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ANPS Anatomy & Physiology

This article provides an overview of the muscles of the face, neck, back, shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand, including their actions and nerve supply.

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ANPS Anatomy & Physiology

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  1. ANPS Anatomy & Physiology Joints, Muscles and Movement II

  2. Facial Muscles Muscles of Facial Expression

  3. Muscles of Mastication Temporalis m. - elevation (bite) Masseter m. - elevation (bite) Lat. Pterygoid m. - protraction, grinding Med. Pterygoid m. - elevation, grinding

  4. Neck Muscles Rectus capitis major & minor m. Superior & inferior oblique m. Anterior Atlas Subocciptal m. Head extension, rotation Axis Posterior Rectus capitis anterior & lateralis m. Longus capitis m. Ant. vertebral m. Head flexion, tilt

  5. Trapezius Sternocleidomastoid Sternal head Clavicular head Neck Muscles Bilateral - head flexion Unilateral - rotation and tilt to opposite side

  6. Back and Shoulder Muscles (overview) Rhomboid major/minor Supraspinatus m. Infraspinatus m. Trapezius m. Deltoid m. Teres minor & major m. Latissimus dorsi m.

  7. Back and Shoulder Muscles (overview) Serratus posterior superior & inferior m. Spinalis m. Erector spinae m. Longissimus m. Iliocostalis m. Bilateral – back extension (postural) Unilateral – lateral bending to same side Assist respiration

  8. Thoracic and Shoulder Muscles (overview) Trapezius m. Pectoralis minor m. Deltoid m. Pectoralis major m. Serratus anterior m.

  9. Shoulder Muscles (Actions) Deltoid m. – major abductor of arm at shoulder joint Trapezius m. - elevates, depresses, rotates scapula upward Posterior view Latissimus dorsi m. – adducts, medially rotates and extends arm at shoulder joint

  10. Shoulder Muscles (Actions) Deltoid m. – major abductor of arm at shoulder joint Pectoralis minor m. – depresses shoulder Serratus anterior m. - protracts scapula Pectoralis major m. – flexes, adducts & medially rotates arm at shoulder joint Anterior view

  11. Deep Shoulder Muscles (Actions) Muscles in order of arrow position: supraspinatus m. infraspinatus m. teres minor m. teres major m. Posterior view Supraspinatus m. (superior scapular fossa) – abducts arm at shoulder joint Infraspinatus m. (inferior scapular fossa) – lateral rotation of arm at shoulder joint Teres minor m. – lateral rotation of arm at shoulder Teres major m. – medial rotation of arm at shoulder (not part of rotator cuff)

  12. Deep Shoulder Muscles (Actions) (rotator cuff muscles) Supraspinatus m. – abduct arm at shoulder joint Infraspinatus m. - lateral rotation at shoulder joint teres minor m. - lateral rotation at shoulder Lateral View Posterior View

  13. Deep Shoulder Muscles (Actions) (rotator cuff muscles) Supraspinatus m. subscapularis m. – medial rotation at shoulder joint Anterior View Lateral View Right shoulder

  14. Deep Shoulder Muscles (scapular protraction and retraction) Rhomboid major & minor m. Serratus anterior m. Serratus anterior muscle - protracts scapula (lower fibers can also rotate shoulder upwards) Rhomboid muscles - retracts scapula

  15. Serratus anterior muscle Glenoid fossa Subscapular fossa (subscapularis m.) Serratus anterior m. (scapula protraction, lower fibers, upward rotation)

  16. Arm Muscles Brachialis m. – flexes forearm at elbow joint (deep to biceps) Biceps brachii m. – flexes and supinates forearm at elbow joint Anterior view

  17. Forearm Flexor Muscle Groups Superficial layer: (wrist action) Pronator teres m. Flexor carpi radialis m. Palmaris longus m. Flexor carpi ulnaris m. Deeper layers: (finger motion) Flexor digitorum superficialis m. Flexor digitorum profundus m. Pronator quadratus m. Flexor pollicis longus m. and more..... Brachioradialis m. -flexion at elbow joint Flexor group of forearm- flex of wrist and fingers Muscles of the anterior group in the forearm (left side)

  18. Hand Muscle Groups Thenar muscle group- Abductor pollicis brevis m. Flexor pollics brevis m. Opponens pollicis m. Hypothenar muscle group- Abductor digiti minimi m. Flexor digiti minimi m. Opponens digiti minimi m.

  19. Arm/Forearm Muscle Extensor Groups Triceps m. – extends forearm at elbow joint Extensor group of forearm – extends wrist and fingers Extensor carpi radialis longus & brevis m. Extensor pollicis longus & brevis m. Extensor digitorum m. Extensor carpi ulnaris m. and more....... Posterior view

  20. Nerve Supply to the Upper Extremity

  21. Brachial plexus – terminal nerves Musculocutaneous n. - arm flexors Median n. - forearm flexors and thenar m. Ulnar n. - some forearm flexors and most hand m. Radial n. - extensor m. in arm and forearm. Spinal nerves Musculocutaneous nerve Radial nerve Ulnar nerve Median nerve

  22. Blood Supply to Upper Limb Aortic arch Subclavian artery Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial and Ulnar arteries Superficial and deep palmer arches Axillary a. Brachial a. Radial a. Ulnar a. Palmer arches

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