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Trees General principles Ways of thinking

Trees General principles Ways of thinking. Chapter 17 & 18 in DS&PS Chapter 4 in DS&AA. Applications. Coding Huffman, prefix Parsing/Compiling tree is standard internal representation for code Information Storage/Retrieval binary trees, AA-trees, AVL, Red-Black, Splay

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Trees General principles Ways of thinking

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  1. TreesGeneral principlesWays of thinking Chapter 17 & 18 in DS&PS Chapter 4 in DS&AA

  2. Applications • Coding • Huffman, prefix • Parsing/Compiling • tree is standard internal representation for code • Information Storage/Retrieval • binary trees, AA-trees, AVL, Red-Black, Splay • Game-Playing (Scenario analysis) • virtual trees • alpha-beta search • Decision Trees • representation of choices • automatically constructed from data

  3. General Trees • Tree Definition • distinguished root node • all other node’s have unique, sole parent • Depth of a node: • number of edges from root to node • Height of a node: • number of edges from node to deepest descendant • Balanced: • Goal: O(log n) insert/delete/find • height of any sons of any node differs by less than 1 (k) • K-arity: • nodes have at most k sons

  4. Depth of a Node 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 Often convenient to add another field to node structure for additional information such as: depth, height, visited, cost, father, number of visits, number of nodes below, etc.

  5. Height of a Node 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

  6. Simple Relationships • Leaf <=> height is 0 • Height of a node is 1+maximum height of sons • Root <=> depth is 0 • Depth of a node is 1+ depth of father • These can be computed recursively.

  7. Three Tree Representations • List: (variable number of children) • son representation • Object value; • NodeList children; • Sibling: (variable number of children) • Sibling representation • Object value; • Node child; // the leftmost child • Node sibling; // each node points • Array (k is bound on number of children) • Object value; • Node[k] children;

  8. Sibling Representation a d b c d e f a d c b e f d

  9. Depth of node (list rep) • Recall depth(node) is number of links form node to root. • Idea: • depth of sons is 1+ depth of father • call depth(root, 0) Define depth(node n,int d) mark depth at node n = d for each son of n, call depth(son,d+1) (use iterator) • Marking can be done in two ways: • have an addition field (int depth) for each node • have an array int depth[number of nodes]

  10. Depth of node (sibling rep) • Compute the depth of a node • Recall depth(node) is number of links form node to root. • Idea: • depth of left son is 1+ depth of father • depth of siblings is same as depth of father • Call depth(root, 0) • Define depth(node n, int d) mark depth at node n as d call depth(n.leftson,d+1) call depth(n.sibling, d)

  11. Height of Node • List representation: • if node is leaf, height = 0; • else height = 1 +max(height of sons) • Sibling representation • if node is leaf, height = 0; • else height = max (1 + height of leftson, max of heights of siblings)

  12. Virtual Trees • Trees are often conceptual objects, but take too much room to store. Store only what is needed. • Representation: • Node: • object value • Node nextSon(): returns null if no more sons, else returns the next son • In this representation you generate son’s on the fly • E.G. in game playing typically only store depth of tree nodes.

  13. Standard Operations • Copying • Traversals • preorder, inorder, postorder, level-order • illustrated with printing, but any processing ok • Find (Object o) • Insertion(Object o) • Deletion(Object o) • Complexity of these operations varies with constraints / structure of tree that must be preserved.

  14. Binary Trees • Object Representation: node has • Object value; • Node left, right; • Array Representation • use Object[] • requires you know size of tree, or use growable arrays • no pointer overhead • Trick: if node is stored at i, then • left son stored at 2*i • right son stored at 2*i+1 • root stored at 1 • father of node i is at i/2 • Generalizes to k-ary trees naturally.

  15. Binary Search Trees • Left < Right • i.e. any descendant of a node in left is less than any descendant of a node in right. • Operations: let d be depth of tree • object find(key k) • sometimes key and object are the same • insert(object o) or insert(key k, object o) • Object findMin() • removeMin() • removeElement(object o) • Cost: all O(d) via separate and conquer

  16. Removing elements is tricky • How would you remove value at root? • Plan for remove(object o) 1. Find o, i.e. let n be node in tree with value o 2. Keep a ptr to the father of n 3. If ( n.right == null) ptr.son = n.left // not code 4. Else a. find min in n.right b. remove min from n.right c. ptr.son = new node(min, n.left, n.right) Assumes appropriate constructor. Make pictures of the cases.

  17. Support routines • BinaryNode findMin(BinaryNode n) • Recursively • if (n.left == null) return n • else return left.findMin() • O(d) Time and Space • BinaryNode findMin(BinaryNode n) • Iteratively • while ( n.left !=null) n= n.left • return n • O(d) Time, O(1) space

  18. Remove Min • removeMin(BinaryNode n): idea • Node n’ = n.findMin() • father(n’).right = n.right • // idea ok, code not right • What if minimum is root? • BinaryNode removeMin(BinaryNode n) • if (n.left != null) • n.left = removeMin(n.left) • else • n = n.right • return n

  19. Min remove Examples

  20. Remove Node Examples a b c d e f g

  21. removeNode • BinaryNode removeNode(BinaryNode x, BinaryNode n) // remove x from n if (x<n) n.left=removeNode(x, n.left) else if (x>n) n.right=removeNode(x, n.right) // Now x = n else if (n.left != null & n.right !=null) n.data = findMin(n.right).data n.right =removeMin(n.right) else (// left or right is empty) n = (n.left != null) ? N.left : n.right; return n

  22. Find a node (three meanings) • Search tree: • given a node id, find id in tree. • Search tree: • find a node with a specific property, e.g. • kth largest element (Order Statistic) • Separate and conquer answers in log(n) time • Arbitrary tree • find a node with a specific property • E.g. node is a position in game tree, find win • E.g. node is particular tour, find node(tour) with least cost

  23. Separate and Conquer • Finding the kth smallest (Case Analysis) • Where can it be? i nodes N-i-1nodes If at root, left subtree has k-1 nodes. If (i<k) then search for k-I-1 in right subtree If (i>k) then search for kth in right subtree. Complexity: depth of tree (log (n))

  24. Analysis Definitions • Problem: what is average time to find or insert an element • Definitions follow from problem • Internal path length of Binary tree (IPL) • sum of depth of nodes = ipl • average cost of successful search = average depth+1 cost = number of nodes you look at • External path length of Binary tree (EPL) • sum of cost of accessing all N+1 null references = epl • average cost of insertion or failed search = epl/(N+1)

  25. Example of IPL and EXP 0 1 1 2 2 Null reference IPL = 1+1+2+2 = 6 EPL = 2+2+3+3+3+3 = 16 = IPL+2*5 = IPL+2N What happens if you remove a leaf?

  26. Picture Proofof IPL related to IPL of subtrees N node tree I node subtree N-I-1 node subtree Each node (n-1 of them) had its path length reduce by 1

  27. Some Theorems • Average internal path length of binary search tree is 1.38NlogN • Proof that it is O(n*log n) • Let D(N) = average ipl for tree with N nodes • D(0)=D(1) = 0. • D(i) = average over all splits of tree (draw picture) • D(i) = (left split) 1/N (D(0)+….D(N-1)) + N-1 + (right split) 1/N(…..) = same as quicksort analysis (to be done) • O(NlogN) • Why does EPL = IPL+2N (induction)

  28. Analysis Goal: f(n) in terms of f(n-1)then expand • 2/n( D(0)+…+D(n-1)) + n = D(n) • 2*(D(0) + …+ D(n-1))+ n^2 = n*D(n) • Goal compare with previous, subtract and hope • 2*(D(0)+…+D(n-2)) + (n-1)^2 = (n-1)*D(n-1) • 2*D(n-1) +2n-1 = n*D(n) - (n-1)*D(n-1) • n*D(n) =(n+1)*D(n-1) +2n • D(n)/(n+1) = D(n-1)/n + 2/(n+1) EUREKA! Expand. • Hence: D(n)/(n+1) = 2/(n+1)+ 2/n +….+2/1 = 2*(harmonic series) is O(log n) • Conclusion: D(n) is O(n*log(n))

  29. 1/1+1/2+…1/n is O(log n) • General Trick: sum approximates integral and vice versa • Area under function 1/x is given by log(x). 4 2 1 3

  30. Balanced Trees • Depth of tree controls amount of work for many operations, so…. • Goal: keep depth small • what does that mean? • What can be achieved? • What needs to be achieved? • AVL: 1962 - very balanced • Btrees: 1972 (reduce disk accesses) • Red-Black: 1978 • AA: 1993, a little faster now • Splay trees: probabilistically balanced (on finds) • All use rotations

  31. AVL Tree • Recall height of empty tree = -1 • In AVL tree, For all nodes, height of left and right subtrees differ by at most 1. • AVL trees have logarithmic height • Fibonacci numbers: F[1]=1; F[2]= 1; F[3]=2; F[4]=3; • Induction Strikes: Thm: S[h] >= F[h+3]-1 Let S[i] = size of smallest AVL tree of height i S[0] = 1; S[1]=2; why? So S[1] >= F[4]-1 S[h]=S[h-1]+S[h-2]+1 >=F[h+2]-1+F[h+1]-1+1 = F[h+3]-1. • Hence number of nodes grows exponential with height.

  32. On Insertion, what can go wrong? • Tree balanced before insertion 1 2 0 1 1 1 H-1 H

  33. Insertion • After insertion, there are 4 ways tree can be unbalanced. Check it out. • Outside unbalanced: handled by single rotations • Inside unbalanced: handled by double rotations. 2 2 1 1 c r p b a q

  34. Maintaining Balance • Rebalancing: single and double rotations • Left rotation: after insertion 1 2 2 1 c a b b c a

  35. Another View 1 2 2 a 1 c Left b c a b 1 2 Right a 2 1 c b a c b Notice what happens to heights

  36. Another View 1 2 2 a 1 c Left b c a b 1 2 Right a 2 1 c b a c b Notice what happens to heights, (LEFT) in general: a goes up 1, b stays the same, c goes down 1

  37. Single (left) rotation • Switches parent and child • In diagram: static node leftRotate(node 2) 1 = 2.left 2.left = 1.right 1.right = 2 return 1 • Appropriate test question • do it, i.e. given sequence of such as 6, 2, 7,1, -1 etc show the succession on trees after inserts, rotations. • Similar for right rotation

  38. Double Rotation (left) 3 1 Out of balance: split 2 3 3 1 1 2

  39. In Steps 3 3 2 d d 1 c 1 2 a a b c b 2 3 1 c d b a

  40. Double Rotation Code (left-right) • Idea: rotate left child with its right child • Then node with new left child • static BinaryNode doubleLeft( BinaryNode n) n.left = rotateRight(n.left); return rotateLeft(n) • Analogous code for other middle case • All rotations are O(1) operations • Out-of-balance checked after insertion and after deletions. All O(1). • For AVL, d is O(logN) so all operations O(logN).

  41. Red-Black Trees • Every node red or black • Root is black • If node red, children black • Every path from node to null has same number of black nodes • Implementation used in Swing library (JDK1.2) for search trees. • Single top-down pass means faster than AVL • Depth typically same as for AVL trees. • Code has many cases - skipping • Red-black trees are what you get via TreeSet() • And you can set/change the comparator

  42. AA Trees • Simpler variant of Red-black trees • simpler = more efficient • Add two more properties: 5. Left children may not be red. 6. Remove colors, use levels • Leaves are at level 1 • If red, level is level of parent • If black, level is level of parent-1 • Code also has many special cases

  43. B-tree of order M • Goal: reduce the number of disk accesses • Generalization of binary trees • Method: keep top of tree in memory and have large branching factor • Disk access >1000 times slower than memory access • M-ary tree yields O ( log (m/2 N)) accesses • Data stored only at leaves • Nonleaves store up to M-1 keys • Root is leaf or has 2…M children • All internal nodes have (M+1)/2…M children • All leaves at same depth and have (L+1)/2…L children • Often set L = M • Practical algorithm, but code longish (many cases)

  44. B-Tree Picture: internal node Key Ptrs ... Goal: Store as many key’s a possible Keys are in order M-1 Keys M ptrs Space = M*ptrSize +(M-1)*KeySize

  45. Representation • Leaf nodes are arrays of size M (or linked lists) • Internal nodes are: • array of size M-1 of keys • array of size M of pointers to nodes • The keys are in orders • Choice of M depends on machine architecture and problem. • M is argmax of: • keySize*(M-1) + ptrSize*M <= BlockSize

  46. Example Analysis (all on disk) • Suppose a disk block holds 8,192 bytes. • Suppose each key is 32 bytes, each branch is 4 bytes, and each data record is 256 bytes. • L = 32 (8192/256) • If B-tree has order M, then M-1 keys. • An interior node holds 32M-32 + M*4 =36M-32 bytes. • Largest solution for M is 228.

  47. Splay Trees • Like Splay lists, only probabilistically ordered • Goal: minimize access time • Method: no ordering on insert • Ordering on finds only ( as in splay lists) • Rotating inserted node up, moves node to root but makes tree unbalanced • Instead use double rotations zig-zag and zig-zig • This rebalances tree • Guarantees O(M log N) costs for M operations, ie. Amortized O(log N).

  48. Summary • Depth of tree determines overall costs • Balancing achieved by rotations • AVL trees require 2 passes for insertion/deletions • a pass down to find the point • a pass up to do the corrections • Red-Black and AA trees require 1 pass • B-Trees are uses for accessing information that won’t fit in memory • General: CASE ANALYSIS, separate and conquer

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