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Sermon. By Rev. Dr. F. K. Oladele. TOPIC :. REBUILDING THE BROKEN WALLS. TEXT :. NEHEMIAH 1:1 – 11; 2:11 – 20. I. INTRODUCTION.
Sermon By Rev. Dr. F. K. Oladele
TEXT: NEHEMIAH 1:1 – 11; 2:11 – 20.
I. INTRODUCTION I thank God for another Sunday in the land of the living. We give glory to Him for the journey thus far, by His grace He will see us through the remaining 19days of the year in Jesus name, amen.
I remain eternally grateful to God for the grace to be His mouthpiece. By His grace, He will speak through me in Jesus name, amen.
What the Lord laid on my heart for today is about broken walls in the lives of people. The Lord is saying that many people are wounded as a result of broken relationships which could be regarded as broken walls. We need to rebuild such broken walls and the Lord will rebuild such walls today in Jesus name, amen..
II. WHAT ARE WALLS? • Walls are structures that limit areas whether in building or for defence. • Throughout most of the biblical period, cities were surrounded by a system of fortifications that consisted of walls, towers and gates; populations that lived in unwalled settlements were exposed to great risk (Eze. 38:11 NIV. Num. 13:28b).
City walls had to be high enough and thick enough and constructed on solid foundations that the fortifications and their defenders could deter enemy attack (Deut. 3:5). • Some earliest city walls were over 25ft tall and over 15ft thick and were built of solid stones. Much attention was given to the construction of deep and wide foundations.
Nowadays, cities are not walled but houses are walled. Today, we see fences that are as high as prison wall, apart from walls, people put barb wires to forestall the activities of the men of the under-world.
Beloved, when such walls collapse for one reason or the other, immediate steps are taken to rebuild them since it will expose us to attacks. • Today, as earlier stated, walls represent relationships among people and as such we want to examine broken relationships.
Strong walls that represent strong love between husbands and wives have been broken. Couples that used to eat together, go out together, sleep together can no longer see each other.
They don’t see anything good in each other. Indeed some are living together under the same roofs like tenants; some only communicate by writing note to each other or using their children as intermediaries.
Some couple have not slept together for months. Yet see what the Bible says in 1Cor. 7:5. • Couples that do not talk together cannot plan their future to talk less of the future of their children.
Relationship among siblings have been broken, some have vowed never to have anything to do with each other. • Relationship between parents and children; friends; workers and employers have been broken.
The Church of God is not left out, some brethren cannot see themselves and exchange greetings like they used to do. • Beloved, when the wall of love is broken, wounds are created which only God can heal.
If there are such people here today, such walls will be re – built and such wounds will be healed in the name of Jesus.
Today’s Passage • The passage of today depicts what happens when walls of love are broken.
Vs.1-2. Hanani, one of Nehemiah’s brothers came from Judah with some men and he asked about the Jewish remnants and about Jerusalem. Just like people will inquire from people from their villages or cities.
V3: They responded: “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates have been burned with fire”.
Despite the fact that the returned exiles had been in Jerusalem for many years, the walls of the city remained unrepaired, leaving it people defenceless and vulnerable.
Beloved, despite the fact that many people had intervened and much more been a Christian and hearing the word of God, the wall of love remains unrepaired and leaving you miserable and vulnerable to sin.
Nehemiah’s response (V4) “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before God”.
Brethren, this is usually the situation of people when strong love is broken, such people are dejected, discouraged, disappointed, sad, some at times feel like committing suicide.
Beloved, I thank God that after all, Nehemiah fasted and prayed because sitting down, weeping and mourning will only worsen the matter.
Praying to God of heaven is the best preparation for great and difficult undertakings and is the surest means of securing complete and final victory. (Neh. 2:4 – 8; Ezr. 7:6).
His prayer verses 5 – 11 consist of praise V5 and confession of his sin and the sins of his people. • He interceded for his people day and night and also made his petition known to God.
Beloved, it is only through God’s supernatural power that broken relationship can be restored. • Brothers and Sisters, it is not enough to pray but we must take a step of faith, we must act and promptly too.
Nehemiah 2: 11 – 16 talk about actions taken by Nehemiah V11 – He travelled to Jerusalem. If you too need to travel please do. • It costs him sleepless nights, you too can have vigils before and during the time of reconciliation.
He carefully inspected the damages done as a result of the broken wall. You too should do the same and reconsider your stand.
He was resolute in his decision to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. You too must be resolute in your decision to rebuild the relationship. Hear Nehemiah in verse 17, “Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burn with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace”.
Beloved, why not say the same thing to your husband/wife; brother/sister; cousins; uncle/auntie; friends see the trouble and mess we are in because of this broken wall between us. Let’s forget it and rebuild our broken wall so that we can have peace; so that we can move forward and plan our future.
The people relied Nehemiah in verse 18, “Let’s start rebuilding”. So they began the good work”. • Whosoever starts reconciliation has begun a good work.
Our God is our perfect example in reconciliation, when man fell (Gen. 3:6). He sent his only begotten son to come and reconcile us to Him. (John 3:16, 2 Cor. 5:18 – 21). • Mt. 5:9 says, “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God”.
Be the child of your Father by taking the path of reconciliation especially this time that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our perfect example.
This is the best time to take this step, give a call or send a text message, send Christmas cards to such people during this Christmas season.
Don’t mind the ridicule, or insult, Nehemiah did not pay attention to Tobia and Sambalat’s ridicule when they declared, in Nehemiah 4:3 that “Even that which they build, if a fox go up, he shall even break down their stone wall”.
CONCLUSION • Today, please do not harden your hearts, take a step of faith and the Lord will help you because you are doing what pleases Him.
Also remember that Nehemiah did not look or talk about the people that broke the walls. Don’t look for scape goat or find who is at fault.
Also, remember Psalm 66:18, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me”.
Matt. 5:23 – 24 says, “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee;
leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift”. • LET’S PRAY.