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Development of Bio-Artificial Pancreas. Laboratory of Diabetes Research, Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. TYPE I DIABETES Challenges. Prevention of diabetes Improve life of diabetic patients Reverse insulin dependent state.
Development of Bio-Artificial Pancreas Laboratory of Diabetes Research, Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
TYPE I DIABETESChallenges • Prevention of diabetes • Improve life of diabetic patients • Reverse insulin dependent state
Endogenous Insulin Secretion Insulin response Daily insulin secretion profile
Reversal Of Insulin Dependency • Closed-loop artificial pancreas (engineered sensing and insulin delivery) • Transplantation of insulin-producing cells (natural sensing and insulin secretion) • Induction of insulin production in non beta-cells
Engineered BG Sensing And Insulin Delivery A suboptimal solution
Whole human pancreas: Weighs 70 g Contains 1 000 000 islets =1-2% 500-1500 cells=1 islet 80% - beta cells
Islets Transplantation Obstacles Cells Source human, animals, stem cells Protection from autoimmunity and rejection general, local
Protection Approaches • General • Immunosupression drugs • Local • Immunoisolation, using matrix • with controlled trans-membranal • passage of compounds
600 Pre-transplant 500 400 Blood glucose (mg/dl) 300 200 100 0 600 500 Post-transplant 400 Blood glucose (mg/dl) 300 200 100 0 2 4 6 12 2 4 8 10 12 6 8 10 a.m. p.m. Time of day
Edmonton protocol (2003)Complications related to therapy • Portal vein thrombosis(n=2/54) • Expanding hematoma requiring surgery (1/2) • Bleeding(n=4), requiring transfusion (3/4). • Transient disturbed liver function(46%). • Development of hypercholesterolemia (65%) • Development of hypertension(53%).
Immunoisolationsuboptimal solution • Free trans membranal penetration of small injurious molecules (cytokines, free radicals) • Islet central Hypoxia
Bio-artificial Pancreasresearch targets • Cell engineering • Matrix Selection • Islets oxygenation
Cell Engineering Beta-cell low defense system is reflected by Beta-cell high fragility to • Autoimmunity • Infectious agents • Chemical toxins
H202-Dependent -cell Injury • H202 produces highly toxic hydrogen radicals, causing lipid peroxidation and cell death. • The -cell is extremely sensitive to oxidative stress induced by H202 due to very low level of catalase(enzyme accountable for H202 inactivation) in -cell
Improvement Of Beta Cell Defense Capacity(literature reports) Gene transfection and overexpression of • Anti-oxidants (catalase, glutathione peroxidase) • Anti-apoptotis (Bcl-2)
Cell selection technology Exposure to H2O2, STZ, Alloxan, cytokines Resistant cells Mass production Immunoisolation in BAP Transplantation Bloch & Vardi,, Diabetologia, 1998
H202 selection ProcedureResults CAT RINm RINmHP
Bio-artificial pancreasresearch targets • Cell engineering • Matrix Selection • Islets oxygenation
Polymeric Matrix Requisites • Semipermeable, cell supporting, and cell protective system • Biocompatible • Highly porous (oxygen diffusion, prevents islets clumping) • Induce blood vessels formation • Mechanically stable • Easy insertion and removal
Alginate commonly used natural polymer for cell immunoisolation Non-toxic Non immunogenic
Reaction Of Islets Transplanted In Macroporous Cryogels • Higher basal insulin secretion after short and long culture in cryogel • Fail to respond to high glucose stimulation after 14 days • 2-fold lower insulin content
Bio-artificial pancreasresearch targets • Cell engineering • Matrix Selection • Islets oxygenation
Immunoisolation Barriers Fibrosis Lack of oxygen
Devices Designed To Improve O2 Supply To Transplanted Islets • Addition of 02carriers • (c Ricordi) • H20 electrolysis • (C Colton)
How to overcome the obstacle of insufficient O2 diffusion Is it possible to develop a miniature oxygen generator
. Photosynthesis light 6H2O + 6CO2 ------> C6H12O6+ 6O2 Carbon dioxide is converted to sugars
. Earth atmosphere Atmospheric oxygenbuilt up in the early history of theEarthas the waste product of photosynthetic organisms (micro-algae)
Algae Unicelullar algae Multicellular algae
Alga Requirements Thermophylic Non toxic Photosynthesizing
Microalga Symbiosis The green color of sea anemone, hydra and coral is due to symbiotic algae living within their tissues.
Pancreatic islets/microalge co-culture encapsulated islets encapsulated algae & islets
Chlorella Diameter : 1 um Temperature : 37C Non-toxic, edible 10 algal cells compensate the respiration of 1 islet cell
System optimization: • Light intensity • Algal cell density • Algae Islets ratio • Medium for both
Effects of irradiance and algae density on photosynthetic 02 production irradiance cell density
Determination of algal cells number able to compensate pancreatic cells oxygen consumption at 2 different irradiances. 10 alga cells are sufficient to compensate the respiration of 1 islet cell
Alga/islets co-culture Perifusion test under anoxia
Micro-alga as Photosynthetic Oxygen Generator for Bio-Artificial Pancreas
In a celebrated experiment in 1772, Joseph Priestleykept a mouse in a jar of air until it collapsed. He found that a mouse kept with a plant would survive.
The Team P Vardi K Yavriyanz M Vorobeychik K Bloch Collaborators Lozinsky V Moscow State University, Russia Beer S Tel Aviv University Israel Galaev I Lund University Sweden