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Ummm… Chocolate From Tree to Table

Ummm… Chocolate From Tree to Table. By: B. Cassels. Teacher Page. Introduction. Library Resources. Essential Questions:. 1. How does chocolate get from the farm to factory to family?. 2. Why are responsible decisions necessary in the production of chocolate?.

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Ummm… Chocolate From Tree to Table

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  1. Ummm… Chocolate From Tree to Table By: B. Cassels Teacher Page Introduction Library Resources

  2. Essential Questions: 1. How does chocolate get from the farm to factory to family? 2. Why are responsible decisions necessary in the production of chocolate? GPS and 21st Century Learner Standards: • SS3E1 The student will describe the four types of productive resources:a. Natural (land)b. Human (labor)c. Capital (capital goods)d. Entrepreneurship (used to create goods and services) • SS3E3 The student will give examples of interdependence and trade and will explain how voluntary exchange benefits both parties.a. Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers of goods and services.b. Describe how goods and services are allocated by price in the marketplace.c. Explain that some things are made locally, some elsewhere in the country, and some in other countries. • Learners use 21st century information skills, resources and tools to : • - inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. • -draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. • - share their knowledge and understandings with others and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. • -pursue personal and aesthetic growth. Back to title page

  3. IntroductionTaskProcess 12EvaluationConclusion Introduction Don’t you wish chocolate grew on trees? Well, in a way, it does! You and your classmates will be going on a journey to discover how chocolate is made. You will begin on a cacao tree farm and follow the cacao seed’s journey through the steps to uncover mouth watering chocolate facts. You will each be part of a group to become an expert in one of the following areas: farming, production, and advertising. After your task is complete you will present your expertise at our chocolate celebration!

  4. IntroductionTaskProcess12EvaluationConclusion Task During this web quest you will learn about the wonders of chocolate along with some mouth watering facts. Also, by working cooperatively in teams you will: • Show the steps of harvesting the cacao beans by creating a flowchart • Develop a graphic organizer about the production of chocolate including potential issues and solutions • Survey, create, and market a new chocolate product

  5. IntroductionTaskProcess12EvaluationConclusion Process • Is it cocoa or cacao? http://www.allchocolate.com/understanding/cacao-vs-cocoa/ • Let’s look at the history of chocolate and a chocolate timeline. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tez9RZZIwC8 http://www.mce.k12tn.net/chocolate/history/name.htm • As a class, click on the following website to take a tour of the Hershey’s chocolate factory to learn mouth watering chocolate facts!http://www.hersheys.com/discover/tour_video.asp 4. You will be assigned to one of three groups for a closer inspection of chocolate production. Let’s begin by working together!

  6. IntroductionTaskProcess12EvaluationConclusion • Yellow Group-Your task is to study the steps of harvesting the cacao bean. Use the links to help you make a flow chart of the processes involved. Use pictures along with a brief description in your chart. Make sure you label the 4 types of productive resources. • Blue Group- Your task is to investigate the issues (child labor, health and chocolate, and sustainable agriculture) and solutions in chocolate production (go to links). List some of them with your groups’ opinions. Make sure you address interdependence and trade. • Green Group- Your task is to survey 60 students and teachers to gather information to help you create a new chocolate candy. Use the links to help you describe your role as a producer of goods and services. Then create a poem or song to help you market your groups’ new candy. ***Each group member will present their task to the class at the chocolate celebration!!!

  7. IntroductionTaskProcess 12EvaluationConclusion Yellow Group Use the following links to guide your research: • http://www.cocoatree.org/frombeantobar/harvestingcocoabeans.asp • http://www.allchocolate.com/understanding/how_chocolate_is_made/tree_to_factory.aspx • http://www.ocregister.com/articles/beans-chocolate-cacao-1998678-racen-downey • http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/flow.pdf(use for note taking) Bonus - Describe the natural and human resources needed for the production of chocolate.

  8. IntroductionTaskProcess 12EvaluationConclusion Blue Group Use the following links to guide your research: • http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/probsol.pdf(for taking notes) • http://www.cacaoweb.net/manufacturing-chocolate.html • http://www.cocoatree.org/cocoaandbiodiversity/benefitsofsustainablegrowing.asp • http://www.cocoainitiative.org/images/stories/pdf/child%20and%20forced%20labour%20in%20cocoa.pdf • http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4540000/newsid_4547300/4547306.stm • http://www.icco.org/pdf/Private_Sector/12%20-%20GTZ-Project%20Presentation.pdf • http://www.exploratorium.edu/exploring/exploring_chocolate/choc_7.html Bonus - Describe the human and capital resources used in the production of chocolate.

  9. IntroductionTaskProcess 12EvaluationConclusion Green Group Use the following links to guide your research: • http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F02E3DC1F3DF936A15751C0A96F958260 • http://www.thinkingfountain.org/f/fondant/fondant.html • http://www.thinkingfountain.org/c/crosssection/crosssection.html • http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_7060000/newsid_7060400/7060400.stm • http://www.kids4kids.biz/Marketing-Basics.html • http://www.teachingkidsbusiness.com/JFC-advertising-tip.htm • http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lesson=EM476&page=teacher • http://www.accesscable.net/~infopoll/default.htm(templates for creating your survey) Bonus - Describe what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.

  10. IntroductionTaskProcess12EvaluationConclusion Evaluation Rubric Please visit the following link to see your performance review. A common grade will be given for group work. • http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric_id=1654911& *Created by RubiStar

  11. IntroductionTaskProcess12EvaluationConclusion

  12. References…(Ideas, graphics, and activities were obtained from the following websites) • http://www.hersheys.com/discover/tour_video.asp • http://www.mce.k12tn.net/chocolate/history/name.htm • http://search.live.com/images/results.aspx?q=chocolate&go=&form=QBIR (Public Domain Images) http://www.webquest.org/index-create.php • http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric_id=1654911& • http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/flow.pdf • http://www.accesscable.net/~infopoll/default.htm

  13. Library Resources • 338.5 ADI Adil, Janeen. Scarcity. Introduces the economic principle of scarcity. Explains how scarcity affects prices and choices. • 363.7 HOG Hogan, Paula. Vanishing Rain Forests. Discusses rainforest ecology and its worldwide destruction. • 658.5 AAS Aaseng, Nathan. Better Mousetraps: Product Improvements that Led to Success. Presents brief biographies of individuals who improved, refined, and perfected various products and processes. • 664 BUR Burns, Diane. Sugaring Season: Making Maple Syrup. Describes, in text and photographs, the making of maple syrup from tapping the tree and collecting the sap to cooking and packaging. • E GER Gershator, David. Bread is for Eating. Mamita explains how bread is created in a song sung in both English and Spanish. • E PIL Plikey, Dav. The Paperboy. A paperboy and his dog enjoy the quiet of the early morning as they go about their rounds. • E TRE Tresselt, Alvin. Wake Up, City! Describes all the many things that begin to happen as morning comes to the city. • E WIL Williams, Sherley. Working Cotton. A young black girl relates the daily events of her family’s migrant life in the cotton fields of central California. • Video 330 ECO Economy in and between communities. Learn the difference between goods and services in both the public and private sector. Show people at work – production workers. • Video RR 137 Lemonade for Sale. Tells the story of a club that sells lemonade to earn money. LeVar takes viewers to the American Stock Exchange for a look at the economics and challenges of running a business. Back to title page

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