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6 th - 8 th Grade Curriculum Day. Jeanine Lynch February 19, 2014 Catawba County Schools. Norms for our day: “ Be Attitudes”. BE present - silence your phones and put away your lap top until needed BE positive and respectful BE engaged and contribute equally. Introductions.
6th- 8th Grade Curriculum Day Jeanine Lynch February 19, 2014 Catawba County Schools
Norms for our day:“ Be Attitudes” • BE present - silence your phones and put away your lap top until needed • BE positive and respectful • BE engaged and contribute equally
Introductions Take a few minutes to introduce yourself to your table group.
CCS RESOURCES • Website – Curriculum • Secondary Education • Grade Levels • NCSCOS • Symbaloo – Web Resources
Learning Goals for Today • PWBAT- Recognize and identify the mathematical practices being used during math activities presented. • PWBAT – Include the mathematical practices in the thoughtful planning of lessons. • PWBAT – Identify the mathematical practices that were used in content activities • PWBAT – Locate and record resources on various websites shown for use by teachers in your grade level.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice Mathematically Proficient Students…….
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice • Use appropriate tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice Let’s Jigsaw……... TIMER
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 4. Model with mathematics.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 6. Attend to precision.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 7. Look for and make use of structure.
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Critical Areas of 6th Grade 12-17% 14% 27-32% 30% 12-17% 16% 27-32% 30% 7-12% 10%
The Number System(30%)Expressions and Equations(30%)60% of the 6th grade EOG
Critical Areas of 7th Grade 22-27% 26% 22-27% 24% 22-27% 26% 12-17% 14% 7-12% 10%
Ratios and Proportional Relationships(26%)Expressions and Equations(26%)52% of the 7th grade EOG(Geometry -24%)
Critical Areas of 8th Grade 20-25% 22% 27-32% 32% 15-20% 16% 22-27% 24% 2-7% 6%
Functions(24%)Expressions and Equations(32%)56% of the 8th grade EOG
Released Test Items Released EOG Test Forms
CCSS 8.EE.2 • Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations of the form x² = p and x³ = p, where p is a positive rational number. Evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes. Know that √2 is irrational.
Big Idea: Explore with manipulatives why some numbers are perfect squares and others are not then how this translates into square roots! • SWBAT understand what it means to square a number, understand a number is not a perfect square, and how to estimate square roots.
As we work through these standards today, use conceptual strategies as you solve problems. The standards call for us to teach conceptually and to use models and drawings.Once we show kids the “tricks or procedure, the conceptual piece gets lost.
Perfect Squares Tiles Activity • Learning Target: I will understand what it means to be a square number, be a perfect square, and take the square root of a number. • Work in groups to complete the questions #1-8. 10 minutes • Be prepared to present the question #asked. • Mini wrap-up
Perfect Squares Tiles Activity • 1. Using the square tiles, make the smallest perfect square you can. • a. How many tiles did you use? • b. What are the dimensions of your square (length and width)? • 2. Using more tiles, make the next smallest perfect square you can. • a. How many tiles did you use? • b. What are the dimensions of your square (length and width)? • 3. Make the next smallest perfect square you can. • a. How many tiles did you use? • b. What are the dimensions of your square (length and width)? • 4. Make the next smallest perfect square you can. • a. How many tiles did you use? • b. What are the dimensions of your square (length and width)?
5. Using all your given tiles, make the biggest perfect square you can. • a. How many tiles did you use? • b. What are the dimensions of your square (length and width)? • 6. What does it mean to square a number? • 7. What does it mean for a number to be a perfect square? Can just any number be considered a perfect square, why or why not? • 8. What does it mean to take the square root of a number? Think back to your tiled squares, what part of the diagram represents the square root?
9. Complete the table below by listing all the perfect squares you discovered from least to greatest. 10. What is the algebraic relationship between squaring the number and taking the square root of a number?
11. Complete the following table without a calculator – Estimate the solutions the best you can. Explain how you chose numbers to complete the table above.
12. Your teacher will be bringing you examples of student responses to question 9. Analyze each table and explain what the students were thinking when they completed the table and if you agree with their method. Choose a table that you feel is the most accurate. • Table A • Table B • Table C
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice What practices did we use?
Planning for Horizontal Alignment • Share contact information with those in your school/feeder district • Take notes on information shared and think about what your contribution could be. • What are your strengths/weaknesses? • Join Dropbox • Plan at least one meeting between now & spring break
Just a bit of Housekeeping: • We are to teach the standards, not programs. Carnegie Learning Text is a tool. Mathia is a tool. Resources found today are tools. • ClassScape is a formative assessment piece. It is not intended for grades. Formative Assessment guides our instruction. ClassScape is used to inform us of where to go next. • How will your formative assessment guide your instruction? • Students should be asked to show their work. • Be very mindful & careful of resources found online.
6. Fewer problems with written explanations work well. 7. Vocabulary development is important. It must be taught in context, interactive, not passive. 8. How will you assess your students? Begin with the end in mind. 9. Conceptual vs. Procedural – Remember that once a procedure is taught it can’t be untaught. 10. Teachers need to communicate to students/parents the expectation that students should ‘Comfortably Struggle’.
Benefits of Formative Assessment • Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success • Engineering effective discussion, questions, activities, and tasks that elicit evidence of learning • Providing feedback that moves students forward • Activating students as instructional resources for one another • Activating students as owners of their own learning Marnie Thompson & Dylan Williams
Suggested Plan of Attack for Carnegie Lessons • WORK the lesson FIRST – do the Math!! • PRIORITIZE – What’s the overall goal? Mark the: • Must Do’s • Should Do’s • Might Do’s • CHUNK – Which pieces of lesson will you chunk for students? • PACE – How long will you give each student to work each chunk? • ASSESS – Which pieces will students share out and how will you know if they have mastered what you wanted?
EXIT TICKET • ON INDEX CARD COMPLETE: • ONE THING I LEARNED TODAY THAT I CAN USE IN MY CLASSROOM IS______________________ • ONE THING I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IS __________________________________ • ONE QUESTION I STILL HAVE OR NEED HELP WITH IS_____________________________________ • Put your name on the exit ticket ONLY if you would like me to contact you for more help!!!
As we work through these standards today, use conceptual strategies as you solve problems. The standards call for us to teach conceptually and to use models and drawings.Once we show kids the “tricks or procedure, the conceptual piece gets lost.
8.EE.8 • Analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations • Prior knowledge needed- • Solve multi-step equations • Familiarity with linear equations in two variables
BIG IDEA – Explore representing quantities in real-world problems and finding their solutions • SWBAT • Solve systems of two linear equations with a model • Solve systems of linear equations algebraically • Solve real-world problems leading to two linear equations in two variables
COOKIE CALORIE CONUNDRUM • Warm-Up • Introduce Scenario – What information do we know from information • Activity
8 Standards for Mathematical Practice What practices did we use?