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MAPPP-SETA LEARNERSHIP CERTIFICATION CEREMONY Presentation by: Lumko Mtimde Chief Executive Officer 11 JULY 2008. Learnership Certfication Ceremony. Introduction. The MDDA is a development agency, established through an Act of Parliament, MDDA Act of 2002.
MAPPP-SETA LEARNERSHIP CERTIFICATION CEREMONY Presentation by: Lumko Mtimde Chief Executive Officer 11 JULY 2008 Learnership Certfication Ceremony
Introduction • The MDDA is a development agency, established through an Act of Parliament, MDDA Act of 2002. • Its funded through a partnership of Government (through the Presidency / GCIS), broadcast and print media owners. Therefore, it is an example of a public private partnership. • It assist in building an environment where a diverse, vibrant and creative media flourishes and reflects the needs of all South Africans Learnership Certification Ceremony
Introduction The MDDA is entrusted with the responsibility of promoting media development and diversity in S.A. by (amongst others) providing financial and other support to community (non profit) and small commercial media projects Help create an enabling environment for media development and diversity that is conducive to public discourse and which reflects the needs and aspirations of South Africans. Learnership Certification Ceremony
Vision “Each and every SA citizen should have access to a choice of a diverse range of media” Mission “A development Agency that will assist in building an environment where a diverse, vibrant and creative media flourishes and reflects the needs of all South Africans” • Mandate • CREATE AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSITY WHICH REFLECTS THE NEEDS AND ASPIRATIONS OF ALL SOUTH AFRICANS • REDRESS EXCLUSION AND MARGINALISATION OF DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITIES AND PERSONS FROM ACCESS TO THE MEDIA AND THE MEDIA INDUSTRY • PROMOTE MEDIA DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSITY BY PROVIDING SUPPORT PRIMARILY TO COMMUNITY AND SMALL COMMERCIAL MEDIA PROJECTS Learnership Certification Ceremony
The provision of grants and subsidies – both to individual media projects and to create an enabling environment for media development and diversity • Leveraging resources and support through technical assistance • Conducting and funding research • Facilitating capacity building • Advocating for media diversity APPROACH Learnership Certification Ceremony
Encourage ownership and control of, and access to, media by HDC as well as by historically diminished indigenous language and cultural groups, • Encourage the development of human resources and training, and capacity building, within the media industry, especially amongst HDGs, • Encourage the channelling of resources to the community media and small commercial media sectors, • Raise public awareness with regard to media development and diversity issues, • Support initiatives which promote literacy and a culture of reading, • Encourage research regarding media development and diversity, and • Liaise with other statutory bodies, such as ICASA and USAASA. OBJECTIVES OF THE AGENCY IN TERMS OF THE ACT Learnership Certification Ceremony
To ensure that all citizens can access information in a language of their choice and to transform media access, ownership and control patterns in South Africa • Purpose • To strengthen the sector through provision and leveraging of resources, knowledge and skills in pursuit of promoting media development and diversity Overall Objective Learnership Certification Ceremony
Extract from the Agency Plans • fund and support at least one Community Radio and Newspaper per District Municipality • fund and support at least one small Commercial Media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) per District Municipality • fund and support at least one Community Television per Province • Support for provincial hubs Learnership Certification Ceremony
On Training and Development The MDDA Act Section 3(b)(ii), clearly stipulates the importance of encouraging the development of human resources, training and capacity building within the media industry, especially amongst the historically disadvantaged groups. This is also in line with Section 3(b)(iii) of the Act, which talks to the channelling of resources to the community media and small commercial sectors. As MDDA’s main targets are historically disadvantaged citizens, we’re often faced with a generally disempowering media environment and a prevalent lack of skills amongst the projects we service which are in their formative stages. Learnership Certification Ceremony
On Training and Development • To fulfil its mandate, MDDA has on occasions partnered with a number of training institutions to tailor-make training programmes that can benefit its funded projects both in the print and broadcast sectors. • MDDA has done exchange programmes aimed at projects learning from each other and assisting each other through sharing of ideas and lessons learnt in and improving on each other’s performance. • The institutions MDDA has partnered with nationally include: • Rhodes University : Essentials for Broadcast Management • MAPPP SETA PALM SPRING: Radio Production Learnership • etc. Learnership Certification Ceremony
Management is a key skill essential for running a successful and sustainable radio station • There is a number of other training needs and interventions that continue to be identified by the community radio sector, inter alia; organisational development, financial management, corporate governance, programme production, news production, content development, technical skills, business planning, marketing and advertising skills, etc. • It is our hope that together we can hold hands and further support the growth and development of this sector. • Such learnerships - capacitate the sector and in turn grow the broadcasting industry Radio Station Management Learnership Certification Ceremony
The Agency would like to congratulate the recipients receiving the statement of results at today’s Learnership Certification ceremony. • We thank all those who contributed to this milestone. • The Agency plans to strengthen its partnership with the MAPPPSETA through an MoU and the sector bodies like the NCRF in order to ensure quality assurance in our interventions, support more learnerships, work on using an internship intervention to support the sector, collaborate more closely as organs of state. CONCLUSION Learnership Certification Ceremony
CONCLUSION Learnership Certification Ceremony • Further, as the Agency we hope (together with yourselves and through these partnerships) - • to ensure diversity of media in each and every district municipality of our country. • to ensure increased media in different indigenous languages, reflecting unity in diversity, • to ensure rural communities are empowered, jobs are created, poverty is alleviated and we have an informed society. Thank you 11 July2008 www.mdda.org.za 011726 3336