A2 Media Film By Dan Pearce
Film Plot • The film that I am planning on creating is a bit of a psychological thriller involving a man who is been arrested for murdering his wife and is being interrogated for it. He starts of in the interrogation being quiet and not giving much away. He keeps denying he has done it, and keeps his head down. As the interview gets more intense he shows his true colours a bit more and starts to get aggressive and angry and starts shouting a lot. At bits in the film, it will flashback to moments before and after the murder took place. A flashback of him and his wife arguing, one of him kneeling over his wife with blood on his hands and one of him out in some woods burying her. When the interview hits the end the man becomes increasingly aggressive and starts to throw chairs about, banging on the walls and shouting at the officer and the interrogator. The film ends with the camera panning out of the room with the man going crazy, and as you can see no more in the room all you hear is shouting and screaming and things being chucked about. You will never know if he actually killed his wife or what went on in the interrogation room after the camera went out.
Plans for film • I am planning on working on my own for the film and I am quietly confident with doing this, as I have some experience filming and editing, and I feel the knowledge of this will increase as the project goes on. As I have chosen to work on my own I am aware there is a lot of work involved, but have been set on my film and what I will do for it for quite some time. I have sorted out actors for the film, and have ideas for a venue for some scenes, but am not decided where the main action will go on in the interrogation room. I have my own equipment that I will use at home, which includes a good camera to use. I haven’t got a tripod or boom pole though. I will have to borrow both from school, although I may not use the boom pole at all times, because as it is a psychological thriller it may look good in places to be a bit shaky.
Problems for Film • Foreseeable problems for my A2 film will be when to film. This is because most of my actors are at University and therefore I would probably have to wait until Christmas to film which I don’t see as a problem that much it just means working on my blog until then, and working on scripts etc. Also there will be a lot of filming to be done over the Christmas break. However I have most of the equipment at home that I can use, and I’m not planning on using premier pro so this shouldn’t be that much of a problem. Other problems include, that I haven’t used premier pro before but I have sorted that problem as I am going to use the movie maker program on Macs, that I can use at home. The last problem that I would have for my film would be that I am not decided on a place to use as an interrogation room, but with time I will be able to find one.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Film • I believe the strengths of my film will be the fact I have chosen to do a psychological thriller and it’ll make the audience think about the film. • I also think I have got the best actors possible who could play the parts in this film, I know it isn’t essential to have good actors but it helps. • I think I have the best equipment available to me to make a good film. • I have experience at making short films so I now know what to do and what not to do. • I have also wrote scripts before, so I think I have the skills to make a good film. • I think weaknesses of my film will be the lack of experience I have at editing. • Another weakness could be the short time frame in which I have to film as most of my actors are at University. • Finding a good location in which to shoot as I feel I needs to be perfect and this could be hard to find, that’ll make my film seem more realistic yet still film like.