3 Categories (Subjects) There a three types of lifeguards: the over-active lifeguard who sits on the edge of their chair waiting to blow their whistle, the slacker lifeguard who sleeps on the job behind their oversized sunglasses, and the impartial lifeguard who’s glad to be getting a tan, and will occasionally discipline kids after they’ve broken a few rules.Patrons who are looking to avoid a headache from constant shrieking of pool whistlesshould plan accordingly when picking a spot by the water. Audience Purpose
Topic Sentence #1: The first type of lifeguard patrons should try to avoid is the over-active guard. (See how this includes the Audience, the Purpose, and the Subject?) Topic Sentence #2: Another lifeguard encountered on the pool deck is the slacker lifeguard. The slacker is the exact opposite of the over-active lifeguard. (The Audience isn’t that strong in this sentence, but the Purpose and Subject is still there.) Topic Sentence #3: A mixture between the over-active and the slacker lifeguard is the impartial lifeguard. (There’s really no audience or purpose in this one….but she’s done well so far. How do you think we could revise this better?)
Ways to Apologize to a Girlfriend The I’m-not-sorry-so-you’re-just-going-to-have-to-get-over-it apology The I’m-sorry-but-you-know-you’re-still-wrong-for-getting-upset apology The I’m-so-sorry-that-this-ever-happened-and-I-was-wrong-but-will-you-please-forgive-me apology
My Audience: Teenaged Guys in a relationship that has constant conflict. My Purpose: To show the guy how to resolve conflict and help the relationship to grow.
My Thesis: Any teenaged guy who finds himself in a relationship that has more than its share of conflictneeds to understand that the way he apologizes to his girlfriend can either help or hurt his relationship. The three main ways to apologize are the I’m-not-sorry-so-you’re-just-going-to-have-to-get-over-it apology, the I’m-sorry-but-you-know-you’re-still-wrong-for-getting-upset apology, and the I’m-so-sorry-that-this-ever-happened-and-I-was-wrong-but-will-you-please-forgive-me apology. Audience Purpose 3 Categories (Subjects)
Now I’m ready for my topic sentences: Topic Sentence #1: The first way of saying sorry that many teenaged guys make the error of using is an apology that isn’t an apology at all. Topic Sentence #2: Another mistaken apology teenaged guys can frequently employ is an apology that still lays blame on their girlfriend. Topic Sentence #3: The ideal apology any teenaged guy who wants to make the most out of his relationship should use is an apologize that seeks to end all conflict and reconcile the problem.
So What’s Next, now that I’ve got my Thesis and Topic Sentences? • Next is to develop your body paragraphs. • Define what exactly each subject is. • Distinguish each category by comparing and contrasting it to the other categories. • Use examples and concrete images to explain each category • Apply the information your give to your specific audience. What should they do with your information?