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This article highlights the challenges faced by cities in terms of transport, health, and environment. It addresses issues such as air pollution, noise pollution, GHG emissions, traffic accidents, and the economic and social dimensions of mobility. It also emphasizes the need for a balanced policy mix and mobility management to achieve the objectives of creating livable cities.
Robert Thaler EPOMM President Welcome to ECOMM2017! Robert Thaler, EPOMM President
We have a dream … Teaming up for liveable cities!
Challenges for liveable cities:Transport, Health, Environment 33% of citizens exposed to airpollution PM NO2 above limits 50% exposed to noise >55dB 25% of transport GHG in cities 40% of transport fatalities in cities
EU citizens are concerned about air pollution, congestion, travel costs, accidents, noise … (Source Eurobarometer 406 EC 2014) QD4: Do you think that the following issues are an important problem or not within cities?
Mobility and transport pose major challenges: • 20% EU GHG caused by transport, 90% road related, +14% increase 1990-2012 (EEA) • Fossil fuels counts for 96% of EU fuels, 84% imported, costs 1 billion € per day (EC2011)! • High burden of disease and health risks due to air pollution and noise (WHO) • 25.700 humans killed in EU transport accidents, 2010-2014 -18%, but traffic accidentsare the leading cause of death among humans of 5-29 years age (EC2015) • Economic & social dimension 5% GDP, 6% employment (EC2011) • Environmental and health costs (4-6% GDP), losses due to congestion (4-6% GDP) • EU freight transport +80%, passenger transport +51% from 2005-2050 (EC2011) • 1100 millions cars globally, (280 millions in EU), may triple globally by 2050 (ACEA, IEA) • 60-85% cars with only 1 person (UK), 50% of car trips less than 5km (AT)
E P O M M Wehaveambitiousobjectives Global: UN Paris Climate Agreement 2015, UN Sustainable Development Goals Pan European: UNECE WHO THE PEP Paris Declaration 2014 EU: Climate and energy targets 2020 • + 20% renewable energy, + 20% energy efficiency, -20% Non ETS GHG • 10% share renewable energy in transport EU Climate and energy targets 2030 • + 27% renewable energy, + 27% energy efficiency, -30% Non ETS GHG EU Low Carbon Economy Road Map and EU White Paper on Transport : • -80 % GHG reduction by 2050 / -60% GHG emissions of transport by 2050 EU European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility (July 2016)
E P O M M We have ambitious objectives
Crisis of Credibility72% of EU28 citizens believe that traffic situation will ”get worse” or ”stay the same” ! (Source Eurobarometer 406 EC 2014) QD5: In the future, do you think the traffic situation within cities will improve, stay or get worse?
E P O M M Do we have the right policy mix … … to meet the challenges … to achieve our objectives … to realize our dream of livable cities Balanced policy mix is needed Technology Infrastructure Mobility Management Getting prices right Reorientation of land use Unbalanced today Technology Infrastructure Mobility Management Getting prices right Reorientation of land use
EPOMM is calling for this new balanced policy mixwith mobility management bringing it all together!ECOMM 2016 - The Athens Resolution(elaborated at 20th ECOMM2016)
1. Decarbonisation and electrification of transport ECOMM2016 The Athens Resolution MM is essential for a proper phasing in of zero-emission transportation alternatives and to intelligently combine all kinds of electric transport. 2. Driverless vehicles and digitalisation MM is needed to smartly embedding these concepts in the transport system whilst avoiding counterproductive effects and optimising the benefits.
ECOMM2016 The Athens Resolution 3. Connected cities and connected hinterland Successful MM integrates health, environment, energy and mobility objectives into land use planning and urban development. 4. Reclaiming public space MM enables attractive design of public space with easy access for walking, cycling and public transport. 5. Sharing and Mobility as a service MM is essential to get the best out of sharing in order to reduce traffic and increase the efficiency of vehicle and infrastructure use.
ECOMM2016 The Athens Resolution is calling for a green deal for green mobility! New business impulses, counteracting crisis and unemployment through mobility management and investments in green mobility: Decarbonization and renewable energyElectrification and zero emission vehiclesExtension of public transport and rail networksDemand oriented bus and taxi servicesExtension of infrastructure for cycling, e-biking and walkingNew mobility services and sharing Green logistics, rail freight, city logistcs, cargo bikesEnergy efficiency measures and ecodriving
A Green Deal for Green Mobilityfor boosting Mobility Management will be essentialfor meeting the emerging challenges and for … for decarbonizing transport, zero emissions and socially fair mobility for achieving our environmental, economic and social objectives for enabling innovation and boosting economy, new businesses and employment
Mobility Management is not just a local issue!Mobility Management is also a national and European issue! Promote in citiesandregions Integrate in national policies Promote on a European scale
E P O M M EPOMM Declaration of Utrecht is calling for a promotion of Mobility Management in Europe We need a European Strategy on Mobility Management as a holistic approach that brings it all together and that includes shared views and common actions. To implement Mobility Management, the cooperation of all relevant actors on all institutional levels is needed: The development of a European Master Plan on Mobility Management will be an important stepping stone towards sustainable mobility by providing and facilitating Mobility Management on local, regional, national and European level
Mobility Management has to become a European priority! EPOMM presentation at Innovation Fair Amsterdam Informal Transport and Environment Ministerial Council April 2016 EPOMM met EU Comissioner Violeta Bulc, Michael Cramer MEP, Melanie Schultz van Haegen Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Environment, Francois Bausch Luxembourgish Minister of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
Experiences of EPOMM Member States and ECOMM cities show:Mobility Management can really make a difference ! New emerging issues need closer cooperation of states, countries, regions and cities for a new emphasis on Mobility Management in Europe! Join EPOMM the alliance of countries to promote Mobility Management in Europe! Become a ECOMM city!
Now ECOMM2017 in Maastricht is calling: Teaming up for liveable cities and regions in Europe! Cross-sectoral policies Cross-cutting actions Cross-border cooperations
Looking forward to inspiring results! Robert Thaler EPOMM President