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Collusion-Resistant Fingerprinting for Arbitrary Alphabet Sizes

This paper discusses the Tardos fingerprinting system and its improvements, focusing on collusion-resistant watermarking for arbitrary alphabet sizes. It explores trends in content protection, collusion attacks, and the requirements for effective watermarking. The paper also presents new constructions and analysis methods for improved performance.

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Collusion-Resistant Fingerprinting for Arbitrary Alphabet Sizes

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  1. Symmetric Tardos fingerprintingfor arbitrary alphabet sizes WISSec 2007 Boris Škorić, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Mehmet Celik Philips Research, Information and System Security group

  2. Outline • Trends in content protection • Collusion-resistant watermarking • The Tardos fingerprinting system • Our improvements

  3. Trends in content protection CGMS 1980 1990 2000 • Consumers increasingly dislike DRM • Vista content protection spec "longest suicide note in history" (Gutmann 2006) • "Disembodied" distribution  Hard to DRM-protect; Easy to watermark • April 2007: EMI announces DRM-free music • Gradual shift from copy prevention to distribution tracking

  4. originalcontent originalcontent content withhidden payload payload WM secrets WM secrets payload Detector Embedder Watermarking (a.k.a. Fingerprinting) • Forensic tracking • Payload = unique identifier of recipient • Redistribution traced back to source • Examples • Jan.2004: Man arrested for distributing oscar screeners. • Digital cinema

  5. "Coalition of pirates"  = "detectable positions" pirate #1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 #2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 #3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 #4 AttackedContent 1 0/1 1 0 0/1 0 1 0/1 0/1 0 0/1 1 Collusion attacks • Users pool their content • Differences point to watermark • Attackers remove watermark

  6. equivalent for binary symbols Collusion-resistant watermarking • Requirements • Resistance against cc0 attackers • Low False Positive error rate • Low False Negative error rate • ... and all that with small watermark payload! (7bits/min. video) • Attack model • "Marking assumption": Modification only at detectable positions • Several options • Restricted digit model: Choice from available symbols only • Unreadable digit model: Erasure allowed • Arbitrary digit model: Arbitrary symbol (but not erasure) • General digit model

  7. Staddon et al 2001: Tardos 2003: Boneh and Shaw 1998: Tardos 2003: Chor et al 2000: Boneh and Shaw 1998: History of collusion resistance: Code length Construction [ Hollmann et al 1998: IPP codes, c0=2 ] n = #usersm = code length in symbols q = alphabet size 1 = Prob[accuse specific innocent]  = Prob[not all accused are guilty] 2 = False Negative prob. Provenlower bound

  8. Step 1: Generate iid p1,..., pm (0,1); Prob. density Step 2: Generate columns of X; Prob[Xji=1] = pi. pi p1 p2 pm 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 The Tardos scheme (2003) X n users j m symbols i

  9. Proven properties: • Resistance against c0 colluders withindependent of coalition strategy • If c>c0, then • no false accusations! • high prob. that nobody gets accused The Tardos scheme (continued) • Embed X into the content for users 1...n.Store p and X. • Coalition publishes content with payload y = {y1,..., ym}. • Content owner computes accusation values:User #j gets accused if Sj > threshold

  10. Our contributions Škorić, Katzenbeisser, Celik; 2007Škorić, Vladimirova, Celik, Talstra; 2006 • New construction of X and new accusation • Arbitrary alphabet size q. • Dirichlet distribution • Symbol-symmetric accusation, even for q=2. pi0pi1pi2 pi3 2 0 X 2 2 3 2 2

  11. New analysis method based on statistics • Compute FN and FP error rate from E[Sj] and E[Sj2] • Central Limit Theorem:For large c0, accusations have Gaussian distribution Our contributions (continued) • Decouple 2 from 1. • Desired FP and FN properties are independent • Usually 1<< 2 instead of vice versa • Assumptions: • Column-symmetric coalition strategy • Restricted digit model when q>2.

  12. Results Symmetric scheme& statistical analysis for large coalitions Tardos 2003 1, 2 independent (usually 1<< 2) Binary alphabet, Binary alphabet: q-ary alphabet: further reduction of m q= 3: 35% q=10: 80%

  13. Open questions / future work • How much can be gained from tweaking the f function? • How Gaussian are the accusations for small c0? Summary • Tardos scheme is asymptotically optimal • Two improvements • Symbol-symmetric binary scheme • Statistical analysis method • Together: code length reduced by factor 20 for large c0 • Scheme for arbitrary alphabet size.In restricted digit model  further reduction of code length.

  14. Literature D. Boneh and J. Shaw. Collusion-secure fingerprinting for digital data. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 44(5):1897-1905, 1998. B. Chor, A. Fiat, M. Naor, and B. Pinkas. Tracing traitors. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46(3):893-910, 2000. I.J. Cox, M.L. Miller, and J.A. Bloom. Digital Watermarking. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2002. H.D.L. Hollmann, J.H. van Lint, J-P. Linnartz, and L.M.G.M. Tolhuizen. On codes with the identifiable parent property. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 82:472-479, 1998. G.C. Langelaar, I. Setyawan, and R.L. Lagendijk. Watermarking digital image and video data. IEEE SPMAG, SEP 2000. C. Peikert, A. Shelat, and A. Smith. Lower bounds for collusion-secure fingerprinting. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), p 472-478, 2003. B. Skoric, S. Katzenbeisser, and M.U. Celik, Symmetric Tardos fingerprinting for arbitrary alphabet sizes. To be published in Designs, Codes and Cryptography. Preprint at http://eprint.iacr.org/2007/041 B. Skoric, T.U. Vladimirova, M. Celik, and J.C. Talstra. Tardos Fingerprinting is better than we thought.Technical report, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.Preprint at arXiv repository, http://www.arxiv.org/abs/cs.CR/0607131, 2006. J.N. Staddon, D.R. Stinson, and R. Wei. Combinatorial properties of frameproof and traceability codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 47(3):1042-1049, 2001. G. Tardos. Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pages 116-125, 2003.

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