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Aligning IEPs to the Common Core State Standards for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities Ginevra Courtade , Ph.D. University of Louisville Diane Browder, Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Charlotte. • All students will receive instruction on state
Aligning IEPs to the CommonCore State Standards forStudents with Moderate andSevere DisabilitiesGinevraCourtade, Ph.D.University of LouisvilleDiane Browder, Ph.D.University of North Carolina, Charlotte
• All students will receive instruction on state standards with opportunities for instruction in general education • The student will receive instruction and supports to achieve academic and functional goals • The student’s unique needs will be considered Underlying Assumptions in IEPDevelopment Have Not Changed
• An IEP developed through planning based on the student’s grade level standards (or grade level extended evidence outcomes) • Strengths and needs based on standards • Planning process should identify ways to close the gap between current performance and grade‐level expectations What is a Standards‐BasedIEP?
• Equity and accountability • IDEA 1997, 2004 • Involvement and progress in the general curriculum • Measureable goals that enable students to make progress in that curriculum • NCLB • Required outcome of achievement in reading, math, and science Why Create a Standards‐Based IEP for Students with Severe Disabilities?
Always consider long range goals: The criterion of ultimate functioning What it is • An IEP that incorporates grade level appropriate academic goals based on state standards or extended evidence outcomes What it is NOT • An IEP that is focused solely on academic standards • A generic IEP that does not meet the individual needs of the student A Standards‐Based IEP
• Why is alignment important? • IEPs aligned with state standards can prepare students for state assessments • For students to show progress in academic content, they need academic instruction • Well aligned IEPs can promote meaningful academic instruction. How do we get there?Begin with alignment
• Become familiar with state standards • Common Core State Standards: English Language Arts • http://www.parcconline.org/mcf/english-language- artsliteracy/overview-frameworks-elaliteracy • Common Core State Standards: Mathematics •http://www.parcconline.org/mcf/mathematics/parcc- model-content-frameworks-browser Guideline 1 SELECTING IEP GOALS THAT PROMOTE ALIGNMENT:HOW DO WE GET THERE?
• Become Familiar with the State’s Approach to Extended Evidence Outcomes • 4th Grade Standard • Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the: i. plot. ii. theme. iii. main idea and supporting details. iv. author’s choice of words. Extension of the Standard • Use objects or pictures to identify main idea or theme • Sequence pictures to retell plot Guideline 2
• Keep the planning student focused • Begin with an overview of recent progress and strengths. • The student might lead the meeting • Members of the team who have conducted recent assessments can present their findings • The student’s preferences and individual goals can be a starting point for planning. Guideline 3
• Consider both specific academic goals and broad access goals • The IEP creates access to the curriculum, but is not a curriculum itself Guideline 4
• In an IEP for a student with severe disabilities • Is academic content enough? • Not all of your objectives will align with state standards…DO NOT “force fit” them • What else is needed to support the student? • OT, PT, self‐determination skills, etc. • Overall focus should be individualized skills that consider the criterion of ultimate functioning • Personally relevant skills Consider the circle diagram…
• Ask the question: Is it really academic? • Sometimes in extending the state standard, the essence of the academic component is lost. • General educators can be especially helpful as resource people in making sure that the final goals have clear links to academic content. Guideline 5
Camilla is a 12 year old 7th grader with severe disabilities. • Camilla will use her AAC device to greet peers in English class. • Camilla will acquire 20 sight words that relate to activities in her community and home. • Camilla will select two major themes using pictures with phrases after hearing a text summary read aloud; she will categorize 2‐3 events in each chapter of the text during read alouds using additional pictures related to the story and will summarize by presenting a chart of these categories. • Camilla will identify initial consonant and vowel sounds and use this skill in writing words with software that anticipates the spelling from the first letters. Is it really English Language Arts?
• Do not force fit all IEP objectives into alignment with academic standards • What else should be part of the IEP? Guideline 6
• Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts • Reading • Writing • Speaking and listening • Language • There also are literacy standards for history/social studies, science, and technology. • National Reading Panel components • Phonemic awareness • Phonics • Fluency • Vocabulary • Text comprehension Promote Broad Skills in Literacy
• Common Core State Standards in Math K-8 • Counting & Cardinality (K) • Operations and Algebraic Thinking (K‐5) • Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (K‐5) • Numbers and Operations‐Fractions (3‐5) • Measurement & Data (K‐5) • Geometry (K‐8) • Ratios & Proportional Relationships (6‐7) • Ratios & Proportional Relationships (6‐8) • Expressions & Equations (6‐8) • Statistics & Probability • Common Core State Standards in Math High School • Numbers and Quantity • Algebra • Functions • Modeling • Geometry • Statistics & Probability Promote Broad Skills in Mathematics
• Describe what students can do in each content area • Consider using level of symbol use to describe current performance • In math Jerry can put one object with an object to show 1:1 correspondence. He does not yet use or recognize numbers or count. He can imitate a model to create sets to show the solution to a problem. Present Level of Performance
• Comprehensive health standards address making choices and decisions regarding one's quality of life free from undue external influence • Use general curriculum activities as context for learning self-determination skills that contribute to increased autonomy for students • Skills can promote learning of the general curriculum, while at the same time foster the acquisition of skills with lifelong benefits Apply Social Emotional Standards
• Examples • David will count tasks to determine how many jobs he completed. • Sam will use a picture/word journal to rate characteristics of potential jobs based on likes/dislikes Incorporating Comprehensive Health Standards in Academic Objectives
• Assistive Technology • Should enable the student to engage in the task more independently • Examples • Photos, picture symbols, pencil grips, stamps, switches, software, touch screens Apply Longstanding Values/Supports
Original Objective • John will read 5 three word phrases that use known words. • David will watch as a peer counts manipulatives in sets of 1 to 10 items With AT • John will read 10 complete sentences composed with a picture support program using picture cues to identify at least one novel word per sentence. • David will use a math software program with virtual manipulatives and a head switch to choose the correct number of manipulatives that have been counted for sets 1‐10. AT Examples
With AT Original Objective • Chuck will choose 5 pictures to put in a journal and dictate a description of the pictures. • Randy will partially participate in a science lesson. Your turn!
• Personal relevance/ functionality • Using a real life activity to help make the standard meaningful • Creates a picture symbol homework list (writing) • Locates a room by its number (math) • Uses a keypad in the cafeteria (math) • Locates the sports page using newspaper index (reading) • Follows a picture schedule (reading) Apply Longstanding Values/Supports
• Lisa’s Scenario • Lisa is a 3rd grade student with Rhett’s syndrome. She is nonverbal and currently uses objects to communicate. She shows an interest in books read to her by peers. She will also sometimes look at pictures in a magazine. Lisa is ambulatory, but has limited use of her hands. She enjoys social contexts and will sometimes make her meaning known by eye gazing or laughing. Aligning Language Arts Objectives
• See Lisa’s ELA handout • Team targets one standard for each component of 3rd grade ELA • Defines priority skills • Based on Lisa’s needs (challenges accessing the general curriculum: few foundational skills, limited hand dexterity) Begin by considering the Strand of ELA
1. Lisa will choose books to be read aloud during individual reading times. 2. Lisa will independently engage with books using technology for read alouds. 3. Lisa will initiate use of picture communication for requests. Promote Self Determination
Lisa will use a voice output device with picture symbols to communicate requests. 2a. Given two pictures presented on a VOD or computer touch screen Lisa will answer "what" and "who" comprehension questions. 2b. Given two pictures presented on a VOD or computer touch screen Lisa will select one to fill in a sentence. 3. Lisa will use a touch screen computer to print a sentence she composed or activate a recorded book. Use Assistive Technology
• Lisa can use pictures for requesting during lunch and break times as well as during class times. • During times when the class chooses literature for independent reading, Lisa can have options that relate to her special interests which are horses and swimming as well as other stories from the 3rd grade reading list. The teacher may begin with some literature on these topics to teach her how to answer comprehension questions. • Lisa can be taught to generalize her "who" and "what" answers and sentence writing to compose daily reports to share with her family about her day. • Lisa can also generalize her emerging literacy skills to social stories the teacher will use to help her learn skills needed for the school environment like how to eat in the cafeteria. Embed in Real Life Activities
Lisa will select a research topic using a picture request and copy/paste at least 5 pictures from the internet to create a report about the topic. (Writing Standard 3.7) *see handout for additional examples Lisa’s IEP Objectives in ELA
• Jerome’s Scenario • Jerome is a student with Down syndrome and a moderate intellectual disability. He has mastered about 50 sight words and is learning to apply them in activities of daily living. Jerome also has learned to recognize initial and final consonants and short vowels can decode many simple words. With his sight words and decoding skills, he can often help the teacher read short passages of text that have been prepared with controlled vocabulary. He communicates using a picture wallet and single spoken words to make requests, answer questions, and socialize. In math, he rote counts from 1‐10, but cannot count objects consistently or recognize numbers consistently. Jerome does understand the purpose of money and likes to make purchases, but needs help counting out the correct number of dollars. Jerome is 11 years old and in 6th grade. Aligning Math Objectives
• See Jerome’s Mathematics Handout • IEP team targets at one or two priority standards in each of these areas based on the recommendation of the math teacher • Develops priority skills • Based on Jerome’s needs (few numeracy skills‐inconsistent number identification, no computation) Begin By Considering the Standards in Math
When presenting a math story, Jerome could choose the numbers to use in that days story. He could also choose which manipulatives to put into sets. 2. As Jerome masters using a graphic organizer, he can more easily self‐direct his learning. He can learn to say, then do, the steps to solve the problem. Jerome might set a goal for how many math problems to try that day. He could count and graph the number completed. This self‐monitoring and self‐evaluation also promotes his emerging numeracy skills. Promote Self Determination
1. The calculator is an important form of assistive technology for Jerome. Once he learns to enter numbers on the calculator, he will be able to perform more of the problems from the 6th grade text. Once he can find the numbers 1‐9, the operation symbols, and equal, he will be able to compute problems. 2. Many of the skills Jerome needs to acquire can be practiced on the computer. For example, he could move items on a touch screen to create sets or perform computation on an on screen calculator. 3. The graphic organizers Jerome will learn to use are also a form of assistive technology. For example, he will have a graphic organizer to help him write fractions as ___ (how many are in part of the set)/___how many are in the whole. Use Assistive Technology
Jerome can divide materials for projects into sets for the class or his small group and use this experience to practice matching numbers to sets and creating fractions and ratios. By having a class store or token economy, Jerome can apply his general knowledge of money and interest in purchasing to practice counting accurately and learning the concept of debt (negative numbers) and zero (no money). Identifying points on a plane can become very meaningful when applied to planning a route through a neighborhood or store. Embed in Real Life Activities
When given a cluster of up to 20 objects, Jerome will divide them into 1‐5 sets and identify the number that represents each set for 8/10 trials. He will subdivide these sets to show division of fractions and ratios and represent this second number using a graphic organizer for 8/10 trials. (Mathematics: Rations and Proportional Relationships, Standard 6.1; Number System, Standard 6.1) * see handout for additional objectives IEP Objectives for Jerome in Mathematics
• Your IEP is not complete… • Also include daily living skills, social skills, therapy goals, etc. based on individual needs and preferences Are we done yet?
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