1. The Brain The human brain is the site of the major coordination in the nervous system.
2. The Brain
3. Areas of the brain The brain is composed of Cerebral Hemispheres, Cerebellum and Medulla
4. medulla Controls autonomic activities including heart rate, and ventilation rate
Impulse transmitted from medulla via sympathetic or parasympathetic branch of automatic nervous system
5. cerebellum Co-ordination of body movement, balance and posture
6. Highly Folded and so has a large SA.
Patients with injuries to specific parts of the brain can be studied to see how their functions are altered. cerebrum/cerebral hemispheres
7. Different parts of the brain can be stimulated electrically to see which muscles in the body respond
Conversely different parts of the body can be stimulated to see which parts of the brain show electrical activity.
More recently MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) has been used in brain study cerebrum/cerebral hemispheres
9. Areas of the cerebrum
10. The Areas can be split into 3 groups Sensory Areas
Motor Areas
Association Areas
12. cerebrum/cerebral hemispheres
13. Mapping of the sensory & motor areas to the body
14. Sensory & Motor Maps The maps show that regions of the body with many sensory (or motor) neurones have corresponding large areas of the cerebrum linked to them.
So for example the lips occupy a larger region of the sensory cortex than the shoulder, because there are more sensory neurones in the lips.
15. Association Areas Are used to compare sensory input with previous experiences, and make decisions
These areas are involved in speech, understanding and memory retrieval
The frontal lobes are large in humans and it is thought that they responsible for higher functions like abstract thought, personality & emotion.
16. Speech The left side of the brain
Patients with speech problems gave 1st clues about how the brain controls language
1981 Dr Paul Broca described a patient who could only say the word “tan”.
When the patient died Broca examined the brain and found damage to the left cerebral hemisphere
This part of the brain is now know as Broca’s area
17. Broca’s Area
18. Wernicke’s Area In 1967 Karl Wernicke noticed damage to another region of the cortex.
Werniche’s area is connected to Broca’s area by a bundle of nerve fibres.
If this was damaged the patient can understand language but cannot repeat words.
So Werniche’s area is concerned with understanding language. Broca’s area is concerned with controlling the muscles that produce speech
19. Wernicke’s Area
20. Visual Processing The visual sensory area is at the back of the brain & receives sensory input from the optic nerves
The 2 hemispheres see slightly different images from the opposite of the visual field, and differences can be used to judge distance
21. Optic Chiasma
22. Summary Sensory areas – receive input from receptors
Motor areas – Origin of impulses which bring about voluntary movements
These receive/transmit impulses from the opposite side of the body
Association areas – interpret sensory information in the light of experience
23. A close shave