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GEO Interoperability (Virtual) Workshop III: A Look Into the Future of GEOSS

GEO Interoperability (Virtual) Workshop III: A Look Into the Future of GEOSS October 18-19, 2011, Webex. Interoperability and Data Networking Facilitated by the GEO Air Quality Community of Practice Contact: Rudolf Husar, rhusar@wustl.edu.

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GEO Interoperability (Virtual) Workshop III: A Look Into the Future of GEOSS

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  1. GEO Interoperability (Virtual) Workshop III: A Look Into the Future of GEOSS October 18-19, 2011, Webex Interoperability and Data Networking Facilitated by the GEO Air Quality Community of Practice Contact: Rudolf Husar, rhusar@wustl.edu

  2. What is the tangible contribution of the Network? Earth Ob-servations Societal Benefit Monitorig Network Informing the Public Earth Obs. & Modeler Protecting Health Satellite Measure & Model Atmosph. Science Model Global Policies Emission To facilitate an AQ data pool for diverse uses

  3. Spectrum of User Communities and their Activities Earth Ob-servations Societal Benefit Health&Env. Analyst Monitorig Network Informing the Public Decision Support Earth Obs. & Modeler EO Service Provider EnvPolicy & Manager Protecting Health Satellite Measure & Model InfoProc. & Distributor Discipline Scientist Decision Making Atmosph. Science Model Sci & Know Creation Global Policies Emission To facilitate an AQ data pool for diverse uses

  4. What is the tangible contribution of the Network? Earth Ob-servations Societal Benefit Monitorig Network Informing the Public Earth Obs. & Modeler Protecting Health Satellite Measure & Model Atmosph. Science Model Global Policies Emission To facilitate an AQ data pool for diverse uses

  5. What is the tangible contribution of the Network? Earth Ob-servations Societal Benefit Monitorig Network Informing the Public Protecting Health Data Pool Satellite Atmosph. Science Model Global Policies Emission To facilitate an AQ data pool for diverse uses

  6. The main contributors to the AQ Network are members ofIntegrating Initiatives/Organizations Earth Ob-servations Societal Benefit Data Hubs Facilitators Decision Support ABC | AQ_CoP | B.GN | CHIST |CIERA | COST |CyAirDataONE | EANET | EGIDA | ESIP | EuroGEOSS | INSPIRE | MaleDecl | QA4EO CIERA DataFed EBAS MACC VIEWS .... ACDISC AirBase AIRNow AQS DLR GISC LANCE RSIG +++ others AIRNow BlueSky CIAM INSPIRE PEGASOS SDS-WAS VIEWS …Others Monitorig Network Informing the Public Protecting Health Data Pool Satellite Science Teams Atmosph. Science ABC AC&C AeroCOM AQAST AQMEII CCI-Aerosol PEGASOS TF-HTAP Others ... Model Global Policies Emission

  7. What is/Who are the Air Quality CoP? Data Hubs Facilitators Decision Support AQ_CoP |CIERA | ESIP | EuroGEOSS |INSPIRE AIRNow INSPIRE VIEWS ExEvent Others A self-organized, voluntary group promoting the use of Earth observations for air quality management and science CIERA DataFed EBAS MACC VIEWS .... Science Teams MACC AeroCOM AQMEII TF-HTAP Others ... Members of AQ CoP are Integrating Initiatives AQ CoP Motto: Connecting and Enabling Other Integrating Initiatives

  8. Networking Air Quality Observations and Models:From Virtual to Real Aug 23-25, 2011, Stomorska, Šolta, Croatia • Participants were practitioners of AQ data systems from Europe and US • Managers and programmers of major AQ data hubs • Interoperability and networking experts • Participants represented 18 organizations, many Integrating Initiatives • Orgs: CNR, DLR, EEA, EPA, FZ Juelich, JRC, NGC, NILU, NPS, STI, UNIDATA, WUStL • TF_HTAP, ACP, MACC, • Workshop Goals: • Assessed the current state of the network • Share best practices on interoperability • Advance the state of the AQ Data Network See Workshop Wiki for Details, Contacts: Rudolf Husar, rhusar@wustl.edu; Martin Schultz, m.schultz@fz-juelich.de

  9. Community WCS Servers @ AQ Hubs Community Catalog linked to Gicat Clients at DataFed, Juelich, RSIG

  10. Summary • Current GEO AQ CoP activities: • An ad hoc international group of AQ practioners • CoP co-developed Community WCS Server, Community Catalog • Conventions, tools and best practices AQ Data Network (ADN) demonstrates narrow, domain-specific data networking with GEOSS infrastructure and process However, AND is still too fragile and incomplete for ‘real’ applications And the AQ CoP recognizes that “The road toward integrated data systems is littered with wrecks of well-intended attempts..”

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