GP Masterclass Hillingdon Urology-2 NHS Hillingdon would like to invite all clinicians working in primary care to attend GP Masterclass in Urology-2 .Date: Wednesday 13.6.2012 Time: 6:00pm arrival for 7pm start. Venue: PG Centre, Hillingdon Hospital ,Pield Heath Rd ,UB8 3NN Speakers: Mr Alvan Pope, Mr Keng Ng, Consultant Urologists Miss Alice Clack, SpR to Miss Cook , Obs &Gynae dept, THH , Jane Young , Specialist Continence Nurse & Katherine Pead/Yasmine Ransome, Community Physiotherapists, CNWL Organiser: Dr Sashi Shashikanth GP Lead, CPD Programme: Hot buffet meal served from 6pm : Catering – Chalfont Classic CuisineChair – Mr Alvan Pope TopicsBPH/Ca Prostate – An update- Mr Alvan PopeFemale incontinence/ Prolapse / Cystocele ?when to refer - Miss Alice Clack Introduction to community incontinence service - Jane YoungPelvic floor exercises / bladder training -K Pead /Y Ransome Recurrent UTIs /Ca Bladder – An overview - Mr Keng NgAll attendees will receive CPD certificates.All queries to s.shashikanth@nhs.netEvent funded by NHS Hillingdon and FREE for all Clinicians practising in primary care..……………………………………………………………………………………………Please confirm attendance by emailing hil-pct.masterclass@nhs.netTo view presentations from previous masterclasses , please visitwww.hillingdongp.com and click on ‘GP Masterclass Solutions’Parking – Please use ‘Pay and Display’ car park in the hospital Last date to confirm attendance: 12.06.2012, 1pm.We regret that PG Centre is able to accommodate only 100 delegates .Registration will be on a first come first served basis. Please RSVP ASAP to hil-pct.masterclass@nhs.netto avoid disappointment .