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IEP Development and Concerns. Federal Statutes. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act of 1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-142) American with Disabilities Act of 1990 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-110)
Federal Statutes • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act of 1975 • Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-142) • American with Disabilities Act of 1990 • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. 107-110) • IDEA of 2004, P.L. 108-446
Court Cases • BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TOPEKA, KANSAS (1954)-The court upheld the plaintiffs’ argument that the compulsory education provided in a segregated manner was too restrictive and was a denial of opportunity and equality. (LRE) • PARC v. Commonwealth of PA (1972) • GASKIN v. PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (2004)– A class action suit that asserts violations of federal statutes protecting the rights of children with disabilities. A settlement agreement was reached with the following provisions; Formation of an advisory panel to monitor, new IEP format, changes in PDE’s compliance monitoring, complaint resolution, plan approval, training and technical assistance, and advocacy.
10 Most Common IEP Mistakes: The IEP team membership is incorrect or incomplete. The IEP lacks adequate parental input or consent. Key IEP components are missing. The IEP goals are incomplete, inadequate, or not measurable. The IEP’s transition component is lacking or deficient. The IEP fails to adequately address the students least restrictive environment. The IEP placement offer and services are inadequate The school district fails to provide or fully implement the services under an existing IEP. The IEP is not developed or revised in a timely manner. The IEP fails to include positive behavioral interventions.
Purposes of the IEP • Communication • Management • Accountability • Compliance and Monitoring • Evaluation
Invitation Meeting type – IEP or other (specify) Meeting purpose – initial IEP, revise IEP, other (specify) Details – date, time, place, who to contact if not convenient Transition – invite student if transition planning is being done or if over age 14
Invitation Who will attend – both parties must agree, LEA indicates who will attend and who is excused (area not being discussed, submit information in writing, etc.)
Invitation agrees and will attend – no changes required! disagrees and will attend – required team members must attend will not attend – may proceed with meeting needs time/date change – contact parent to reschedule accommodations – contact parent, make changes (phone/video conference, etc.)
Cover Page IEP meeting date – date mtg held IEP Implementation date – no later than 10 school days after IEP mtg IEP Duration date – not more than 1 year from MEETING date.
Cover Page Demographics– other info can include languages spoken, medical info, etc. Revisions– mutually agreed upon changes without a meeting; signatures not required 34 CFR §300.324(4)
Signature Page • Required Team Members- • Parent(s), Special Ed Tchr, LEA Rep • Regular Ed Tchr (if participates in reg ed environment) 34CFR§ 300.321 Signature – indicates attendance, not agreement; only those who participate in the meeting sign
Signature Page Excused team members –Excusal agreed upon in the invitation Submits info in writing Does NOT sign IEP Procedural Safeguards – documentation that parents received notice and are aware of whom to contact for more information 34 CFR §300.503, §300.504
Special Considerations Blind/Visually Impaired – Braille or why not Deaf/Hearing Impaired – communication needs Communication – receptive and expressive skills Assistive technology - Any items used to improve functionality of child, can be high/low tech, also includes services to directly assist obtaining/using devices 34 CFR §§300.5-300.6 LEP – are delays caused by acquisition of second language or a disability? 34 CFR §300.27 Behaviors – consider and include strategies, supports, behavior interventions, to address the behavior(s)
Present Education Levels Present Levels – clear, concrete, snapshot of student’s performance in current placement; progress toward goals from previous IEP; baseline data 34 CFR §300.320(1) Academic– how student is performing in general ed curriculum (reading, writing, math) Functional – activities of daily living, social skills, behavior, etc. How Disability Affects Involvement – how student interacts with gen ed curriculum, progress made; support the continuation, elimination, or need for services included in the IEP
Present Education Levels Parental Concerns for enhancing the education of the student– how the parents describe their requests for goals or specially designed instruction to be added to the IEP. Strengths– list the student’s individual strengths, both academic and functional the assist in guiding the IEP team in building on those strengths. Academic, developmental, and functional needs related to student’s disability– list the student’s specific needs that will be addressed within the IEP either in the transition, assessment, goal or specially designed instruction areas.
Transition Services Transition Services – step by step plan that leads the student from high school to their post-school outcomes; guide the IEP and the student’s remaining school years; Required for students age 16 and up; desired outcomes are identified by student, parent, and IEP team 34 CFR §300.43
Transition Services Postsecondary Education/Training – ex. 2/4 yr college w/support, technical/trade school, etc. Employment – ex. competitive/supported Independent Living – including recreation/ leisure, residential, community participation areas. ex. living in community with long term support
Transition Services Activity/Service – specific actions that will be taken during the course of the IEP, includes courses being taken that will lead to the outcome Location – where action will take place Frequency – how often activity/service will occur
Transition Services Agency Responsible – person’s title or agency that will ensure each activity/service is completed Dates – beginning and ending IEP Goal – will the activity be addressed by a measurable annual goal, is instruction needed to address a skill deficit?
Participation in Assessments Assessments - All children must participate in assessments; documentation of participation must be in IEP; team must determine if accommodations should be made, if so they must be listed in IEP (www.pde.state.pa.us); if student cannot participate in PSSA with accommodations must indicate reason and alternate assessment 34 CFR §300.320(6)
Participation in Assessments PASA – Alternative assessment for students who are in need of an alternative curriculum. Local Assessment – Any standardized assessment given at the district level to all students.
Goals and Objectives Annual Goal – statement in measurable terms that describe reasonable expectations that can be accomplished in a 12 month period 34 CFR §300.320(2) Parts of an annual goal – condition, student’s name, behavior, criteria Relationship - Must be direct between goals and Present Education Levels
Goals and Objectives Measurable Goals Include - the condition under which the behavior is to be performed, student’s name, clearly defined behavior, and the performance criteria desired
Goals and Objectives Condition Ex. Given paper/pencil probes or examples on an analog clock, Ex. Given paper/pencil probes or examples on an analog clock, Jon will correctly tell time to 5 minute increments with 90% accuracy weekly for 3 consecutive weeks. Name Jon Behavior will correctly tell time to 5 minute increments Performance Criteria with 90% accuracy weekly for 3 consecutive weeks.
Goals and Objectives How Progress Measured – formal or informal assessment tools (ex. rubrics, self-monitoring, teacher-made tests) When Progress Reported – must be done in concurrence with report cards, and as often as the team indicates beyond that. Can be addenda to report cards, copy of goal pages, etc. 34 CFR §300.320(3) Report – only section that should be blank on a completed IEP, can be used to document / report progress to parents
Goals and Objectives Short term objectives – Aplan for reaching annual goals and measuring progress toward them. Usually written the same way as annual goals, however, with a smaller expected time frame (3-4 months vs. 1 yr). They are the anticipated steps needed to get the student to the annual goal. Short term objectives – only required for students who take alternate assessments aligned to alternate standards (PASA)
Specially Designed Instruction Program Modifications and SDI – Adaptations to the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction necessary to address the unique needs of the student so that he/she can access the general education curriculum and meet the educational standards 34 CFR §300.320(4) Ex. – self monitoring checklist, adapted science materials, sensory integration techniques, direct instruction reading program, etc.
Specially Designed Instruction Related Services – any developmental, corrective, or other supportive service needed to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. Includes Supplementary aides/services – supports provided to enable children with disabilities to be educated with non-disabled peers 34 CFR §§300.34, 300.42 Ex. – transportation, speech/language, OT, PT, assistive technology aides/services, social work, job coaching, school health services, recreation
Specially Designed Instruction Supports for School Personnel – Assistance for those implementing the IEP so that they are able to provide FAPE Ex. – aids, resource materials, training, equipment
Specially Designed Instruction Location – Be specific: general education classroom, special education classroom, cafeteria, etc. Dates – beginning / ending – can no longer leave blank Frequency – how often
Extended School Year Also consider reliable sources of information regarding needs, propensity to progress, recoupment potential, year-to-year progress Extended School Year Eligibility – 7 factors to consider: Regression; Recoupment; Unlikely to maintain skills due to regression/ recoupment; extent of skill mastery; level of self-sufficiency/ independence; interruptions from learning result in withdrawal from learning process; severity of disability 34 CFR §300.106
Extended School Year ESY Description – when the team determines a student will receive ESY they must indicate the type and amount of service, dates, frequency, and location.
Extended School Year Location – Neighborhood school? If not, why? 34 CFR §300.116 Frequency – how often Dates – beginning/ ending
Educational Placement Participate in Regular Ed Class – concerns the setting where the student is educated (with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate) 34 CFR §§300.114 , 300.120, 300.116(e) Participate in Regular Ed Curriculum – concerns what the student learns (gen ed curriculum to maximum extend appropriate)
Educational Placement Amount of Special education Support – designates the amount of time student spends in the special education classroom as opposed to the regular education classroom Type of special education supports– designates the type of support as described on the NOREP
Educational Placement Location of student’s program– designates the school district, building. Required to explain why it is not their neighborhood school if that is the placement
Penn Data Calculate by dividing # hrs in reg. classroom by # hrs in school day multiply by 100 Total # hrs child spends in the reg. classroom per day Total # hrs in a typical school day Percentage – Hrs inside of Reged classroom LRE Category
Penn Data For Children being educated outside regular school buildings – fill in this section, not previous (part A)