What is Fat: Fat is an essential part of our diet and nutrition, and we cannot live without it. Our bodies require small amounts of 'good fat' to function and help prevent disease. However, a lot of modern diets contain far more fat than the body needs. Too much fat, especially too much of the wrong type of fat, can cause serious health complaints including obesity, higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which in turn lead to a greater risk of heart disease. What is Body Fat? There is a common misconception that all body fat is bad. In truth, some body fat is needed to protect the person’s health as well as supplying a reservoir of energy for performing various body functions. To better understand this, the total weight of body fat can be subdivided into three separate categories: Weight of “Essential Body Fat” - This amount of body fat is needed to protect the body from infectious diseases and to protect the internal organs from bruising damage. Weight of “Reserve Body Fat”– The amount of additional body fat that does not cause any medical risks, and provides a reservoir of “fuel” for use by the body. Weight of “Excess Body Fat”– The amount of body fat that is over and above the combination of Essential Body Fat plus Reserve Body Fat. Excess Body Fat causes the risk of serious health problems such as strokes, heart attacks, diabetes and certain forms of cancer. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
The following further discusses the three parts of the total body fat. Essential Body Fat During the development of the FUTREX Body Composition Analyzers, approximately thirty medical “gurus,” that specialized in the study of body fat on human health, were contacted. These experts were asked what minimum percent body fat is necessary to avoid health problems. Although there wasn’t a total consensus, the majority agreed that the minimum healthy body fat is six percent for males, and nine percent for females of normal body weight. These levels are needed to avoid bacterial and viral diseases as well as provide the body with the needed insulation for temperature extremes and to protect internal organs from bruising. This Essential Body Fat can be considered composed of two different components. The fat layer that is directly under the skin ––– called subcutaneous fat. This fat layer provides thermal protection and bruise protection. The body fat that is contained in the muscle ––– called intramuscular fat. This is similar to the thin layers of fat you see within meat when you buy a well trimmed steak from a butcher. This fat provides an emergency “fuel” source for the total body and “cushions” (i.e., protects) the vital organs from shock forces. The minimum percent body fat is higher for females than for males because of reproduction needs as well as other body functions. Admittedly, world class athletes, in order to achieve maximum speed and agility, have body fat below the recommended levels for “Essential Body Fat.” For example, world class runners have body fat typically between three and four percent. Similar low levels are typical of professional football wide receivers. Another example, world class gymnasts typically have body fat below three percent. In fact, no member of the United States Olympic Gymnastics Team had body fat above three percent. Yet, it is widely known that such low percent body fat can cause severe health problems later in life. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
RESERVE BODY FAT In the last twenty years, the scientific literature contains many studies to determine what level of body fat is allowable before introducing health risks. Many of these studies were performed at the Cooper Institute  (Dallas, Texas), and by the National Institutes of Health’s Framingham Studies. The scientific literature shows that the maximum amount of allowable Reserve Body Fatis a function of a person’s height, age, and gender. For example, a six foot tall male who is 35 years old can have Reserve Body Fat anywhere between 0 lbs. and 23 lbs. However, for a male 55 years old and six feet tall the allowable Reserve Body Fat can be anywhere between zero and 30 pounds without increasing his health risks.
EXCESS BODY FAT Any amount of body fat over and above the combination of Essential and Reserve Body Fat introduces serious health risks. Moreover, NIH research shows that these risks increased as the amount of Excess Body Fat increases. From the accompanying figure, two facts are obvious: It is much better to be underweight than it is to be overweight (there is much lower “mortality ratio”; i.e., the statistical death rate is lower). As you become more overweight, the curve tends to run away. In other words the risk of death is greatly increased. What causes fat in the body? The result, according to the hormone hypothesis, is an ever greater proportion of the day that insulin in the blood is elevated, causing fat to accumulate in fat cells rather than being used to fuel the body. As little as 10 or 20 calories stored as excess fat each day can lead over decades to obesity. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
10 Leading Causes of Weight Gain and Obesity (Besides Willpower) Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world. It travels with various other diseases, which combined kill millions of people per year. These diseases include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, dementia and various others. Obesity and Willpower In the discussions about weight gain and obesity, many people seem to think that it is purely a function of willpower. In my opinion, that idea is ridiculous. I do agree that whether we gain weight (or not) is a result of behavior, in this case eating behavior. If we eat more than we burn, we gain weight. If we eat less and exercise, then we lose. However... human behavior is complex. It is driven by various biological factors like genetics, hormones and neural circuits. Eating behavior, just like sexual behavior and sleeping behavior, is driven by biological processes. Saying that behavior is simply a function of willpower is way too simplistic. It doesn't take into account all the other factors that ultimately determine what we do and when we do it. Most people's willpower crumbles under the force of other signals, both internal and external. Here are 10 factors that I believe are leading causes of weight gain, obesity and metabolic disease, that really have nothing to do with willpower. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
1. Genetics Obesity has a strong genetic component. Off springs of obese parents are much more likely to become obese than off springs of lean parents. This is not to say that obesity is completely predetermined because our genes aren't as set in stone as you may think... the signals we send our genes can have a major effect on which genes are expressed and which are not. Non-industrialized societies rapidly become obese when they start eating a typical Western diet. Their genes didn't change, the environment and the signals they sent to their genes changed. It does seem clear that there are genetic components that do affect our susceptibility to gain weight. Studies on identical twins demonstrate this very well (1). 2. Engineered "Hyperpalatable" Junk Foods Today, foods are often little more than refined ingredients mixed in with a bunch of chemicals. These products are engineered to be cheap, last long on the shelf and taste so incredibly good that we just can't get enough. By making foods "hyperpalatable," the food manufacturers ensure that we eat a lot and decide to buy and eat them again and again. Most processed foods today don't resemble food at all. These are highly engineered products, with massive budgets spent on making the foods taste so good that we become "hooked." 3. Food Addiction These highly engineered junk foods cause powerful stimulation of the reward centers in our brains (2, 3).
You know what else does that? Drugs of abuse like alcohol, cocaine, nicotine and cannabis. The fact is that junk foods can cause full-blown addiction in susceptible individuals. People lose control over their eating behavior, in the same way as alcoholics lose control over their drinking behavior. Addiction is a complex issue with a biological basis that can be very difficult to overcome. When you become addicted to something, you lose your freedom of choice and the biochemistry in your brain starts calling the shots for you. 4. Aggressive Marketing (Especially Towards Children) The junk food companies are very aggressive marketers. Their tactics can get unethical at times and they constantly market very unhealthy products as if they are health foods. The food companies make misleading claims and they spend massive amounts of money sponsoring scientists and major health organizations to influence their research and guidelines. In my opinion, the junk food companies are even worse than the tobacco companies ever were, because they target their marketing specifically towards children. Children are becoming obese, diabetic and addicted to junk foods way before they're old enough to make conscious decisions about these things. 5. Insulin Insulin is a very important hormone that regulates energy storage, among other things. One of the functions of insulin is to tell fat cells to store fat and to hold on to the fat that they already carry. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
The Western diet causes insulin resistance in many individuals (4). This elevates insulin levels all over the body, making energy selectively get stored in the fat cells instead of being available for use. The best way to lower insulin is to cut back on carbohydrates, which usually leads to an automatic reduction in calorie intake and effortless weight loss. No calorie counting or portion control required (5, 6). 6. Certain Medications There are many pharmaceutical drugs that can cause weight gain as a side effect. Examples include diabetes medication, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. These drugs don't cause a "willpower deficiency" - they alter the function of the body and brain, making it selectively store fat instead of burning it. 7. Leptin Another hormone that is crucial in obesity is Leptin. This hormone is produced by the fat cells and is supposed to send signals to the hypothalamus (the part of our brain that controls food intake) that we're full and need to stop eating. Obese people have lots of fat and lots of leptin. The problem is that the leptin isn't working as it should, because for some reason the brain becomes resistant to it (7). This is called leptin resistance and is believed to be a leading factor in the pathogenesis of obesity. 8. Food Availability One factor that has dramatically influenced the collective waistline of the world is a massive increase in food availability. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
Food (especially junk food) is everywhere now. Even gas stations sell food and merchants stack tempting products like candy bars in areas that maximize the chances of impulse purchases. Another problem related to availability is that junk food is often cheaper than real food, especially in America. Some people, especially in poorer neighborhoods, don't even have the option of purchasing real foods. The convenience stores in these areas only sell sodas, candy and processed, packaged junk foods. How can it be a matter of choice of you literally don't have a choice? 9. Sugar In my opinion, sugar is the single worst part of the modern diet. The reason is that when consumed in excess, sugar changes the hormones and biochemistry of the body, contributing to weight gain. Added sugar is half glucose, half fructose. We get glucose from all sorts of foods, including starches, but we get the majority of our fructose from added sugars. Excess fructose consumption causes insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels (9, 10). It may cause leptin resistance, at least in rats (11). It also doesn't cause satiety in the same way as glucose (12, 13). All of these contribute to energy storage and ultimately, obesity. 10. Misinformation People all over the world are being misinformed about health and nutrition. I think the main reason for this is that the food companies sponsor scientists and major health organizations all around the world. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
For example, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the biggest organization of nutrition professionals in the world) is heavily sponsored by the likes of Coca Cola, Kellogg's and Pepsico. The American Diabetes Association is sponsored by drug companies by millions of dollars per year, companies which directly profit from the failed low-fat advice. Even the official guidelines promoted by the government seem to be designed to protect the interests of the corporations instead of promoting the health of individuals. How on earth are people to make the right choices if they're being constantly lied to by the government, the health organizations and the very professionals that are supposed to know what to do? Take Home Message I am NOT suggesting that people should use this article as an excuse to give up and decide that their fate is outside of their own control. Not at all. Unless there is some medical condition getting in the way, it is within any individual's power to control their own weight. It can be done. It often takes hard work and a drastic lifestyle change, but many people do succeed in the long run despite having the odds stacked up against them. The point of this article is rather to open people's minds to the fact that something other than "individual responsibility" may be causing the obesity epidemic. The fact is that the way our foods and society have been engineered are all important factors that must be fixed if we are to reverse this problem on a global scale. The idea that it is all caused by a lack of willpower is exactly what the food companies want us to believe, so that they can continue their unethical marketing in peace. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
How To Lose Body Fat Now: Just how much body fat should be lost will depend on one's goals. Let's examine the most effective ways the severely overweight through advanced trainer can lose fat. Losing body fat is not the easiest of propositions; just ask anyone trying to lose that last ten pounds. It often seems as if the more persistent a person is, the harder this stubborn body fat is to lose. Whether your goal is to get into top shape for a bodybuilding contest or to look good for the beach, fat loss is arguably the biggest incentive to train. THE MOST EFFECTIVE FAT-LOSS METHODS An extremely lean physique is needed for bodybuilding purposes, while a smaller amount of fat loss is often all it takes to reveal a nice "beach body." The best ways to lose fat often depend on how fit you already are, so plan accordingly. The following methods can be used together or separately, depending on your goals and where you're starting from. Later we'll show you what specific steps you should take depending on how much fat you have to lose. 1.START WITH EASY WORKOUTS, THEN RAMP UP AS YOU LOSE FAT If you're severely overweight, start with low-intensity cardio and weight training to avoid putting your body under too much stress. As you get used to working out and start losing fat, gradually up the intensity of your activities.
Cardio: Moderate cardio (also known as aerobics) can be really effective for burning fat. Make sure you're not working too hard—you should be able to carry on a conversation. Start with 30- minute sessions and work up to an hour. Walking is a great low-intensity cardio activity if you're overweight. Weight Training: Do weight training along with cardio for the best results, but don't lift too heavy when you first start out. Pick easier weights and do high repetitions. Do basic exercises that work your whole body. 2 GRADUALLY CLEAN UP YOUR DIET You don't have to cut out carbs or go low-fat to lose weight, but you do need to make sure you're getting them from the right foods and in the right amounts. Fats: Too much of the wrong kind of fat will make you gain fat. Cut back on bad fats— especially trans fats found in baked goods and snack foods. But good fats like olive oil, almonds, and avocado actually have a fat-burning effect, so fill up on those instead. Carbs: Simple carbohydrates, or "bad" carbs, come from a lot of the same foods that bad fats come from: processed snacks and sweets. But there are plenty of sources of complex carbohydrates, or "good" carbs, that give you energy without causing you to store fat the way simple carbs tend to do. Complex carbs include brown rice, beans, oats, and potatoes. A third type of carbohydrate, fiber, which can be found in whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables, is an important one for fat loss because it helps you feel full and pushes fat through the digestive system to be eliminated. Aim for 30-40 grams of fiber every day. 3 MIX UP YOUR CARDIO SESSIONS To get the most out of your cardio workouts, find a variety of physical activities you like to do. Walking, cycling, swimming, and even dancing all count. Mixing it up will keep you from getting bored, and each activity will work your body in different ways, which will improve your fitness and help you lose fat. 4 EXERCISE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING Exercising before breakfast, or fasted cardio, is popular among people looking to lose body fat. The idea is that since you've used up your glycogen stores (from carbs) overnight, your body will turn to stored fat to use as fuel. Give it a shot and see if it works for you. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
Working out early in the morning is also great because it's easier to get it done before other plans get in the way. This is a great strategy if you tend to procrastinate or get "too busy" to work out. 5 HIIT TRAINING HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is an advanced form of cardio, or aerobics, designed to burn body fat at a faster rate. It's tough, but very effective for people exercising at intermediate to advanced levels who want to lose fat. With HIIT, you alternate periods of high and low intensity instead of working out at the same pace for the whole time. For instance, walk for 2 minutes, then run fast for 30 seconds, repeating for 20 minutes. If you've been working out for a while and you're ready for a new challenge, this guide has all the details for how to start doing HIIT. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
6 STAGGER YOUR FOOD INTAKE Once you're pretty lean and trying to get to the next level, you can try staggering your food intake. Eat high calories (1000 or so above normal) for two days followed by lower calories for three days. After a period of low calories, the body will tend to hold on to fat, so raising the calories temporarily will raise your metabolic rate to burn more fat. The higher-calorie days are not open invitations to pig out on all manner of forbidden foods. Eat healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, just more of them than normal. Staggering your diet is best when you're trying to lose that remaining 5-10 pounds of fat, and in reasonably good shape to begin with. If you're overweight, the higher-calorie days could stall your weight loss since your metabolism probably isn't high enough to burn the extra calories. 7 DRINK AT LEAST A GALLON OF WATER PER DAY Drinking plenty of water is the easiest thing you can do to make sure you're losing fat as fast as possible. The actual process of burning fat in your body requires water to work right, so not drinking enough water means you're not burning fat as efficiently as you could be. If you're very overweight or live somewhere hot, you might even need more. Use this calculator to figure out how much water you need every day. 8 WEIGHT TRAINING Weight training is a perfect activity for fat loss. Although doing it doesn't directly burn more fat than cardio, weights will build muscle, and muscle burns fat 24 hours a day.The more muscle you have, the better your chances are of losing body fat. WHAT TO DO AND WHEN Some of the tips above will be more effective for someone just starting out, while others are more for people who are experienced and looking to get really lean for a bodybuilding contest. And some tips—like drinking a lot of water—are important for anybody who wants to lose body fat. Here we'll give you more specific tips so you can take the right steps for where you are in your weight loss journey.
SIGNIFICANTLY OVERWEIGHT STAGE: GETTING STARTED If you have a significant amount of body fat you want to lose, like 40 pounds or more, the best strategy is to lose weight slowly with a realistic, long-term approach. While it's tempting to go all-in to try to lose fat faster, crash dieting and intense training aren't the best options. Intense training would put too much strain on your organs and joints, especially if you're not used to being active. And while crash diets—where calories are severely restricted—might seem like they work great in the beginning, they're called "crash" diets for a reason. They're hard to stick to, and the initial weight loss comes right back when you realize it's impossible to keep eating such a small amount of food. If you have a lot of fat to lose, here's your plan: Exercise moderately with aerobics (walking or cycling) and weights (12-15 repetitions, gradually increasing the intensity as weight is lost. Gradually cut out all bad fats while strategically cutting back on carbohydrates. Drink plenty of water to maintain feelings of fullness and help with fat mobilization. Cut out junk foods. Use a personal trainer for motivation. Cut back on alcohol, or eliminate it entirely. Make a plan. Be consistent. Use a fat-burning supplement. MODERATELY OVERWEIGHT STAGE: READY TO WORK HARD At this stage, you still have around 20 pounds of fat you want to lose. For this stage it's good to gradually lose body fat through a combination of low-intensity and high-intensity training, coupled with a sensible eating approach. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
The following guidelines can be used: Exercise moderately with aerobics (a combination of walking, cycling, and rowing) and weights (8-12 repetitions), while incorporating the occasional HIIT session after the first few pounds are lost. Gradually replace unhealthy fats and carbs with good ones. Drink plenty of water to stay full and burn fat. Cut out junk foods. Use a personal trainer for motivation. Cut back on alcohol. Make a plan. Be consistent. Use a fat-burning supplement. SMOOTH STAGE: THE LAST 10 POUNDS This stage would probably be regarded as normal and healthy, but there is an absence of muscle definition due to a thin layer of fat. An off-season bodybuilder is usually at this stage. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
To drop additional fat to reveal a muscular physique, use the following methods: Train aerobically with one moderate-intensity session and four HIIT sessions per week. Weight train all muscle groups using 8-12 repetitions. Gradually replace unhealthy fats and carbs with good ones. Stagger calories (three lower-calorie days followed by two higher-calorie days). Drink plenty of water to stay full and burn fat. Cut out junk foods. Use a personal trainer for motivation. Cut back on alcohol. Make a plan. Be consistent. Use a fat-burning supplement. IN-SHAPE STAGE: GETTING READY TO COMPETE Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
If you only have 3-4 pounds of fat to lose in order to reveal a ripped, muscular physique, do lots of HIIT to really rev up your fat burning. For the out-of-shape beginner, HIIT might be overkill, but for people who are in-shape and advanced, it's great because it takes advantage of your already efficient fat-burning abilities. HIIT sessions can be done five times a week, independent from any other form of training. Here's your full program to burn remaining visible body fat: Do five HIIT sessions per week. Train with weights using 8-12 repetitions. Gradually replace unhealthy fats and carbs with good ones. Stagger calories (three lower-calorie days followed by two higher-calorie days). Drink plenty of water to stay full and burn fat. Cut out junk foods. Use a personal trainer for motivation. Cut back on alcohol. Make a plan. Be consistent. Use a fat-burning supplement. ADDITIONAL FAT-LOSS TIPS 1 CUT ALCOHOL Drinking alcohol is one of the worst things you can do when wanting to lose weight. It will not only add empty calories but will lower testosterone levels for up to 24 hours (testosterone helps to burn fat). Alcohol will also reduce the amount of fat burned for energy. 2 MAKE A PLAN Making a plan is super important. Having specific goals and tracking your progress will help you keep going and stay accountable. And sticking with your plan week after week is what's going to get you results. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
3. GET A PERSONAL TRAINER A personal trainer can add help to motivate and inspire you to lose body fat. Having someone on hand to lend support and expertise can really make the difference for those who are struggling with their weight-loss efforts. The best personal trainer is one who doesn't just have a lot of knowledge, but who listens to your individual needs to help you succeed. 4 USE A FAT-BURNING SUPPLEMENT Fat-burning supplements can cause fat to be burned at a faster rate. But it is important to realize that these are supplements that can help only if they are used in conjunction with an adequate diet and training regimen. You still have to do the work! Body Composition - Too Much Fat? By WLR's Site Manager, Laurence Beeken “Recent figures show that 63% of men and 54% of women in England have a BMI of more than 25; are overweight or obese” British Nutrition Foundation Learn more about the risks involved with carrying excess body fat, why body composition is important and simple ways to measure it. Too Much Fat!? More people around the world are obese than ever before. It’s a massive issue – affecting men and women; young and old; rich and poor. Obesity poses a huge public health problem as excess body fat contributes to an array of medical conditions/diseases. Not maintaining a healthy weight for your height can greatly increase your risk of contracting conditions such as Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, some Cancers and other conditions such as Gallstones. For Tips on how to reduce your body fat and information on what normal body fat is, take a look at Lyndel Costain's article Body Fat: Distribution, Reduction and Ideal, Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
Coronary Heart Disease According to the British Nutrition Foundation, heart disease affects more than 1.4 million people in the U.K. One of the biggest causes of heart disease is a process called atherosclerosis (narrowing of the blood vessels). This happens when fat accumulates in the blood vessels, then goes through a process resulting in the walls of the vessels becoming thicker. This thickening leads to a reduced flow of blood to the heart. One common sign of this is angina (chest pain). (see Healthy Heart Diet) Diabetes (Type II) Type II diabetes, also known as ‘Non-insulin dependent diabetes’, is often found in those who are carrying too much body fat. Obesity is thought to be a considerable risk factor for contraction of type II diabetes. Diabetes is a result of glucose levels in the blood being too high. As the management of glucose levels in the body relies on insulin, this happens when the body’s ability to produce insulin is impaired. Type II diabetes develops when the body produces some, but not all, of the insulin needed. It can also develop when the body is not able to use the insulin that is produced properly. Most cases of type II diabetes are managed by diet alone, with a few cases needing drug treatments alongside the regulation of diet. Today, the best advice for sufferers of type II diabetes is to eat healthily and try to maintain a healthy weight for your height. A balanced diet with plenty of fruit & vegetables, and the bulk of starchy foods, means that the type II diabetic can consume a small amount of sugar - and foods containing sugar can be included (on a small scale) in the day to day diet. Read how Weight Loss Resources' member, Jules reversed his diabetes Cancer Diet has a greater influence on some cancers than others. This influence can be protective or contributory. It is widely accepted that antioxidants contained in fresh fruits and vegetables can help to protect against the majority of cancers. It is also accepted that maintaining a healthy weight for your height reduces risk. It is thought that being obese increases risk. Also, those who have too much body fat tend to eat a diet high in fat content - with less fruit & vegetables, therefore not taking advantage of their protective qualities.
Gallstones According to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), people who maintain a healthy weight are less likely to develop gallstones. Gallstones are clusters of solid materials – mostly cholesterol, which form in the gallbladder. In some cases, the gallstones are ‘silent’, producing no symptoms. However, some can cause pain, and can even be life – threatening if the stones block pancreatic secretions (Pancreatitis). The most common symptom is a severe steady pain in the upper abdomen. Obesity is a key risk factor in the development of gallstones. A diet high in fat can cause bile within the gallbladder to become saturated with cholesterol, causing gallstones to form. ‘Silent’ gallstones are usually left alone to disappear. Generally, if gallstones are causing discomfort or posing a risk to health, the gallbladder is removed by way of surgery. Measuring Your Body Fat As obesity poses many health risks, measuring your body fat to help keep within healthy ranges can greatly reduce the risk of conditions such as those listed above. Obesity is most commonly defined in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index). It is considered normal to have a BMI of 18.5-25. Above 25 is defined as overweight and above 30 is obese. You can calculate your BMI easily by using this simple formula: WEIGHT (KG) HEIGHT (M) x HEIGHT (M) There are a few different ways to measure your body fat percentage: from being immersed in a tank of water and measuring the displacement, to standing on a piece of equipment that resembles bathroom scales. Some simple ways to do it at home include ‘Waist – to –hip ratio’ and ‘Bioelectrical Impedance’. Waist – to – Hip Ratio Where fat is distributed on the body can be a good indicator of overweight/obesity. A lot of fat deposited in the abdominal area can put someone at increased risk of obesity related diseases. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
To carry out this calculation, you need to measure (in cm or inches) your waist at the narrowest part – just above the navel. Make a note of the measurement then do the same around your hips at the widest possible part. Your waist to hip ratio is then determined by dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement. WAIST (cm/inches) HIP (cm/inches) For an average man, a ratio of 0.94 and above poses a health risk. The average woman – a ratio of 0.82 and above defines risk. Note – If you want to be as accurate as possible, take 3 different measurements for each area. Use the smallest measurement of the three for your waist, and the largest for your hip. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis This method measures body fat by sending a (safe) signal through the body. This signal passes freely through lean tissue such as muscle, but encounters resistance when passing through fatty tissue. This resistance is termed ‘bioelectrical impedance’. This is the method used by most electrical body fat monitors. Looking a little like bathroom scales, the monitors use this reading in conjunction with other information, such as gender, height and weight, to calculate a body fat percentage. Reducing the Risks With all the risks associated with obesity and carrying too much body fat, it can be of great benefit to your health to maintain a healthy weight for your height, and stay within healthy BMI ranges. Keeping your body fat in check and ensuring your body composition is healthy can go a long way toward longevity and quality of life. Please note- If you think you may have any of the conditions detailed in this article, or are worried in any way about your health, consult your doctor. Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat
Reference: [1] https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/fat.html [2] www.futrex.com/support/what-is-body-fat/ [3] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-causes-of-weight-gain [4] Kelley, D. E. (2005). Skeletal muscle fat oxidation: timing and flexibility are everything. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115(7), 1699. [5] Siler, S.Q., Neese, R.A., & Hellerstein, M.K. (1999). De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(5), 928-936. [6] https://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/body_weight/body_fat/too_fat.html Click Here to know: How you can Burn your Fat