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Liberalism vs. Conservatism. Freedom – the absence of constraints on behavior. political – speech social – expression, personal/sexual issues economic – business vs. consumer taxes/ gov’t programs affirmative action. Order – protection of life/property from actions of others.
Freedom – the absence of constraints on behavior • political – speech • social – expression, personal/sexual issues • economic – business vs. consumer taxes/ gov’t programs affirmative action
Order – protection of life/property from actions of others • crime and punishment issues – law and order • hair/dress/sexualpreference - maintenance
Equality • of opportunity • of result
freedom equality order personal issues economic issues conservatives liberals conservatives liberals
A. In the conflict between freedom and order, liberals (Democrats) are more likely to advocate (favor) a br-o-a-d interpretation of the Constitution’s guarantees of rights and liberties to ensure the individual’s right to act free of gov’t restraint in political and social affairs; however… conservatives (Republicans) are more likely to interpret those same constitutional guarantees more narrowly so that gov’t may act to preserve the established political and social order. I. Freedom vs. Order/ Freedom vs. Equality
B. In the conflict between freedom and equality, conservatives (Republicans) are more likely to advocate a narrow interpretation of the powers of the gov’t to limit gov’t interference in economic affairs; however… liberals (Democrats) are more likely to interpret governmental power br-o-a-d-l-y so that gov’t may assume responsibility and take action to ensure the equality of all persons in economic, social and political affairs.
II. Analyzing Viewpoints – indicate whether each statement below would most likely be made by a conservative or a liberal by putting a “C” or an “L” in the appropriate blank. L 1. An individual should be able to behave as she/he sees fit without gov’t restraint as long as the behavior does not infringe on the rights of others. C 2. America’s high crime rate is due to courts being too lenient with criminals.
L 3. The government should not hesitate to restrain individual or corporate economic interests if it will enhance the public good. C 4. High gov’t taxes discourage citizens from working hard. L 5. Tax loopholes are “welfare for the rich” that cause middle and lower income groups to pay more.
C 6. The federal gov’t places too many restrictions on the way corporations conduct their business. L 7. The best way to combat crime is to attack its causes: ignorance, poverty, hopelessness.
C 8. We should increase our prosecution of and penalties for crimes such as prostitution, gambling and the sale of pornographic materials. Excessive individual freedom in these areas corrupts society and will ultimately lead to America’s decline and fall. L 9. Sexual behavior, as practiced by consenting adults in private, should not be regulated by the gov’t.
C 10. Unions reduce productivity by discouraging workers from performing tasks not agreed to in a labor-management contract. C 11. Government should censor or restrict films, music and publications that undermine the nation’s moral fiber.
C 12. Crime, unemployment, and poverty will be reduced if Americans return to the traditional values of hard work, self discipline and belief in God. L 13. Most people on welfare would prefer a real job. L 14. Gays and lesbians should not be denied the opportunity to serve their nation as members of the armed forces.
L 15. Affirmative action programs should be vigorously promoted by gov’t to correct past inequities. L 16. The First Amendment should protect movies and books from gov’t censorship. Adults must be free to think and speak as they wish.
C 17. Business owners should have the right to hire, fire or serve anyone they wish without gov’t interference. L 18. Gov’t should create programs that will reduce America’s large number of poor people. C 19. The best way to help the poor is to set policies that help businesses earn a profit so they can hire the underprivileged.
L 20. Most third world unrest is caused by weak gov’ts and economics, poverty, famine and internal conflicts – a legacy of Western institutions. C 21. Behavior that deviates (strays) from the norm or violates established ethics of society should be restricted by the gov’t.
L 22. A broad interpretation of due process rights should be upheld by the courts to ensure the principle that one is innocent until proven guilty. L 23. Taxes should be based on the ability-to-pay principle. C 24. Homosexual activity should be outlawed by the gov’t and those engaging in such deviant behavior should be denied gov’t jobs.