogma that God is the one who creates and that’s it. (???) Right after the priest, it was again my turn to present a second theme – IMAGES -- mainly focused on deceased people appearances. My two presentations made in Power Point had he important support of the Italian-inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro Mario Masprone, one of our dedicated volunteers. Born in Italy and living in Rio for more that twenty years, he translated my presentations with excellence thus allowing the attendance to follow the content in their own language. Obviously, the videos showing dead people appearing life and colorful, caused great impact as they mentioned afterwards. The background photo is Paola’s house and in the smaller image, a moment during our presentation.
ALBUM The last presentation was a “sui-generis” medium’s case: Laura Paradiso from Siracusa, helps people through a method created by herself and her spiritual mentors. As Marcello Bacci’s example, she mixes equipments with her medium capacity, a chaos that works. After presenting her experiences, she offered to make a public demonstration for the audience. She opened a black plastic CD box, leaving it open and empty in front of her. With a mini-recorder in her left hand and a pen without the tip in her right hand she “wrote” (?) on top of the box making a noise. In other words: by scrubbing the pen at the rigid plastic CD box, she recorded a sound that seemed to be a whisper. Right after, she did turn the tape bringing it to the beginning to listen to it. She was the only one who could listen an understand the whisper as the sound was almost inaudible or understandable for the others who were following her experience. BUT…amazingly, it did work. The experience was done in a very fast way – by writing, listening and talking … but right after she asked to the attendance: - “Does anyone knows Helena? A girl from the attendance showed up and confirmed she did know Helena. Laura then repeated her writing at the plastic box, listened the tape and said: “She said she was buried without shoes…” Yes, touched, her granddaughter confirmed. Laura, an old lady near the 70s smiled while she was listening the messages. She mainly mentioned names – which of course is something quite difficult, especially in front of an audience who was so alert. Another example: - “Who lost a young boy called Enzo?” and a mother bathed in tears showed up. Laura continued saying to the mother: - “He is talking about Marco – who is Marco?” and the mother cried even more as Marco is her grandson, son of her young boy. The phenomenon seemed to be authentic to me, derived 90% from her medium capacity and 10% through the equipment. Laura is a great clairaudient, and the phenomenon could have happened with or without the little recorder. But of course it is something new and surprising. The closing was done with a debate followed by a beautiful video brought by Paolo Presi about testimonies of mothers who lost their children and listened and recognized their voices after their departure. Of course, it was quite touching and rewarding to see how the learning about the continuity of life helps people. With Paolo, in a typical Salerno’s street, old downtown. At top left, balconies with clothes, very typical. My translator, Paola, and at right, teaching people wanting to learn our technique, mainly mothers that had lost sons. At left, typical scenes, and at top, Pompeii’s petrified body.
RECORDINGS IN THE HOTEL In my free time I did some contacts to assure that our Communicators were ready: I had wondered if Fernando could speak in italian and he answered correctly (as it was heard and typed by Paolo Presi): Sonia: -”A kiss, Fernando” 27 -“Eco dirrei che io posso!” (“Right I say I can!”) 28- -”Cerchiamo un contatto!” Also in correct italian, they say that they try to contact us Sonia: - “Can you say something to Paola?” 29- Fernando: - Está de preto!”(”She is in black) It was correct – as soon as Paola come to the hotel to pick me up, I said that I already knew she would be dressed in black. Here gives Fernando a technical tips: 30 .“Mais matéria! Mais aparelho!”(”More matter! More equipment! ) Sonia: -”A kiss, Fernando...” Fernando: -“Até rever-te!” (See you) Thanks to this tips, I improvised a source of background noise once I understood “matter “ as background noise so they could use it. Both following contacts were recorded with this news. The quality is just OK, but it catches our attention for being DIRECT VOICES, and with a musical sound that comes out of nowhere In the voice of Andrea, he assures that he had promised to speak: 31- Andrea: .“Prometido!” -(”Promised”) Also in italian, he confirms that they will make it work on their side: 32 -”Fare funzionare qui!” Mr. German joins in the mix of languages and asks me, half italian, half portuguese. 33 -”Andate! escuta-me!” (“Let’s go” Listen me!”) Sonia: - “Hi, Mr. German, good afternoon” 34 _”Rispondo amica!” (“Answer friend!”) Sonia: - “Are you all happy with the results?” Fernando asks me to record to a certain person: 35- Fernando: - Você ouve! Cê deve largar o contato!”(“You listen! You must let the contact go”) 36 -Vai buscar Paola!!!”(”Bring Paola!!! ) (Ouça os áudios, cujas frases estão em vermelho) 19- “Vai valer, sabe!” -”(It will work, you know”) Sonia: -”Is our italian team ready?” 20 –.“Aqui grava Armani!”(”Here, records Armani”) I try some few words that I know in italian, and Fernando, my deceased husband answers: Sonia: -”Buon giorno!” 21- Fernando: - .“Tô escutando!”(”I hear you”) One of the names that they gave me to contact was of a young boy called Andrea, who died when he was 14 years old. The answer was precise, because a short minute before that, I had tried to speak directly to the boy and as the answers would be in italian, I didn’t hear them, because I wouldn’t understand. But Fernando asks here to check it, because the boy had already answered: Sonia: -”Do you know who Andrea is?” 22- Fernando: - Vê! Taí, já falou!”(”Look!! It’s there, he talked”) And he says that the young boy was waiting to speak: 23 Fernando: - .“Te espera!”(”He waits for you”) Sonia: -”Is the boy there now? Fernando: -“ Tá no seu teste!” (”Is in your test”) “I ask about other deceased people” 24- Fernando: - Não posso dizer!”(”I cannot say”) Sonia: -”What about Solange”? Sonia: -”And Yolanda?” 25-Fernando: .“Dizer que esperou!” -(”Tell that waited”) “It’s funny the fact that he and the others from brazil had traveled to Europe in a ship: 26-Fernando: .“Venho nave!”(-”I come in a ship”) Sonia: -”How did you come? (to Italy)”
LIVE RECORDING With a mother: In the event we had met Susy Valetutti, which lost her son, Andrea, by a lethal infection, which killed him in just three days, by the age of 14. I had already asked him, and confirmed that he would communicate. We met in my room in the hotel with the presence of: Paolo Presi (engineer lecturer), Paola Pagano (the event organizer), Paola (my interpreter), Susy (Andrea’s mother) and I. We were squeezed in the room, but even that way we sat and did two short recordings, which were listened aloud, so that everyone could hear them. Little by little they were saying and writing (in italian) the wide and unexpected content of contacts, to the surprise of everyone who were there: Here are the 24 transcontacts that were detected there, live – Paolo Presi and Susy were about one meter away from my notebook and Paola Pagano, was about 2 meters: –“Buon giorno... eu venho cá!” (“Good morning... I come here!”) –“Cosi per essere sola proprio la mala fede!” (That way only could be unwillingness!”) –“Ajudas papá!” (“Help, dad!”) –“E alor molto si sa!” (“Now, a lot is known!”) –“Que pasó- no mangiare piu!” (“What happen? Does not eat anymore?”) –“Continuar sinta la tierra!” –“Sono io mamma buon giorno a te!” (It’s me mom good morning to you!”) –“Son amore traduzi con amoramento!” –“Amonito!” –“Cambia la vita del mondo!” (“Changes the life of the world!”) –“Contato tra!” –“Papa migliorar!” (“Dad will get better!”) –“Cuando arrivai di qua papa entravo i fenomeni!” –“Come una scola nuova!” (“Like new school!”) –“Force capterá Sonia e ancora proverró! (”Strength will get Sonia and yet will provide!”) –“Questo possiamo travoi ed io chiamar!” –“Puoi parlare domani farei faremo un discorso!” –“Ora l'eletroniche te da la prova!” (“Well the electronics will give you the proof!”) –“Stai facendo il meglio,miglioramento!” (“Is doing the best improvement!”) –“Noi parlavamo con Dio!” (“We were talking to God!”) –“Lo capisco collaborare!” (Do understand, will collaborate!”) –“I nostri falli alzar -Prove hai avute qua!” (“Our fail we will find out – Have proof here!”) –“Un baccio!” (“A kiss!”) –“Che prova bella!!!” (“What a beautiful proof!”) Note: all the contacts are coherent and when he asks his mother to help his father it makes sense, because they are divorced.
54 answers in an afternoon and in italian: (here are the audio files, according to what was heard by the 8 people present) TEACHING TO RECORD... The following day was one of the most important: Paola invited the ones interested in learning to record to go to her house, mainly the mothers that have lost their children so that they could learn how to use the technique we use. The ones who were there: Antonella, who lost her daughter Danielle (cancer); Carmela, who lost her daughter Liza (cancer); Tereza, who lost her son Alécio; Maria who lost her son (suicide); Dario, who lost his mother Susy; Rosa, who lost her sister Paola; Giovana, who lost her husband, Césare; and Paola Pagano, who lost her father, Ernesto. We explained our technique and we did some recording tests, to see if some of these people who had passed away could communicate with us. IMPORTANT: Once my italian knowledge is not enough, I had to do it in a different way. Here in Brazil, I always record the messages, I listen to them carefully with my headphones and I find the answers right away. But it was not possible in Italy, it was worthless to listen to the recordings, once I didn’t know how to find the answers, because my italian is not good. This way, I was forced to play the recordings out loud in my notebook so that everyone in the room could hear them, so one or two people helped me to find answers and they could also detect complete sentences. One more observation: to save each sentence of the transcontacts, some of the people that were in the room came to my notebook to type the sentences – because, obviously, the correct sentences should be written by people who knew the language. It was, in the total, 58 answers in that afternoon – which made all of us happy, of course. Here are the results which were detected by the ones that were there: Top right, Rosa, that lost her sister Paola, at 32 years. The deceased coherent messages confirmed being from herself 01- La gioia in fondo e un marito 02- In terra serve anche a te 03- Guarda i suoi ideali non l ho abbandono 04- Registra da visioni ai morti 05- Parlate tanto noi 06- Voi entrate bene me Paola, the deceased sister Paola Pagano talked to her father, Ernesto. She was shocked with his napolitan pronunciation, in the same way he used to talk… 01- Te aviso cuando lo puo'fare 02- Emozioni che ha avuto tuo padre 03- Tu facevi non si puo proprio andare 04- Cé'qua la vita 05- Ti auguro buon lavoro 06- Esolo paura ma sei brava 07- De qua qua io per radio t'ho salutato 08- Tua casa si lavora 09- Tuo cuore mi a ajudato qua 10- Da qua si consuola 11- Prova a la gente
ITALIAN TRANSCONTACTS For Tereza, from her deceased daughter, Lisa For Dario, From his mother, Suzy, died by cancer 01- Bene grande 02- La voce cercato hai 03- Ci siamo pure noi 04- La devi chiamare 05- En la sera vengo a dormire Lisa Lisa 01- Armonia con allegra dare Lisa 02- Trasmutera al piano cercare –trasmissioni Lisa 03- Stanno parlando Lisa 04- Mamma! Lisa 05- Telefonami! Suzy For Carmela, from her son Alécio: For Antonela, from Roberta, whose photo she carries in her cellular phone Alécio 01- Cerchero migliora Alécio 02- Transfoto c'a fatto giorno Alécio 03- Qui stazione fatto compiere Alécio 04- Cè làmore,tradurre e imparare a memoria Alécio 05- Va bene si Antonela has been recording for a time, and handles the recorder with efficiency. We recorded simultaneously in my notebook and in her micro-recorder, and contacts were the same: Roberta 01- Dario puoi parlare Roberta 02- Arrabbiti nei ventánni Roberta 03- Dico ma spero chiama dio cara diario Roberta 04- Che figlio maschio Roberta 05- Ci son le vocie'un problema Roberta 06- Io o invitato tre For Giovanna, from her husband Césare: Césare 01- Quando voi parla con tua sposa Césare 02- Prova que sente Césare 03- Te lo avremmo detto Césare 04- Ora telefona Césare 05- Un baccio lo sentito parlami Césare 06- Storia della vostra relazione Roberta Alécio
END OF A NONSENSE? With that significant occurrence, we raised a very important question: within the nonsense that some people say (the ones who doesn’t know Transcoomunication, and, less yet admit the survival after death), are the ones who assume that the registered "voices" aren’t nothing more than the product of the mind of the “transcommunicator”. A brave defender of that pathetic idea is nobody but Father Quevedo. One more thing of the ones he talks about but does not prove. For incredible that appears he already admitted publicly (we have the journal article) that the Voices are REAL!!! BUT, explains wisely, are not death people voices. That doesn’t exist. No!!! In his head, the transcomunicator (he only does not explain how!) generates the recorded voices. Of course that he doesn’t explain neither, how is that a transcomunicator, without having met the deceased, could produce exactly their voices, to the extreme that their families could recognize them. Also he doesn’t explain how is that the answers, technically, are registered inside the recorder. Maybe the information goes out the brain, in a walking, and arrives to the local of the PC recording? In what form could it end up inside the computer and in the correct place? More unexplainable yet, for him, would be the case that we witnessed this time: since I do not speak italian (to the extent that the answers had to be identified by people present and even be digitized by them), the question is: how "my" mind could have placed there such contacts??? Facing such evidence, is mandatory to indicate that they are really voices of third parties, and not the product of the mind of who is recording, for Christ sake!!. So it remains clear, death people talk, yes ... Even Quevedo not liking it!!! PLANS AND PLANS... Observing the touching phenomenon happened there, live and in colors and in front of everybody, our friend Paola, organizer of the event, had her conviction more reinforced yet. And she dreams (as we dream) with continuity. Proofs for identification Only María had in the purse A picture of the deceased With the family, and only to her Was that requested. Nobody knew. Wouldn’t it be a significant proof That his son was indicating his presence? María lost her son Daniele by suicide, what made her loose emotional control. She obtained, that afternoon, important identification prooves, like for instance: the son asked forgiveness to mom and dad (contact 01); the fact of requesting her to give his photo with the family, well before we asked to see him (contact 03); but, the most important, was to confirm that the reason which took him to kill himself, did not have anything to do with the family, as he already had told through other means, like through some mediums looked by the mother – and of whom, of course, we didn’t know. In the recording, she asked if the family was to be blamed for his attitude, and he answered: -”Nothing... I say always!” These are the 10 recorded and listened answers heard by his mother, there, at the same time: Maria Daniele 01- Mamma, papa perdonami Daniele 02- Mama…. a Maria Daniele 03- Da foto da famiglia Daniele 04- Papa ignorai Daniele 05- Fenomeni a agiranno Daniele 06- Niente te lo dico sempre Daniele 07- Salvarti mamma devo Daniele 08- Dio no ponizioni tu ora avisa Daniele 09- E con lo stereo al lato arrivo Daniele 10- Di far la migliore