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Micro - Organisms

Explore the world of microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoans. Viruses are small particles that cause disease in hosts, with a protein coat protecting their genetic material. Bacteria come in various shapes like cocci, bacilli, and spirilla. Fungi like Mucor rely on organic matter for nutrients and reproduce through spores. Learn about different structures and classifications of these microorganisms.

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Micro - Organisms

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Micro - Organisms

  2. Viruses

  3. Viruses Viruses are living organism as it posses genetic material but are not capable of reproducing outside the host cell as it lacks a cellular structure. Viruses are small particles which are smaller than bacteria and can pass through filters that retain bacteria.All viruses are parasites that cause disease in bacteria ,plant and animals.

  4. Structure of viruses • Protein coat It protect the nucleic acid core and determines the host specificity of the virus. • Nucleic acid core It is a set of RNA or DNA which contains the genetic information for producing more viruses.

  5. The structure of the bacteriophage

  6. Infection

  7. Other structure of virus

  8. The replication of bacteriophage

  9. The replication of bacteriophage

  10. The replication of bacteriophage

  11. Bacterial

  12. shape of bacteria Bacteria are divided into three groups according to their shape. Mostly parasitic or saprophytic. 1.Coccus -The bacterium is spherical. 2.Bacillus -The bacterium is rod-shaped 3.Spirillum -The bacterium is spirally coiled.

  13. The bacillus Spirillum

  14. BACILLUS • Bacillus • The rod-shaped bacterium.

  15. structure of a bacterium

  16. Electron micrograph of a section of a typical rob-sharped bacterium ,the light area contain DNA.

  17. Fungi

  18. MUCOR is a kind of bread mould. It depends on bread and other organic matter as food sources through extra-cellular digestion to absorb digested products. Saprophytic nutrition

  19. Structure of Mucor

  20. hyphae sporangia spores The micro-graph of fungi


  22. LICHEN

  23. Parasitic Fungi

  24. Conidia/Basidia

  25. Protozoans

  26. Prokaryotic cell structure

  27. Ciliate

  28. Ciliate

  29. Amoeba Structure

  30. AMOEBA

  31. The End

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