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Conforming Changes to ISO New England Manuals for Net Compensation Payments

Review and eliminate M-29 manual, make necessary changes for Net Commitment Period Compensation payments, and update other manuals. Details of M-29 removal and manual revisions explained. Proposed stakeholder schedule included.

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Conforming Changes to ISO New England Manuals for Net Compensation Payments

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  1. October 8, 2014 | NEPOOL markets committee Jay Dwyer ISO New England Conforming Changes to Manuals for Net Commitment Period Compensation Payments Tariff Changes, associated clean-up, and elimination of M-29 Conforming Manual Changes for NCPC Payments

  2. Notes on M-29 Elimination • In the course of reviewing M-29 for NCPC payments revisions, the ISO noted that all of what M-29 does is done elsewhere: • The summary of invoice is done more accurately and is updated more frequently in the Billing Job Aids on the ISO website; and • RBA is fully covered in the Tariff and M-28. • M-29’s Summary of Invoice section requires significant revision to reflect the new NCPC types. • M-29 has little or nothing to do with Market Participant actions.

  3. Manual Changes The Manual changes other than elimination of M-29 are to: • Conform the Manual language to the new NCPC provisions in the Tariff; • Correct errors and make clean-up changes; All these changes are summarized in the following slides

  4. M-11 NCPC Revisions (1 of 2)

  5. M-11 NCPC Revisions (2 of 2)

  6. M-35 Revisions (1 of 8) • Several revisions to M-35 not related to NCPC or Offer Flexibility were added here.

  7. M-35 Revisions (2 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  8. M-35 Revisions (3 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  9. M-35 Revisions (4 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  10. M-35 Revisions (5 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  11. M-35 Revisions (6 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  12. M-35 Revisions (7 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  13. M-35 Revisions (8 of 8) • Revisions (cont.)

  14. M-20 Revisions for NCPC • Section 2.5 Line 5 (Section III.13.5.3) Change designation time for Supplemental Capacity Resources to refer to Tariff Section; • Defined term Operating Day should be capitalized (Clean-up change).

  15. M-28 Revisions for NCPC • In addition to revisions to Sections 6.1, 8.1 and 8.2 made as part of the Energy Market Offer Flexibility revisions, the new defined term “Block” replaces “block” throughout the document.

  16. M-RPA Revision for NCPC • In Section, replace “notification period” with “Demand Resource Notification Time” to reflect revision in Section III. made in the Conforming Tariff changes for EMOF and NCPC.

  17. M-36 Revision for NCPC • Section 3.1: Revise the deadline for designating Forward Reserve Resources to “as provided under Market Rule 1 Section III.9.5.1”.

  18. Proposed Stakeholder Schedule • August 5-6, 2014 MC Meeting: Presentation and discussion of proposed revisions and red-lined manuals; • Today: Discussion and MC Vote on Manuals; • November: Participants Committee Vote; • December 3, 2014 effective date (to match Tariff provisions).

  19. Questions, comments and concerns

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