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Masterclass Premeeting. Questions for wrapup and discussion : General Organisatorial Didactic Aims c ollected by Michael Kobel. General Questions to discuss. Stability of measurement tasks Pro: easier organisation Contra: exciting to follow what scientists do
MasterclassPremeeting Questions for wrapup and discussion: General Organisatorial Didactic Aims collectedby Michael Kobel
General Questions to discuss Stability of measurementtasks Pro: easierorganisation Contra: exciting to followwhatscientists do (e.g. Higgs discovery in WW, ZZ, gg) Severity of measurementtasks .vs. upcomingboredom Work harder in feweventsorgothroughmanyevents ? Beascloseaspossible to scientists‘ real way of working or just measuring the same quantitiesdifferently (byvisualinspection) Are therepreferredmethods? Countingand buildingratios (like W+/W- and formerly Z at LEP) Histogramming of massesorangles Even programming (e.g. new ALICE)
OrganisatorialAspects Diversity versus Unification wrtmeasurementtasks wrttools for histogramming and combining How to assurethat 120 institutescanjoin in? normallybyfar not all experts, needsomestability International use .vs. localuse Onemeasurementversion for both? Ortwovariants? Onewebsite for both (via „metro plan“) ortwo? How to reallytest the toolsbefore the events?
Didacticaspects to discuss How to assurethatstudents understand whatquestionsscientistsareafter? howscientistssolvethesein practice? How to balancebetween use of automatictools (danger: black box) real, but tedioushands-on working (curvature, zooming, counting…) Leaveroom for discussion, errors and correction of errors Maybeevenroom for own (inquirybased) investigations? Whatshouldbe the take-homescientificconcepts? particle ID, massreconstruction, Signal vsbackground Learning bycomparing (ratios)- collaborativework
Whatareouraims, after all? Makestudentsfeellike a researcher for oneday They do „measurements“ (!), not exercises Theyfeelable to „do itthemselves“ They understand the basicconcepts They understand the meaning of theirmeasurement Whatdidthey find out? Whredoesitplay a role in ourUniverse? They understand the scientificprocess Not try to teach the whole Standard Model in oneday but just fascinatebysharingauthentic fundamental research