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Probing the scalar sector with ZZH

Probing the scalar sector with ZZH. Debajyoti Choudhury, Anindya Datta, Katri Huitu, hep-ph/0302141, to appear in Nucl.Phys.B. outline: Introduction Models: higher representations radion (nonSUSY/SUSY) Conclusions. Introduction. Assume that EWSB due to Higgs mechanism

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Probing the scalar sector with ZZH

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  1. Probing the scalar sector with ZZH Debajyoti Choudhury, Anindya Datta, Katri Huitu, hep-ph/0302141, to appear in Nucl.Phys.B outline: Introduction Models: higher representations radion (nonSUSY/SUSY) Conclusions WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  2. Introduction • Assume that EWSB due to Higgs mechanism • Light scalars not taking part in the EWSB can mix with Higgs • In extensions of the Standard Model new scalars and new representations- spontaneous CP violation, - supersymmetry, - left-right model, - gauge unification,... • What can a detected set of scalars tell about the model? • Related works: Burgess et al, IJMP A17(2002) 1841; Ellis et al, PLB 502 (2001) 171; Kane et al PRD 64 (2001) 095013; Ambrosanio et al NPB 624 (2002) 3. WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  3. ZZH coupling Lagrangian: • gets contribution from any nonsinglet VEV • ZZH coupling essential in Higgs production:or gauge boson fusionuse to separate between models WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  4. E.g. SU(5) GUT The SM fermions in contain neutral scalars doublets Y=1 triplet in minimal SU(5) problems with realistic spectrum  need more representations These contain singlets, triplets (Y=0,1), 4-plets (Y=3/2,1/2), 5-plets (Y=2,1,0) WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  5. A strong constraint from the r-parameter, experimentally r 1. We demand r= 1. Parametrize the ZZH coupling: C  1  BSM Physics 4 max (T3i2 ) C  4 min (T3i2 ) WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  6. Z mass: • fermions of the SM couple to doublets • Yt increases with decreasing v1/2: Yt RGE: WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  7. Triplets Added Georgi, Machachek,NPB 262 (1985) 463. Triplets(3,0) and (3,1)  1 < C < 4 fine tuning WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  8. E.g. in the Georgi – Machachek model, for the fermion widths Use the measured value and error to constrain the ratio of VEVs For a 90 % C.L. constraint on the ratio,  is 1.64, if exp has 1 limits. WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  9. Fiveplets added (5,0) and (5,1) enhance  (5,2) suppresses  (5,0) and (5,2): 1 < C < 16 (5,0) and (5,1): 1 < C < 12 WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  10. Radions in RS scenario Randall, Sundrum, PRL 83 (1999) 3370, 4690. 5-dim universe, compactify on S1 / Z2 visible hidden y= y=0 massless fields: hmngravitongmn rc modulus T(x) T(x) has zero potential  stabilize, parameters on visible brane scaled by e-krc ,radion    e-k(T-rc), m  O(1 TeV) Goldberger, Wise, PRL 83 (1999)4922, PLB475 (2000)275. WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  11. Radion couplings: Stress energy tensor: Curvature-Higgs mixing  Giudice, Rattazzi, Wells, NPB 595 (2001) 250; Csaki, Graesser, Kribs, PRD 63 (2001) 065002. mixing parameter WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  12. Diagonalize positivity of kinetic terms: WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  13. Couplings to physical scalars (V=general gauge boson):  WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  14. constant C curves unitarity bounds Han,Kribs,McElrath, PRD 64 (2001)076003 WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  15. Supersymmetric RS model To make contact with the superstring theory, the RS model may need to be supersymmetrized. Extra dimensions may be connected with the supersymmetry breaking method: Stabilization  e.g. AMSB possible. Luty, Sundrum, PRD 62 (2000) 035008 We consider J.A. Casas, J.R. Espinosa, I. Navarro, NPB 620 (2002) 195 Supplement MSSM with a radion T and dilaton S in the bulk (susy breaking along FS): WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  16. The warp factor Lagrangian note: K is model dependent WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  17. Coupling to the singlet radion from the trace of stress-energy tensor: Diagonalize H10,H20,t sum of the squares of scalar couplings (normalized to SM value): WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  18. WIN'03, Katri Huitu

  19. Conclusions • Sum of the ZZH couplings can be an efficient separator between models • For scalars in higher representations of SU(2)L, the  parameter and perturbativity of the top Yukawa-coupling constrain C • In higher dimensions, the Higgs-curvature mixing may effect C strongly WIN'03, Katri Huitu

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