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No Resources, No Results!

No Resources, No Results!. Moderator: Joanne Carter, Executive Director, RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund (REF), United States Speakers: Catherine Hankins, Associate Director, Strategic Information and Chief Scientific Advisor, UNAIDS, Switzerland

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No Resources, No Results!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. No Resources, No Results! Moderator: Joanne Carter, Executive Director, RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund (REF), United States Speakers: Catherine Hankins, Associate Director, Strategic Information and Chief Scientific Advisor, UNAIDS, Switzerland Mphu Ramatlapeng, Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Lesotho Michel D. Kazatchkine, Executive Director, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Switzerland AlexeyBobrik, Executive Director, Open Health Institute (OHI), Russian Federation Eric Goemaere, Medical Coordinator, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), South Africa

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