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Financing energy projects Basic tips & tricks. Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 16 Regional Operational Programmes Rural Areas Development Programme. Energy projects funding within 2007-2013 EU funds in PL. Operational Programmes - National level
OperationalProgrammeInfrastructure and Environment 16 RegionalOperationalProgrammes RuralAreas Development Programme Energyprojectsfundingwithin 2007-2013 EU funds in PL
OperationalProgrammes - Nationallevel Renewableenergyprojects of valueover PLN 20 million (approx. EUR 5 million) Energyproductionincluding CHP projects of valueover PLN 10 million (approx. EUR 2,5 million) SpecificProgramme - RuralAreas Development Maximum grant value PLN 3 million (approx. EUR 0,75 million) Projectsbased in ruralareas (ruralcommunities; rural and municipalcommunitiesexcludingcitiesover 5 thousandinhabitants; municipalcommunitiesbelow 5 thousandinhabitants) Energyprojectsfunding from EU funds - demarcation 2007-2013
OperationalProgrammes - Regionallevel Renewableenergyprojects of valuebelowthan PLN 20 million (approx. EUR 5 million); minimalprojectvalue/ eligiblecostdepending on the RegionalOperationalProgrammesprovisions, e.g. Lower Silesiaminimalprojectvalue: PLN 300 thousand (approx. EUR 75 thousand) Energyproduction and CHP projects of valuebelowthan PLN 10 million (approx. EUR 2,5 million); minimalprojectvalue/ eligiblecostdepending on the RegionalOperationalProgrammesprovisions, e.g. Lower Silesiaminimalprojectvalue: PLN 500 thousand (approx. EUR 125 thousand) Energyprojectsfunding from EU funds - demarcation 2007-2013
Energyprojectsfunding from EU funds - Regional Aid Map 2007-2013
OperationalProgramme for the low-carboneconomy, environment protection, prevention of and adaptation to climatechange, transport and energysecurity(nationallevel) - ERDF, CF OperationalProgramme for Rural Development (nationallevel, specificprogramme) - EAFRD 16 RegionalOperationalProgrammes(15 regionalprogrammes for less developed regions, 1 regionalprogramme for transition/ moredeveloped region - Mazovia region) - ERDF, CF Energyprojectsfundingwithin 2014-2020 EU funds in PL
Major principles: Attempt to define one level of intervention for a given investment priorityortype of action Abandon the application of quotacriterioncausingmanyproblems in a 2007-2013 perspective Apply maximum twodistributioncriteriasimultaneously, e.g. beneficiary, scale of interventionimpact Energyprojectsfunding from EU funds - distribution of intervention 2014-2020
Financial instruments: Non-refundableGrants (lowprofitabilityprojects) Refundablefinancinginstruments (economicallyviableprojects) Mixed financinginstruments (combining non-refundablegrants and refundableinstruments) Projects funding within 2014-2020 EU funds
RES and CHP support system - certificates: Green certificates - renewableenergysources Yellowcertificates - CHP unitsthat generate electricity in highly efficient cogeneration fired by gaseous fuels(irrespective of the capacity installed) or with total electrical capacity installed atsource below 1 MW Purple certificates - CHP units fired with methane released andcaptured during underground mining work in active, liquidated or closed down hardcoal mines, or with gas obtained from biomass processing, regardless oftheircapacity installed Red certificates - CHP unitswith total capacity installed above 1 MW or those fired with fuelsother than gaseous fuels, mining methane or biogas from biomass Energyprojects - market and regulatory conditions
Factorsinfluencingrelativelylongprojectpreparation period Environmentalimpactassessment (report and public consultationprocedure) Administrativeconstructionpermitreguiredalso for small units Connecting to distribution network (NationalEnergy Distribution Network) Energyprojects - market and regulatory conditions
Obligation to obtain a concession, from the Energy Regulatory Office, for energyproduction: Electricityproducerswhoseunits’totalinstalledcapacityexceeds50 MWe Heatproducerswhoseunits’ totalinstalledcapacityexceeds 5 MWt All CHP unitsirrespective of theirinstalledcapacity Allrenewableenergygenerationunitsregardless of theirinstalledcapacity, except of energyproductionunitsbased on agriculturalbiogasthatrequire listing into register led by the Agricultural Market Agency Localisation of renewableenergygenerationunits with installedcapacityover 40 kW requiresspecialprovisions in localarea development plan Energyprojects - specificrequirements
Instability of regulatory environment Changesin energy policy in PL: support for renewableenergysources supportfor CHP production facilitationsfor small energygenerationunits (generationpowerbelow 40 kW) Seasonabilityin EU fundsdistribution: Distribution based on call of proposals with specifieddeadlines Prolongedprojectpreparationprocess vs. relativelyshort period betweenannouncement of callof proposals and itsdeadline Energyprojects - specificproblems
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