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The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule. Tim Burchell, Joel McDuffee and Ken Thoms Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

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  1. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Tim Burchell, Joel McDuffee and Ken ThomsOak Ridge National Laboratory ASTM Symposium on Graphite Testing for Nuclear Applications: The Significance of Test Specimen Volume and Geometry and the Statistical Significance of Test Specimen Population

  2. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Overview of Presentation • Objectives • Introduction • HTV Capsule • Experimental • Materials and Test Condition • Experimental Methods/Test Techniques • Results & Discussion • Conclusions

  3. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Acknowledgments This work is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology under contact DE-AC05-00OR22725 with Oak Ridge National Laboratories managed by UT-Battelle, LLC. Use of the High Flux Isotope Reactor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory was supported by the U.S Department of Energy.

  4. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Objectives The primary objective of the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Target, Very High Temperature Reactor (HTV) irradiation capsule is to provide high-temperature irradiation dimensional change data to support the design of the high-temperature (1200°C) Advance Graphite Creep (AGC) experiment being planned for the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

  5. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule The Pre-Irradiation Examination (Pre-IE) data are reported here for each grade of graphite in the HTV capsule and include: Dimensions, mass, volume, and density Elastic Modulus (Edym) from sonic velocity

  6. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Introduction

  7. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule The HTV Capsule A HFIR target rod capsule Two cycles to a peak dose of 3.17 displacements per atom (DPA) The capsule has multiple temperature zones allowing nominal design irradiation temperatures of 900, 1200, and 1500°C. 8 sub-capsules each with 9 specimens, total = 72 6 nuclear graphite grades

  8. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule The HTV Capsule

  9. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Experimental

  10. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Materials and Test Conditions

  11. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule HTV graphite specimens from larger blocks/billets Unique numbering system provide record of oreintation and a reference mark on the specimen For each grade there are three specimen sizes according to the temperature zone in which the specimens are located. The exact specimen dimensions and tolerances are given in ORNL drawing number X3E020977A562 Rev. 0, parts 24, 25, and 26

  12. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

  13. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

  14. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

  15. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Experimental Methods/Test Techniques

  16. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Bulk Density ASTM C559-90 (Reapproved 2010) ), Standard Test Method for Bulk Density by Physical Measurement of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles The specimen dimensions were measured using a Mitutoyo Micrometer, 0-1", ID# 15027384 and a Mitutoyo Digital indicator ,0-1", for the Dyer Small Hole Gage The Mass of the specimens was measured using a Sartorius Micro Balance, Model M235S

  17. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Dimensional measurement scheme

  18. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Young Modulus The dynamic Young’s Modulus was determined by the time-of-flight/ultrasonic velocity method according to ASTM C769-09 Panametric (Olympus) signal generator National Instrument oscilloscope interface Panametric (Olympus) probes @ 2.25 MHz frequency Specimen holder with constant force Sonotech gel coupling

  19. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Ultrasonic velocity

  20. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Ultrasonic velocity

  21. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Ultrasonic velocity

  22. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Ultrasonic velocity

  23. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Results and Discussion

  24. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

  25. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Bulk Density seen to increase over diameter (volume) range studied Diameter range extended by addition of AGC-1 specimen data Observation related to surface roughness Specimens (lathe) turned Surface pull out of filler particles, therefore a link between filler particle size and observed data trend Micrometer used for dimensional measurement dad a constant force (clutch) mechanism We shall use relative dimensional/density changes, not absolute values

  26. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule

  27. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Observed a reduction of dynamic elastic modulus Trend extended with the addition of AGC-1 specimens HTV 0.9 E (per ASTM standard), AGC-1 is ν corrected The reduction of E is unexpected since the density is seen to increase with volume, and E = ρ x v2 Hence decrease in velocity2 term is larger than increase in density E effect most marked in coarser textured graphites

  28. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule ASTM C769 cautions when wavelength is commensurate with filler particle size dimensions the TOF (velocity) data may be erroneous Probe frequency was 2.25 MHz, λ = c/f, ~ 1.2 mm NBG-18 FP size =1.6 mm (max) NBG-17 FP= 0.8 mm (max) PCEA FP= 0.8 mm (max) H-451 FP= 0.5 mm (mean) Shall use fractional change of modulus on irradiation

  29. The Pre-Irradiation Examination of Small Specimens for a High Temperature HFIR Irradiation Capsule Conclusions Reported Pre IE data for HTV specimens Significant trends observed in the data as a function of specimen diameter or volume (constant thickness) Increases in bulk density Reduction in dynamic Young’s modulus Observed trends appear to be texture related (filler particle size) For HTV we can use the in the factional change in properties Demonstrates the need for guidance related to specimen volume and filler particle size

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