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Skeletal System

Learn about the skeletal system, its organs called bones, their functions such as framework, support, protection, levers, blood cell production, and storage. Explore bone anatomy, sections of the skeleton, bones of the body, joints, common diseases, fractures, dislocations, and curvatures of the spine. Find important vocabulary and enjoy some skeleton jokes!

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Skeletal System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skeletal System

  2. General Info • Organs called bones • Adult human has 206 bones

  3. Functions of Bones • Framework • Supports muscle, fat and skin • Protection • Surrounds vital organs • EX: skull, ribs, pelvis • Levers • Muscles attach to bones to provide movement • Production of blood cells • Red and white blood cells and platelets • Storage • Calcium

  4. Bone Anatomy • Long Bones Shaft – diaphysis 2 ends – epiphysis Layers Periosteum Medullary canal red marrow yellow marrow Endosteum

  5. Skeleton Sections • Axial • Main Trunk • Composed of skull, spinal column, ribs and breastbone • Appendicular • Extremities • Shoulder girdle, arm bones, pelvic girdle, leg bones

  6. Bones of the Body • Skull

  7. FontanelsSoft Spots – allow the skull to enlarge as the brain grows

  8. Sinuses • Air spaces in the bones • Act as resonating chambers for the voice • Lined with mucous membranes

  9. Ribs • 12 Pairs • True ribs • First 7 pairs • Attach to thoracic vertebrae and sternum • False ribs • Next 5 pairs • Attach to the cartilage of the ribs above • Floating ribs • Last 2 pairs of false ribs • Have no attachment in the front

  10. Sternum • Three parts • Manubrium • Body • Xiphoid process

  11. Spinal Column • 26 Vertebrae

  12. Spinal Section Reference • Cervical • C1 to C7 • Thoracic • T1 to T 12 • Lumbar • L1 to L5 • Sacral • Coccyx

  13. Shoulder Girdle • Each side composed of • 1 clavicle • 1 scapula

  14. Arm Bones • Humerus • Upper arm bone • Ulna • Lower arm bone • Radius • Lower arm bone • On thumb side

  15. Wrist, Hand and Fingers • Wrist • 8 carpals • Hand • 5 Metacarpals • Palm of the hand • Fingers • 14 Phalanges

  16. Pelvic Girdle • Composed of 2 os coxae • Ilium, ischium and the pubis

  17. Upper Leg Bones • Femur • Largest bone in the body

  18. Lower Leg Bones • Tibia • Large lower leg bone • Fibula • Small lower leg bone • Patella • Knee cap

  19. Ankle, Foot and Toes • Tarsals • 7 bones • Ankle • Metatarsals • 5 bones • Instep • Phalanges • 14 bones • Toes • Calcaneous • Heel bone

  20. Joints • Area where 2 or more bones come together • Held together by ligaments • Types • Ball and socket • Hinge • Slightly movable • Immovable • Pivot • Gliding • Saddle

  21. Types of Joints

  22. Diseases • Arthritis • Inflammation of the joint • Types • Osteoarthritis • Rheumatoid • Terms • Acute • Chronic

  23. Fracture • Greenstick • Common in children • Bone bent and splits

  24. Simple Clean break in the bone Compound Bone breaks and pierces skin Simple and Compound Fractures

  25. Spiral Fracture

  26. Impacted Fracture Comminuted Fracture

  27. Depressed Fracture

  28. Treatment of Fractures • Reduction • Closed

  29. Open Reduction

  30. Bone Repair

  31. Dislocation • A bone is forcibly displaced from a joint

  32. SprainTwisting action tears ligaments

  33. OsteoporosisSoftening of bone due to lack of calcium

  34. Curvatures of the Spine • Scoliosis side-to-side, lateral curve

  35. Lordosis • Swayback • Abnormal inward curve of the lumbar region

  36. Kyphosis • Hunchback • Rounding or bowing of the back of the thoracic area

  37. Vocabulary arthro- joint chondro- cartilage cost- rib crani- skull carp- wrist myelo- bone marrow, spinal cord osse-, ossi-, oste-, osteo - bone -ectomy surgical removal of -otomy to cut into -osis condition

  38. Skeleton Jokes Why doesn't a skeleton play music in a church? He has no organ What does a skeleton order at a restaurant? Spare Ribs

  39. The End

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