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Chapter 8 Radiation Hydrodynamics. 8.1 Radiation Transport. Integrated form. (1) Plane geometry. (2) Spherical Geometry. Emissivity and Opacity. Coupling term with electron fluid. Angular moment equation. Radiation energy density Radiation heat flux Radiation pressure.
Integrated form (1) Plane geometry (2) Spherical Geometry
Emissivity and Opacity Coupling term with electron fluid
Angular moment equation Radiation energy density Radiation heat flux Radiation pressure
Radiation pressure tensor (2) Equation to Radiation Energy Density (Plane Geometry)
Equation of Radiation in Fluid Frame Plane Geometry Spherical Geometry
8.2 Radiation Hydrodynamics Total Energy and Momentum Conservation Relations
Near LTE Approximation (Gray Approximation) Rosseland mean-free-path Planck opacity
Spectrum from Gold Foil irradiated by Lasers (Experiment VS Simulation)
CRE model is essential for Gold Plasma CRE: CollisionalRadiative Equilibrium
8.4 Radiation Hydrodynamics in the Universe Planetary Nebulae (HST)
Accretion Disk and Black Hole Photo-ionization by X-rays from BH Super-Massive BH of C of G (Image by HST) 400 ly 88,000 ly
多くの銀河の中心には、質量が太陽の一千万倍を超える巨大ブラックホールがあると考えられていますが、確実な証拠はこれまでつかむことができませんでした。このたびVLBI観測によって中心天体のまわりの小さな領域で高速に回転するガスや星のすがたがとらえられました。この回転が太陽系の惑星のようなケプラー運動なら、中心天体の質量は簡単に算出できます。NGC4258(M106) という銀河系の中心近くのガス回転運動の様子をVLBI観測等によって調べたところ、半径 0.13 パーセクより小さい領域に太陽の3600万倍の質量が存在することがわかりました。平均密度はこれまでブラックホールの候補と考えられてきた天体の40倍と大きく、NGC4258の中心にブラックホールが存在する有力な証拠と考えられています。 <三好 真>
Figure 1: NRAO Very Large Array image of the radio galaxy 3C 403 at a wavelength of 3.6 cm. The intensity range of the colors (in Jansky, Jy, units) is indicated at the right hand side. The red arrow points at the galaxy's nucleus. The spectrum shown in the upper left hand inset was taken with the Effelsberg 100m telescope. The y-axis is flux density in Jy, while the x-axis gives the recession velocity (in km/s), i.e. the speed which with 3C 403 and the Milky Way are moving apart. The green arrow points at the systemic radial velocity of the whole galaxy. Image: National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Rick Perley (NRAO/AUI/NSF)
Experimental setup • Everything shown is completely destroyed during the experiment!
Spectral characterization • 300 11.5 mm tungsten wires • 20 MA current • 100 ns rise time • 8 ns FWHM peak • 120 TW peak power • x = 25 erg cm/s at the peak • 165 eV near-BB radiation • Synchrotron high energy tail
8.6 Photo-ionization in X-ray Binary System Photo-ionization by X-rays from BH Super-Massive BH of C of G (Image by HST) 400 ly 88,000 ly
Japan-China Joint Research funded by JSPS and NSFC (2005-2007) still on going. PI(project): H. Takabe (Japan) and J. Zhang(China) PI(experiment): H. Nishimura (Japan) and Y. Li (China) Staff: S. Fujioka, N. Yamamoto, W. Feilu, D. Salzman etc. At Institute of Physics, Beijing, China, Summer 2006