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Changing the perspective: users’involvement in prioritising needs in the Italian National Statistical Programme Monica Attias, ISTAT Q2014 Vienna, June 4 2014. Until 2011, users interact with NSS producers (SISTAN) in Quality Circles :
Changing the perspective: users’involvement in prioritising needs in the Italian National Statistical Programme Monica Attias, ISTAT Q2014 Vienna, June 4 2014
Until 2011, usersinteract with NSS producers (SISTAN) in QualityCircles: these are producersworkinggroupsfocused on quality of officialstatistics. They include a number of selectedusers Weaknesses: only20 usersinvolved organised by broadareaswhich do notofferspace for indepthdiscussion No formalrepresentation of users From Quality Circles to a User Commission
A Satisfaction Survey on effectiveness of Quality circles (2011) : 362 respondents, response rate 58%, scale 1 to 7The users describe as inadequate their contribution to defining statistics to be included in the statistical programme (average vote 3,4) Istat changes ist strategy
CUIS: a Users commission CUIS begins to operate in 2012. It is an Istat consultative body which relates to NSS • It includes 38 representatives of : public administration; research institutes and academia; open data; media; civil society and consumers • Objectives and tasks Making usersneedsforandgaps in Official statisticsknown Help definingandprioritising Official statisticstobeincluded in PSN Help identifyingother potential users Advocatingfor Official statistics Proposing initiatives toimprovequality (timeliness, relevance, accessibility andclarity)
User-Producer relation: a comprehensiveapproach User engagement forums; Online consultationssurveys on userneeds; Tools for assessingrelevance of officialstatistics; Satisfactionsurveys on statisticalpublications; Workinggroups(open data, media, microdata); A dedicatedsection of Sistan website (communities): Training courses (data journalism) This paper focuses on points relating to Relevance (a, b, c)
The Forums consultation process CUIS QUALITY CIRCLES Adds or amend proposal and sets a calendar of forums on agreed priorities CUIS and technical secretariat identify other users and potential users to include in debate users/producers forums to discuss needs Already met but need to be more accessible Not applicable (methodology) Dealt with by ISTAT dissemination DG Yet to be met Impossible to be met in three-year time span To be included and published in PSN INFORMATION GAP Publication on PSN Indicates priorities to discuss
User Engagement Forums up to May 2014 Each session is organised jointly with the Quality Circles (6 out of 11 areas) • The Study of corruption through citizen surveys; • The PA statistical portal. How to increase knowledge on public administration; • Development of statistics on inflation in the context of the European project on multi-purpose survey on consumer price; • Users needs and statistical production on cultural heritage: valuing the results of museum survey; • The information system on "Immigrants and new citizens"; • Poverty and deprivation indexes.
Discussion between users and producers prevents that Users needs may not be relevant as they … 1) • Refer to statisticsalreadyavailable, thoughnotsufficientlyaccessible • Are notapplicable under the themethodologicalpoint of view • Requireresourceswhich are notaffordable • Are notrepresentatives of public nationalinterest ….. And they can be endorsed according to a priority order recommended by users themselves
Contributionof key users to the statistical programme (PSN) A bi-dimensional approach: • Tomeasureperceivedusefulnessthatstakeholdeershaveoftheirproposalsfor PSN 2014 (120 respondentsover 167 usersandproducers) • Toassessthereceptionofusersproposalsfor PSN 2014 through an analysisoftheorigin(regulations, protocols, agreements) ofplannedstatistics 873 statisticalrecord in PSN database).
Results Perceivedusefulness (scale 1 to 7): The Forum was usefulforenriching PSN statisticaloffer? Average usersvote 5,99 Average producersvote 5,96 2. The receptionof Users proposal in PSN From 2011 to 2014 (3,4) the user average vote shows a very positive trend.
Tools for assessing Relevance: the new Open Psn The web search engine Open Psn is implemented to enhance the fruition of the information stored in the PSN database and enable users to identify existing gaps to fill in the next programme adjournement. The navigation system works through The Google search appliance technology.
Title, depositor Theme, subject, observation unit, spatial unit, main variables, privacy statement Coverage, universe, respondent, time dimensions, data sources Methodology, sampling procedures, number of units, method of data collection Dissemination and Timeliness information; confidentiality measures Fields 1-3 of statistics records will be published with the endorsement act of PSN (t-1) Fields 4-5 will be published with the PSN state of implementation (t+1). PsninformationrecordS For ISTAT the process metadata are imported from the Sidi/SIQual system). In the future the records will inclide also validated metadata of SISTAN producers
Conclusions The roleofusersisamplifiedbytheirinclusion in theframeof CUIS. The involvementof CUIS at thebeginningoftheplanningprocessenablesproducerstotaketheirneedsintoaccount in a threeyear time span. A structuredinteractionwithusers on focusedthemeshasprovedviableand positive andavoidsfrustrationofbothsides. Producers haveacknowledgedthattheirplanningcapabilityhasincreased Future developments Through the Open Psn, users will betterassessgapsandrelevanceofOfficial statistics Open Psn will helpwidenthenetworkofusersandmakeconsultationmoreeffective CUIS members will actasmediatorsofneedsexpressedbythe wider usercommunity
Thank you for the attention M. Attias, ISTAT attias@istat.it