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A brief report on the IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting held in Bucharest, Romania from October 12-14, 2007. The report highlights the various technical activities that took place during the meeting, including conference coordination, educational activities, industry relations, and more.
IEEE R8 Committee Bucharest Meeting, October 12-14, 2007 IEEE R8 TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES BRIEF REPORT (period January 1 to September 30, 2007) Submitted by George Paunović Vice Chair, Technical Activities
GENERAL • The middle part of year 2007 was mainly the period of • intensive TA actions, mostly on the entities level. • The following technical activities for IEEE entities and/or • IEEE members were specifically realized in this period: • Realization of EUROCON 2007 and AFRICON 2007 Conf. • Preparations of 2008 and proposals for 2009 & 2010 R8 Conf. • Further improvement of “Calender of R8 conf.” & formalization • of obtaining R8 technical cosponsorships. • Several investigation reports and realized task forces actions • in the field of EA. • New fresh start in CC, new “Chapter of the year” approach. • Quite a number of ISBIR and IR actions (& requests/reports).
IEEE Region 8 Committee Meeting Bucharest (Romania), 12 October 2007 Chapters Coordination Sub-Committee Report Gérard-André Capolino, CCSC Chair University of Picardie “Jules Verne”, Amiens - France Gerard.Capolino@ieee.org
Composition (1) • Matrix form • 1 chair • 10 division delegates • 5 area delegates (Western E. North, Western E. South, Eastern E., Mid. East, Africa)
Composition (2) • Delegates • D1: Enrico Sangiorgi • D2: Peter Magyar (*) • D3: Zdzislaw Papir (*) • D4: Uwe Bratzler (*) • D5: Reiner Hartenstein • D6: Tariq Durrani (*) • D7: Bruno Meyer (*) • D8: Bernard Courtois (*) • D9: Jan Biemond (*) • D10: Pierre Borne (*) • WE North: Johan Driesen • WE South: Silvano Donati (*) • EE: Maciej Ogorzalek • Africa: Farhat Fnaiech (*) • Mid. E: Said El-Khamy (*)
Stimulate formation of new chapters Encourageorganization of conferences with R8 support Encourage more activities in existing chapters Encourage chapterchair meetings Assist chapters to gain support from their society • Encourage societies to increase interest in R8 chapters Presentation of CCSC activities (1)
Presentation of CCSC activities (2) • Old business • Chapter of the Year Contest 2006 (old form) • Starting the CCSC with its new composition • Involvement of both divisions (new) and regional parts of R8 (past)
Presentation of CCSC activities (3) • New business • Chapter of the Year Contest (new form) • Chapters motivation + Section Chairs motivation • More data from chapters in section reports • Society conferences with R8 sponsorship
Presentation of CCSC activities (4) • Recommendations • Keep your chapters alive (L31) • Provide data in section reports • Do use the DL program • Involve students in chapters • Try to expand (more chapters in R8)
Chapter of the year contest • New form • Be sent to section chairs AND chapter chairs • Two winners each year (small chapter, large chapter) • Deadline for sending back to CCSC chair (January 15, 2008)
Motions (1) Motion 1: Encourage systematic chapter chair meetings in flag IEEE conferences organized in R8
Motions (2) Motion 2: Involvement on a systematic basis interested sections and/or chapters in MoU established for all IEEE conferences organized in R8
R 8 Subcom. Conf. Coord. R8 Conf. Coordinator Francisco Sandoval
Sub-Com. Members • Prof. Gerhard Hancke • Prof. Francisco Sandoval • Prof. Marian Kazmierkovski • Prof. Peter Farkas • Prof. Gerard-Andre Capolino • To be expanded with Dr. Jacob Baal-Schem and Prof. Andrey Fionov.
Meeting agenda Conf. SC • IEEE R8 Conferences are expanding. • Besides SIBIRCON, Ghaleb B. Dandan proposes to seek the IEEE R-8 Conference Coordination Committee technical support to establish a new conference within Middle East countries with the objective of promoting technical knowledge as well as support student activities in these countries (MENACON).
Present and Future Conferences • AFRICON 2007(Windhoek, Namibia) • EUROCON 2007 (Warsaw, Poland) • MELECON 2008(Ajaccio, Corsica, France) • HISTELCON 2008 (Paris, France) • SIBIRCON 2008 (Novosibirsk, Russia) • EUROCON 2009 (Saint Petersburg, Russia) • AFRICON 2009 (Nairoby, Kenia)
Meeting agenda Conf. SC • AFRICON 2007. The 8th IEEE Africon Conference has been successfully held over 26-28 Sept. 2007 in Windhoek, Namibia. • More than 200 accepted technical papers originating from 60 countries, and with some 270 delegates from 35 countries attending; this was definitely the biggest Africon since the first one in Nairobi, 1983. CONGRATULATIONS! • Previous editions of Africon have been presented in Nairobi (1983), Abidjan (1987), Mbabane (1992), Stellenbosch (1996), Cape Town (1999), George (2002), and Gaborone (2004). • The conference was officially opened by the president of the Republic of Namibia, his Excellency Hifikepunye Pohamba. • Economical balance is getting ready.
Meeting agenda Conf. SC • EUROCON 2007 was held on September 9-12th 2007 in Warsaw, Poland. • Over 650 submissions • Homepage with more than 10 000 hits per month • 477 accepted papers • 61 sessions • Presenters from more than 50 countries • 4 tutorial speakers • 5 plenary lectures • More than 100 session chairs • CONGRATULATIONS! • Economical balance is needed
Meeting agenda Conf. SC MELECON 2008 to be held on May 5-7th 2008 in Ajaccio, Corcega, France. • Call for Papers has been launched • Website is ready • Budget proposal has been approved
Meeting agenda Conf. SC 1st edition of the International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SIBIRCON 2008) to be held in Novosobirsk, Russia on July 21-25th 2008: • Call for Papers has been launched • Website is ready • Budget proposal has been approved
Meeting agenda Conf. SC 1st edition of IEEE History of Electrotechnology Conference (HISTELCON 2008), to be held in Paris, France, on September 11-12th 2008: • Call for Papers has been launched. • Website is under construction. • Budget is getting ready. • This conference has requested special funding from IEEE Foundation.
Meeting agenda Conf. SC EUROCON 2009 is to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on May 18-23rd 2009, and is to be devoted to 150 Anniversary of Alexander Popov: • Call for Papers and Website are in preparation. • Budget proposal has been approved.
Meeting agenda Conf. SC AFRICON 2009 : • AFRICON 2009 was approved in Belgrade IEEE R8 Meeting to be held in Nairobi Kenya, September 22-25th 2009, and will be organized by South Africa Section and Kenya Section. • Call for papers and website are under construction.
Meeting agenda Conf. SC Dr. Rolf Remshardt presented some considerations in order to increase and improve the Cooperation between Conference Coordination and Membership Development Subcommitteesin Membership Development at Conferences.
Motion Conference Coordination Sub-Committee • MOTION 1:Recommends acceptance of proposal by Russia Northwest IEEE Section to hold EUROCON 2009, on May 18-23, 2009, in Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA. • MOTION 2:Recommends acceptance of proposal by Russia Siberia Section to hold the First IEEE Siberian Electrotechnical Conference (SIBIRCON), on July 21-25th 2008, in Novosibirsk (Russia), and recommends financial support of $6,000 to the SIBIRCON 2008 Conference Organising Committee.
IEEE R8 Calendar • About 40 new events have been added to the IEEE R8 Calendar. • 5 IEEE R8 Technical Co-Sponsorships have been approved.
Other activities • Francisco Sandoval has attended the Panel of Conference Organizers (POCO), in Vancouver (Canada) on July 12-15th 2007. The theme was: Building a Global Conference Business. • Looking for candidates for organizing Eurocon 2011, Melecon 2010, Africon 2011, Sibircon 2010.
Report of the Region 8Educational Activities Sub-Committee(EASC)Bucharest, October 2007 Charles Turner (Chair) Victor Fouad Hanna Matej Zajc
2007 EASC Task Forces Accreditation Activities (Duncan Baker, Victor Fouad Hanna, Said El-Khamy) Continuing Education (Jacob Baal-Schem, Jozef Modelski, Baldomir Zajc, Matej Zajc) Pre-University Activities (Kristinn Andersson, Magaretha Eriksson, Peter Hill, Okyay Kaynak,Sean McLoone, Charles Turner)
Accreditation (VFH) Three distinct zones identified: • (1) Europe, including Russia. Most countries (29) are members of FEANI, which is the lead organisation in certifying national accreditation systems. • (2) Middle East and (3) Africa. Further study of current practice in these countries is being conducted.
Continuing Education (MZ) The EASC focus is on the updating and developing of members’ technical skills. • IEEE ExpertNowas a new and exciting opportunity for expanding CEd activities in Region 8. • Over 70 modules available: (www.ieee.org/web/education) Free offer for Sections, Chapters, etc. to use ExpertNowmodules before December 31st.
Pre-University Activities 1 (CT) TryEngineering.org will include more content suitable for Region 8 in future. It already includes material in 7 languages of interest to students from 8 to 18, parents, teachers and employers. The website currently gets over 100,000 hits each month.
Pre-University Activities 2 (CT) Munich Summit, November 9.–11. 2007, on ‘Meeting the Growing Demand for Engineers and their Educators 2010-2020’. EASC is actively involved in the planning and organisation of this conference.
EASC 2007 Goals and Achievements • Goal: Compilation of a comprehensive database of accreditation agencies in the countries of Region 8. This will provide links to virtually all engineering programs offered by universities in Region 8. • Status: Database for Europe and Russia to be completed by December 31st 2007. Middle East and Africa present a more complex challenge and will not be available until 2008.
EASC plans for 2008 Achieve greater involvement by Sections, Chapters, etc., in educational activities, especially in pre-university activities and promoting the use of ExpertNow. All Sections to appoint Education officers and to form Chapters of the IEEE Education Society. Recruit Sections in the Middle East and Africa to help EASC complete the database of accreditation systems and engineering programs.
EASC R8 1. Accreditation Activities 2. Continuing Education 3. Pre-University Activities www.ieee.org/r8 Home > Technical Activities > Educational Activities
IRSC Report: 89th Committee meeting Bucharest 13-14 October 2007 IEEE R8 Industry Relations Activities Report Prepared by Rami Al-Mushcab, R8 IRC
Goal for 2007/2008 Obtain tangible results from R8 Industry Relations activities by capitalizing on previous IRSC work
2007 Major Accomplishments (1) 1)Created a Steering Committee to Support IEEE Student Branches Industry Relations (ISBIR) Program: - George Paunovic, Vice Chair of Technical Activities - Marko Delimar, Vice Chair of Membership Activities - Pilar Molina Gaudo, Chair of R8 GOLD Sub-Committee - Rami Mushcab, Chair of R8 Industry Relations - Ferhan Ozkan, Chair of ISBIR Implementation Taskforce ISBIR Accomplishments will be presented by ISBIR Team
2007 Major Accomplishments (2) • Activities with Region 8 IROs & Section Chairs: • Disseminated draft MoU with local industry • Requested an implementation plan and status update on the following actions: • MoU agreements with National and Sister Societies • MoU agreements with local large industry/companies • Industry Affinity Groups (IAG) within Sections • Industry Awards • Visits to Industry Results:OnlyTurki Section provided an update on their activities, and 4 other sections (Oman, Germany, Croatia, Bosnia&Herc and Norway) provided an action plan to implement these activities.
2007 Major Accomplishments (3) • Developed a measurement tool for industry growth in R8 • Report is posted on R8 Website. Results: • A semi-balance exists between Industry and Academic categories among regular IEEE members in R8. • The percentage of students to total IEEE members is lower in Europe area when compared to other two areas (Middle East & Africa). Actions • Focus should be in strengthening Industry-Academic relationship to maintain this balance • Action to attract more members in Africa & Middle East and forming new sections.
2007 Major Accomplishments (4) 5) Developed a draft MoU agreement with Motorola and it is now being reviewed by Motorola management to cover IEEE R8. 6) Collaboration with Industry Application Society IAS • Industry DLs Program • Industry Sessions/Tracks at R8 Conferences • EUROCON2007
Industry Track @ 4th IEEE-GCCConference, November 12-14, 2007 NGN: Implementation Challenges Applications Supporting Oil & Gas Mr. Mervyn Kelly, Nortel Networks, Europe Mr. Issam Karkoutli, INOVx Solutions, USA Niren Choudhury, Alcatel-Lucent, Egypt Jouni Olavi Paavonen, FF-Automation, Finland Frank Tuhus, Cisco Systems, Norway Mohammed Al-Jaroudi, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia International Standards Power Electronics & Best Practices Dr. Yervant Zorian, Virage Logic, USA Peter Magyar, Hella KGaA Hueck & Co., Germany. Turhan Muluk, Intel, USA Terence Hazel, Schneider Electric France Panel Discussion Coordinated by: Michael Elsayed. Saudi Aramco Marty Cole, Hubbell Canada LP, Canada
2007 Major Accomplishments 7) Motion to develop a plan for establishing an energy group in R8 (Champion: Ghaleb Al-Dandan): Jointly with IAS Chapter of Saudi Section, completed a preliminary planand identified team members: Russia Dmitry Vavilov Norway Inge Bent Kindem Jan Ove Gjerde Nigeria Engr. Isaac Adekanye Kuwait Ahmad Mershed Saudi Arabia Ghaleb AL-Dandan Rami Mushcab France Gerard-Andre Capolino Marie-Pierre Bongrain Qatar Tarek Masoud The final plan will be completed by December 2007 and presented in April 2008 R8 meeting.