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Face Collage Project

Create a unique collage of a person's face focusing on correct proportions of facial features. Use grid method for accuracy and then collage with creative liberty. Emphasis on realistic shadows and unity in design. Graded based on proportions, values, unity, and craftsmanship.

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Face Collage Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Face Collage Project • For this project, you will be creating a collage of a person’s face. • I am most interested on the correct proportions of the facial features. • You will be starting with a photograph to help you get started. It can be of yourself, or someone you know, or a person from a magazine, as long as the photograph is mostly of their head.

  2. Using a grid • Some of you may have used a grid previously in art. This method helps you to draw the proportions of things more accurately. • I will help you get started. • You will draw a grid on the photograph and the drawing paper with the same amount of squares on each. The use the gridlines as reference points to get the shapes more accurate.

  3. Begin to collage • Once the drawing is completed enough to show the facial feature placements and shapes of shadows, you can start to collage. • The colors don’t have to be realistic, but the shadows and proportions should still be as realistic as possible.

  4. Grading: Correct proportions 10 points • Facial features are in the correct place Different values used in the correct places 15 points • Evidence of studying your original picture to really figure out the shapes of the different values and where they go. Unityis evident 10 points • The entire piece is coherent in some way. For example, there are big words speckled through the collage, or there are torn edges throughout, or the sizes of the pieces is the same, or the colors are similar, or anything that runs through out the entire piece. This eliminates the random collage stuff glued down to fill space. Every decision must be thought out. Craftsmanship 5 points • All pieces are glued down well. It doesn’t look like it’s about to fall apart. Total 40 points

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